
Time in the theater- Part 3

When the door to her room shut close, Vivian's back hit on the bed with a poof on her blanket. She stared up at the ceiling which was painted white. Leonard had riled her up first and just before he could give her the treat he had taken it back to only deny her. Deep down in her mind, she felt agitated. She had come to be so used to Leonard kissing her that it turned nothing less to a drug.

Moving out of the bed, she began making her bed without waiting for a maid to come and get it fixed. Pulling the blanket, she muttered under breath, "Stupid, Leo!"

When she turned around she caught sight of Jan who stood at her door.

"Master Leonard is asking if you would be joining him for breakfast."

She nodded her head, "Yes," did he hear her calling Leo stupid?

"You can leave the bed, Ms Vivian. I will have the maid fix it. If you go to the dining room," he stood waiting at the door.

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