
Heng Heng Heng

Penulis: Moggu
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My physics fanatic grandpa made a new invention again! And of course, I will obediently be the first victim. Oh wait, what! I time traveled? Cool! Let's have some fun! Viewers this is my first time writing so please don't be too harsh to me! :) English is not my first language so feel free to tell me if I make a mistake somewhere. so Heng Heng Heng we go!

Chapter 1Chapter 1

"Heng gege, it's almost lunch time. Mother is waiting for you." Said by a child voice who keep pulling my clothes to help me get up. Knowing that she cannot make more excuse, she reluctantly sit up before pulling the little figure to her embrace. "Jiu Mei aa, it's still so early. I am still sleepy. Let me sleep a bit longer alright?"

"No you cannot! We are going for sightseeing remember?"

Sigh, she forget this little bun can be stubborn sometimes. I unwillingly being pulled by the little bun, "Heng gege, mother has prepare new clothes for you to wear. You old clothes is too unique she said, you cannot wear that to outside." Slowly nodding my head, I took the clothes from the maid and shoo them away so I can change.

It has been a month since I time traveled to this era. My grandpa, who is a physics fanatic use me for one of his experiment. I recall him kicking me into a metal box while laughing and as soon as I snapped out from my shocked, I got a big headache which draw me unconscious. When I woke up, I was deserted on the mountain by myself! Good grandpa indeed.

Fortunately, I was trained to live in the wilderness as part of special force making me easily adapt to it and start exploring the mountain to find my way out. I was glad when I see my camping bag containing survival kit; my dagger and a high quality black bow from grandpa's collection, first aid kit, camping kit and some emergency food. This grandpa really, I don't know if I should keep cursing on him or should I praise him for the thought.

Two days ago, I finally managed to explore pretty much the whole mountain and was coincidentally close by the road to start finding out where the heck I am right now when I see a carriage being surrounded by 5 black robes men.

Originally, I was planning to hide and observe as I had no idea what the actual situation is but when I saw there are only three females and one little kid left alive my heart softened. It's always be a rule for me to save the weak especially female so unconsciously I moved forward to the carriage.

Slowly, I moved to the high tree and took three poisoned arrows I created couple days ago from my pocket and aim towards the three who are in my sight.


Straight to the chest! 3-0! Heng won!

"Who!!" Said by one the two man who were still alive. One of the black man was approaching closer to the tree where she stands before trying to find her. But how could she stays in the same place? Tsk tsk tsk.

Stealthy, I move towards his back.

SNAP! I twisted his neck and close his mouth so he won't make a sound.

4-0! One more to go!

While playing dagger in my right hand, I slowly move towards the carriage making myself visible to the last man who has been guarding himself up,"Sigh, I don't want to involve myself in the beginning but you, tsk tsk tsk. Shameful, really shameful!"

The last man standing was so astonished seeing a petite figure popping out from the forest. The face is covered with a cloth thicker than a veil (it's a mask darling) and the clothes the man wear look too foreign for him to identify his background. "Who are you?"

Chuckled, I confidently move step by step closer to the man, "There is no point of telling my name to a death person." With few steps, I move towards the man and slash his neck instantly.

After making sure all the men died, I told the ladies to leave before more bad men come harassing them before I slowly move back to the forest thinking what to eat for lunch.

"Wait!" I stopped my steps hearing the sound from the lady who has been hugging the little kid in her embrace. "This.. Thank you for saving us."

I waved my right hand nonchalantly while smiling to the lady, "I was just passing by so no need feeling too grateful about it. You should really leave this area, it is not safe with only females in this area."

"This…" The lady seems hesitant but by the end bravely ask, "Can you help us one more time?"


"Our carriage is broken and we need to walk back to the city. As you just said, it is not safe for us to walk by ourselves and we would like to ask you to accompany us to the capital city gates." Said the lady humbly.

She knows that what the lady said is true, the wheels are broken apart and none of the horses still in the area. I raise my eyebrows, "You should not trust people easily.. I might be as dangerous as those guys you know."

