
A new sunrise

A new sunrise

Name: Ian Reinmaker (lv.17)

Lv.3 Mid class noble

Reputaion: 40 (well known and respected around yours and certain provinces + 15 For Toroch Provinces and allies)

STR: 37 + 5

CON: 33+ 5

DEF: 40 + 20

INT: 29 + 1

CHR: 40 + 10

WIS: 24+ 1

WILL: 29 + 5

PER:34+ 2

LCK: 47 + 5

Skills: Tier 12 soldiering ,tier 8 archery , tier 8 cavalry , basic smiting 5, Good diplomacy Good management.

Cheat ON: Bronze Skin, Scholar, Golden tongue , Manager , The calm the focus, Double ganger, Task master.

Bronze skin : heals quickly

Scholar: Learns quickly

Golden tounge: Persuasive

Manager : Management

The Calm the focus :During battles you will be calm and focus

Double ganger: Copy the object you are holding)

Molder: Transform objects (Was mold objects)

Drill master: Subordinates bonuses and buff when Training.

Equiptment: low noble Breast plate III, Low noble boots III, Low noble spear III , Low noble sword III, low Composite bow III.

Inventory: Gaming equipment , files , Quest rewards 2.

A camp somewhere in an outlying city of Rouguat..

"NO!" He retreated, I wanted to play with that boy!, A tall slender woman was almost to a point of tears.

"YOU! MADE HIM RETREAT MOTHER!" A woman wit a shoulder injury yelled.

"BOTH OF YOU DID IT!" A woman full of bandages yelled at the two.

"SHUT UP!, YOU WERE PART OF IT!" Both simultaneously yelled at her.

Ian pov:

On the way home I decided to unlock the quest rewards, since the game is one of the hardest game in the country the quest rewards does not give plenty of good rewards, just a survival kits but you wouldn't know, there is a ration of one out of three hundred for a lucky strike. I wonder if I can get so lucky again " ACHOOO!".

System notification

Quest reward 1:

"Blood of the fallen"(any soldiers that drink this will will have a level boost ). "Yes I though!" but It was only one , now the other one.

Quest reward 2:

Quest Item :"Banner of the frenzy" (Let a trusted aid carry this banner ,once it is activated, soldiers will go on a killing frenzy without tiring).

Another lucky pick, someone must be watching over me.

After the battle, most of my units have become level ten and the lucky ones level twelve. I can compete with any high class nobles as long as I have enough soldiers to fight for me , I felt a satisfaction rose up from my gut "It will my our time soon" I began to day dream. As soon as we got close town I saw a massive construction , I had a look of bewilderment on my face as there were massive amount of houses being build outside of it "what is going on I though", then the people rush towards us like before , carrying bread, water wine and helping the wounded. I saw the woman medicus that helped my father and I waved her over "Hello my lady, can I ask you why there are so many people around the agropolis and what of the houses". She bowed and explained to me that my deeds have been spread far and wide as we walked towards back to the agropolis and separated from the main army. As she talked I could not remove my eyes from her rosy lips and I started to blush ,what am I thinking I though it was probably "Battle fatigue, yes battle fatigue". I asked for her name and it was Rose and her family have been the meducus of my family for generation, no wonder she could directly move in and out of my fathers tent. I thank her and proceeded towards the town, where my family were waiting , standing in the entrance, but one person was missing "my uncle".

Father, mother ,sister I am home I smiled and they smiled back at me, they welcomed me with open arms and tried to bring me home but alas, I needed to have my troops settle down and set up this new settlement of people. I told them I would meet them back at the house and off I go to the barracks to distribute rewards and merits then first, I called a captain over outside the settlement where people came out to watch the rewards and merits ceremony. They handed me the names and I started calling them one by one, what got my attention the most was that this two Elise and Ryani names had the most merits and they were my best fighters so I decide to call them last. " You all have done a amazing job out there, I am so proud to call you my soldier, my companion my people." we will not split the spoils according the articles of battle, I will let you keep half of it to show my gratitude plus everyone will get a bonus of one gold coins and four silver coins as for the dead their families will get three gold coins and one silver coins, let no one say I do not care about my people, I will also have everyone a pay raise of 1 silver coin each". " I put my hand up before they could celebrate " I am also expanding the military" I looked towards the bystanders, it will be 2 silver coins still but there will be a one single coin sign up bonus and it will be creating a bigger army so there will be new positions open for everyone , I turned around back towards my soldiers" murmurs started spreading. "Without further ado, let the ceremony begin, my captains and sergeants carried a table some chairs and some chest towards my direction. " I will call your names, please step ahead two by two", I instructed them.

Finally the I called the last two names "Elise prespi and Ryani Terni" , as the two last names they seem to be the most eager. "For your outstanding performance I reward you with five gold coins" , The look on their faces seems like they could hardly believe what I was saying. I grabbed their hands and personally place the coins onto them, "Before you leave, I want you two to be prepared, I am thinking of promoting you once we reorganize the new army" I smiled at both of them and Dismissed them. I finally turned towards the ground " The new recruitment gathering will be three days from now in the army fort, If you are willing please come and stop by, Me or Women we do not discriminate here as long as you can fight", I called the captains over an instructed them to let the soldiers have a three day leave and except for a minor force that needed to keep the agropolis and the new settlements safety and also have a banquet provided to our exhausted for, after that I turned and left.

I got back into our house and it wa bustling with activity, there were preparing for a feast for my return. "Auntie Claudia was there too, she is Uncle Derrek wife and that surprise me. That woman has never liked being married to such a fallen nobility such as ours and now she is here, I wonder what she wants. "Well if it isn't Ain" she looked at me , I have hears all your accomplishments from everywhere she provokingly looked at me. "Can I ask where did you get such a financial backing to creat such a sizable army and to give massive rewards to boot" . So that was it, she has always been a sly one but I decided to ignore her question and asked where my uncle is. "The Drakks have summoned your uncle, this is all your fault I hears, if something happens tto this family "You are the one to blame". I grabbed her shoulder " I am the young master of this house, never forget that" Now it was my turn to look at her provokingly. As she tried to say something I walked pass her not caring what she though.

Ryani Terni Pov:

Reinmakers army fort:

I have never seen so many gold coins at hand before, my family were just a family of hunters. Hunting and scavenging, selling spare meat and fur to merchants or trading with other people. Who would have though that my skill in hunting can make me become such a good soldier, I like the spear but i would like to ride with the horse archers. I am pretty decent with the bow but I have never ridden and shot my bow before, I found it very appealing and maybe after I retired if I learn how to do that I can pass it on to my village. As for the battle and soldiering I have decided to pass what I learned to my family and specially just my family, If soldering can make a person rich then my family will find this profession very likable. As I was lost in though I heard a voice call be hind me "Hey pretty lady what are you doing" It was Calun, he was a farmer but he is pretty handy with sword. "Nothing just preparing to take a bath , getting ready for the festival ". I was about to invite him but I saw how clean he already look, "I already took one he replied, me and Elise have been waiting for you the banquet is about to begin, hurry up before I eat your share". I kicked him in the shins "Fatty, you better not!" I did a pouty face and pointed at it, this is what your face is gonna look like if you eat my share." he slowly backed away with both arms raised "okay, okay just hurry up. As Calun slowly left, I began to appreciate the fact that I had comrades like him that could make me smile and talk to, life was different now not like before.

Please if you are reading this novel I would like a feed back on how I am doing , please do not be reserve for I can handle the criticism. I hope to deliver a more quality story-line and writing to all those readers that are enjoying this novel,I would like to thank you all again for giving this novel a chance and I hope I can improve and meet your expectations.

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