
The Rise and Fall

Rigar was so close to success he could almost taste it. Assassination is not an easy job to do, and it was very taxing on his body. But he'll he didn't train for years for nothing. " hey, Rigar! Mind helping me out!" a voice from a nearby stall on the roadside. Dave was a bread seller. Not much, but he had a special way of putting the cream inside it, which was hard in a world that was more focused on ascending the limits rather than the comfort of its people. Looked like Dave was closing up. "sure if I get a bun for it!" shouted Rigar as he walked towards Dave. "Haha, you know it. You cured my son. Of course, I'll keep a bun for you" have said happily. "Dave I told you anyone would've done the same. " After helping Dave pack up, he continued on to his house.

His old house was in a peculiar place. Far away from the actual town and closer to the city than most people think, it was almost a safe zone between the capital and death forest. Arriving at an old house, it looked ages old and clearly unkempt. The walls had holes in them and the elements had clearly done its work. The walls encircling it had all but fallen down, staying strong after what has to be at least 16 years. He barely remembered some bits of it. The old gate was rusted and destroyed, which looked quite odd. If you pay attention you can see some gate pieces had landed inside, and along with the shoddy remains of a once sturdy stone wall, after moving the lush vines that hid it, you would see burn marks. stepping through the gate, he saw his old family estate. He walked up the front stairs, as they creaked under his bodily weight. Grabbing the door to slide it open it crumbled to dust, evident to what time had done here. He stepped through the doors and smelt a damp moldy smell. Making his way through the seemingly endless corridors of his old family house, he finally made it to the backyard. He had made only one stop on his way there. A visit to the family storage area. Everything inside had been looted. Or so they had thought. Little did they know that it contained the secret to his demise. Finally arriving in the backyard he found that besides the old withered grass, was three Tombstones. They look like that had been created by a child, which they had. On them marked in the language of kirsi, were the words Mother, Father, and Eldest brother. Kneeling before the graves, Rigar said out loud, " My family, today is the day I will avenge you. I will kill the man responsible for your death. And after that...." he trailed off for a second before speaking again but much softer. "...just be sure to welcome me in the Garden." standing up, he died the tears from his eyes that threatened to fall. Pulling out what he had stopped for, Rigar inspected the tiny golden blade in his hand. "this is it huh. Who would've guessed?" he said? His reply was a slow clap from behind him. Turning around quickly and pulling out a sword just as fast from his spatial storage, Rigar's face turned into a shocked expression.

" Yes indeed. I would've never thought of it. Thank you for finding it for me." said a hooded figure in all black. "Who are you!" Rigar questioned, raising his blade. Stepping forward, the hooded figure said, "aww forget me already? here." said the man who had just removed his hood. "You!"

Rigar's voice oozed venom and rage. "Yes dearest Rigar, it's me." said keyzar evilly

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