The lady warmly smiled hearing my sentence making me helplessness shook my head, "Alright. Lead the way mmm how should I call you?" This lady should be in her mid 30s, her bearing is so elegant so she does not want to brazenly call her with hey or hey you.

"I am Feng Jiu and this is my daughter, Liu Mei. Those two are our maids, call them Xiao Mi and Xiao Mu" Said Feng Jiu while letting her daughter out from her embrace who slowly smiled to her.

I smiled seeing Liu Mei smiled to me, "Call me Heng. Can you lead the way? I don't know which way is to the city."

Feng Jiu looks surprised hearing it. There is only one path and either it goes to temple or it goes to the capital city so it is rare to hear someone saying it.

Noticing her surprised face, I laugh sheepishly, "Actually I had no idea where this is, I finally managed to get out from the mountain when I saw you in trouble." Suddenly, there was a grumbling sound coming from Jiu Mei which made me laugh merrily, I grab a pack of TUC cheese crackers and my water bottle before moving towards Jiu Mei, "I don't have much food to share. Once we find better place to rest, I will hunt for some food to cook. If you trust me, eat this first so you will have enough energy to walk."

Feng Jiu only gratefully smile and she gently nudge Liu Mei hinting her to say her gratitude. The little bun slowly bow her head and said, "Jiu Mei thank Heng gege."

Gege! I am a legit lady aaa! T_T Then I realized the way they dress is like ancient time! It hits me that I actually time traveled. I cursed my grandpa again and again in my mind. Why not to the future? As far as she remember all the books and novels she read, life in the old times is not convenient a~!

"Heng gege?" That question made me snapped out from my daze. I took off my mask before I smiled and rubbed Jiu Mei head, "Eat a lot! You need to grow faster little bun."

Jiu Mei looks around 9/10 years old but her behavior is much more mature than her younger brother who is currently 15 years old. Tsk, I hope grandpa will do the same to my brother so he can get mature faster.

Jiu Mei dozed a bit before saying: "Heng gege, you are so beautiful!" Feng Jiu afraid of offending Heng quickly close Jiu Mei's mouth before apologizing to Heng. On the Heng's side, she actually does not feel offended with it as she is genuinely a woman so who dislike compliment? So she only giggle hearing it then quickly tear the crackers cover away before giving it to Jiu Mei. Astonishment can be seen in all four faces which made me chuckled. I don't know how to explain this so I will just pretend I don't see it.

"If we walk a bit further there should be river nearby. We can take a rest and have some food there before moving again." Seeing their exhausted face and Jiu Mei's sleepy face after walking for two hours, I impulsively hold Jiu Mei in my embrace and pat her head before telling her to sleep. The two maids panic seeing this but Feng Jiu stop them with her gaze.

As predicted, there was a tiny river after walking for another 10 minutes. After observing the location, I told them the area where they should sit and hand over Jiu Mei to Xiao Mi before departing back to the forest looking for food.

"Fu Ren, we don't know the person background. We should not trust him yet." Xiao Mu worriedly saying this once they cannot see Heng's figure anymore.

"Even if we don't now we have to. Besides, with his skills he can easily kill us long time ago and we will not be able to survive by ourselves in this wilderness." Feng Jiu said before she sighed deeply. She supposed to go to temple today to pray for her son safety. The war between Ming and Qing kingdom has started and she cannot feel reassure hence why she bring her daughter to pray in the temple.

Who knows half way to the temple there was an ambushed, all her guards have sacrificed their lives but with the disparity of skills there were still five left who managed to catch up with carriage. She already lost all her hope until Heng arrive and saved them. She feels really grateful about it otherwise how could they leisurely rest like this.

It is true that it's difficult to trust a stranger but she does not feel any hostility from Heng and it seems that he does not even know who they are. Looking at the area, they should be able to reach the city gate before the sun sets. "Forget about that, let's take a good rest as we still have long way to go."

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