
Chapter 287: That strange fellow!

The Emperor and Empress Dowager were actually floating high up above their palace all these while, observing each corner of the square for any suspicious person.

"How was it, did you manage to find anyone hiding yet?" the Empress turned her sights towards her husband that was still scanning the surroundings.

The Emperor shook his head, "No. Other than a few experts that protects their envoy from the shadow and some important figures, I don't see anyone really suspicious.." he replied.

"This is really frustrating! How are we not able to find out who the perpetrator are despite using everything in our disposal?!" the Empress gritted her teeth tightly.

She was infuriated that someone dared to scheme against the Jiu Empire, but they were still not able to find any leads towards the person responsible.

The Emperor sighed helplessly after scanning a few more times, "There is nothing we can do now. Let's just hope that all the preparations we put in for today will be enough to handle any unforseen circumstances."

"Hmph! I don't believe in miracles! But this is all on you if anything were to happen to our empire! To think that you would be handing the empire over to a mere brat.. you are really asking for a beating!" the Empress replied with an exasperated expression, her face all red from the pent up anger.

"C-Calm down.. I also would like to explain things to you, but this matter is not as simple as you might think! Besides, we are not handing over the empire to him, as I've told you before, he is not interested in that!" the Emperor explained quickly, afraid that his wife would not be able to control her temper.

"The same kind of excuses again! Yeah, you told me the empire borrowed his money or whatnot to accelerate growth of the empire. As if I would believe that!" She harrumphed.

"Even if that was indeed the case, you don't have to go to the extent of making him the Imperial Overseer! Money can be repaid!" She added as her glare intensified.

"Sigh..." The Emperor face palmed himself.

Dealing with a woman can sometimes be troublesome..

"Okay, I promise that you will soon learn the reason behind my actions after today. Just know that I did all these is in order to protect the Jiu Empire! Nothing more, nothing less!" he finally relented.

Hearing this as well as the mention of the promise, the Empress slowly began to settle down from her rage. "That better be the case!"

"Good, so don't be mad anymore Yu Yan.. otherwise, your beautiful face will only get more wrinkles..." The Emperor said before he widened his eyes, realizing that he just slipped some sinful words, shutting his mouth immediately with his hands.

"Ah? What was that?!" the Empress shot a murderous glare towards him.

Cough! Cough!

"I-It's nothing! Oh look, its already this late, we need to descend now and sit on our throne.. can't let the people be waiting for too long right?.. haha..." the Emperor then quickly flew down.

"Hmph..." the Empress harrumphed as she saw her husband running away from her. Slowly, a smile formed on her lips, transforming her previous cold demeanor into a divine beauty!

"I trust you..." she said in a small voice before descending down as well.


The crowd kneeled as they looked at the two majestic silhouette descending down to the top of the platform with an indifferent expression with hands clasped behind their back. Their aura of royalty was domineering and hair raising! Not only that, they radiated out pressurizing glare that made no one dared to speak or even breath too loudly!

The Emperor wore golden robe with many complex depictions of the past sewn onto it, while the Empress wore a similar golden silk robe that seemed to acentuate her beauty!

"We greet your Majesty and her Highness!"

One has to know that the members of the royal family was extremely out of reach for the normal citizens to even get a glance of, what more of being able to see the figures of the Emperor and Empress personally like this, everyone felt like they were inside a dream!

Those who were skeptical about the authority of the Emperor before quickly threw those thoughts far away from their mind, they wanted to cry and slap themselves for doubting their Emperor! Guilt and shame overwhelm them from the very depths of their hearts!

In fact, the foreign envoy was thoroughly shocked as well. They had never thought that both the Emperor and Empress of the small empire could be so overbearing in both their disposition and cultivation realm. At best, they previously thought that the two of them would be like those small Lords in their empire in charge of some small regions, but now that they were in their presence, it felt no different than meeting the Emperor and Empress of their own empire!

This made them even more puzzled.

How did such a formidable royal family like this willingly submit themselves to the ruling of an Imperial Overseer?

After all, they were not blind and could see that both the cultivation realm of the Emperor and Empress were beyond what they could perceive. This meant that the two of them were at least Nascent Soul realm experts!

When both the Emperor and Empress finally sat down on their throne, Emperor Jiu Xian Ping commanded them with a deep voice


Everyone then stood tall and organized with a proud look on their face. They were finally able to clearly see the faces of their Emperor and Empress! Some of the common citizens were even so excited to the point that tears streamed down their cheeks as their face flushed red in agitation!

To them, being able to see the face of their ruler was like a blessings from the heavens!

"I am sure that everyone knows the reason as to why I gathered you all here today." the Emperor began his speech slowly. However, his voice seemed to be able to permeate the entire square as well as the streets beyond them! Reverberating through each nook and cranny. It felt like the Emperor was speaking directly beside their ear and this mysterious feeling had the crowd feeling honored.

"I am also sure that some of you are confused as to the suddenness of today's event."

Silence still ensued among the people, but some of them could be seen nodding to the Emperor's words.

"However, it has come to my attention that false rumors regarding the instability of our empire were spread by groups of irresponsible people. Make no mistake, as there are no such thing happening right now."

Hearing this, the crowd turned to each other and happy expression appeared on their face. Their previous worries about civil war potentially erupting in their empire slowly began to disperse from their minds.

"Silence! His Majesty is not finished!" Supreme Knight Fei Jin Fang bellowed out, causing the ground to vibrate and the air to seethe concurrently.


The crowd immediately stopped talking and their face was pale. That bellow felt like it was their ancestor scolding them for doing something foolish!

"The perpetrators for trying to cause public pandemonium and anarchy will be found, and their entire family will be executed. Conspirators will face the same punishment."

This last sentence from the Emperor shook everyone including the Empress. She furrowed her brows slightly.

Since when has my husband become this ruthless?

As far as she knows, although her husband was quite overbearing to others, he was not this vicious!

However, the next line spoken by her husband had her smiling slightly. She understood his intentions.

"But, if those responsible were to come out now and acknowledge their mistake, then their family will be spared. As for those who are willing to point out the culprit, the royal family will gift them one hundred High quality spirit stones. I will give them ten breaths of time to reveal themselves before continuing on the ceremony today."

Hearing the amount of the prize, almost everyone in the square widened their eyes as their mind almost exploded!

100 High quality spirit stones would be enough to start anything ambitious! Even spending lavishly everyday would be possible!

The crowd turned to each other and stared as if they had opened their third eye, looking at everyone around them suspiciously.

Seeing this, the Emperor then continued, "Of course, if anyone dared to falsify their facts before me, then they will die as well."


The crowd once more sucked in cold breath. They no longer had any shrewd thoughts of trying to frame their enemy and people they hate as the conspirators or perpetrators.

After all, what use was a 100 High Quality spirit stones when they will have to die immediately after?

Liu Sheng Juan and Liu Sheng Duhai was standing next to each other.

"Little Brother, is this your idea?" Liu Sheng Duhai asked while smiling.

"So what if it is?" Liu Sheng Juan replied coldly.

Although they were brothers and were related by blood, they had some history way back in the Liu Empire.

Liu Sheng Duhai could only chuckle upon such a response before saying, "I don't think it is a good idea. What if the perpetrator was someone from another empire and had status?"

"I don't need to explain those to you since you already know anyway." Liu Sheng Juan replied.

"..." Liu Sheng Duhai went silent for a while.

"Maybe you are right.."


Duan Li that was within the masses along with Bai Li and Zhang Liao were similarly bewildered, this was especially the case for both the latter. In their opinion, what the Emperor just stated before was careless and could potentially cause conflict. However, this was not their empire so, they could only shook their head and sigh inwardly.

At this moment, Duan Li was squinting his eyes, looking high up above the sky.

"What is up with that fellow? Is he not afraid of being beheaded for daring to float in the sky right now?"


I'll give you guys extra chap tomorrow! ;) Enjoy and thanks for reading! ;)

_Ram_creators' thoughts
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