
They are back

It had been almost a week and Madel's friends had not completed their mission yet. It must have been a very hard mission. She had been missing them so much. The whole week of their absence made her realize that her life was very pitiful before she met them. At first being alone did not bothered her. But now, there was a bitter feeling in her chest. She decided to visit the apothecary department per usual to deliver flowers for Tristan.

Because of the absence of her friends, the only safe way towards the apothecary department from the centree passes on a garden where Kyline and her friends use to stay. She inhaled deeply. It was a safer way compared to the territory of Dayle and Fen.

"Oh, it's that useless trash again." Kyline said as she saw Madel approaching.

Madel bowed her head and did not look at the demeaning gazes of Kyline's friends.

"Hey, useless piece of trash, haven't I told you not to pass here! This is my territory. I don't want it to be stained by poor and ambitious people like you" Kyline scoffed.

Madel continued to walk as if she did not hear her. In her annoyance. Kyline stood up and blocked her way.

"Were do you think you're going?"

Madel did not reply.

Kyline gritted her teeth in annoyance.

"Even servants know how to respond when asked, but this one is simply uneducated to know what is proper and what is not."

Madel did not replied. She simply walked past her which made her even annoyed.

In her anger, she grabbed Madel's arms and threw her on the ground.

"You just entered the campus and you already think you are one of us? Listen useless trash and don't make me repeat myself. I do not want to see your face in my territory again!"

"Oh, good, good, good." Cheska said as she gracefully clapped her hands.

"Cheska, what are you doing here?" Madel exclaimed with surprise.

"I just needed more books from the library."

"Huh, teach your friend how to be polite, it appears she did not have a good upbringing." Kyline said as she sat quietly with her friends.

"Oh, I heard you don't want to see Madel's face in your territory again." Cheska said with a proud and chin up posture. Kyline felt like she was looking down on her.

"Yes, so please drag her back to where she belongs"

[this woman surely doesn't know how to speak appropriately huh, how shameful] Cheska looked at her with disappointment.

"Ok, as you request. Madel, from now on you will deliver food in our household. You don't have to deliver fruits and vegetables in their restaurant since Kyline doesn't want you." Cheska gave Kyline a short glance as she spoke.

"Oh, but.. Mr. Guhil might.."

"don't worry, I am sure that Kyline has a high standing in her family, since she can easily OPPRESS others" Cheska emphasized the word oppress.

Kyline, knew Madel's job in their restaurant. She did not mind losing one vendor. Hearing Cheska's insults were irritating but she knows not to offend an eldest miss from a powerful clan.

"You can sign this contract now to seal our agreement."

"Okay." Madel said hesitantly.

Kyline just gave them a smirk and continued to sip her tea. Her friends continued chatting as if they did not saw anything.

"remember Madel, You already have a contract to me. You can no longer work for the Guhil family." She gave a menacing grim to Kyline. The young miss did not cared and simply took a sip of her tea leisurely.


"Good, you won't deliver food to them tomorrow."

"Kyline, tell your elders that you already dismissed Madel off her duty and I as her friend had already made a contract with her so that she will not lose her job."

"Huh, who cares?" Kyline scoffed and ignored them.

Cheska led Madel to the centree and told her to let Tristan come to her next time.

"Ok" Madel nodded hesitantly. "By the way, the library is that way Cheska, what where you doing in Kylines territory?"

"I was setting a stage earlier."

"oh." Madel said thinking what stage was she talking about but she did not ask. She read the contract and found that she will be delivering food for the Whole clan of York not just Cheska's household. With such a high demand, she can already go to school without thinking too much about money.

After one week. Henry's group successfully completed their mission. The young miss with the curse of butterfly was totally cured. There was no longer pain, inflammation and rashes. It was a glorious moment for their academy. Their group received an award of 1000 mission points plus a recognition from the Academy.

To cure a disease that has not been cured from the time immemorial. The family of the young miss had given them gifts and asked to be supplied with the fruit box daily as well.

"You can take the fruit box from the Gray academy. Just send a servant to collect it daily."

They celebrated their success under the centree.

"Madel we got you an additional costumer. Aren't we good?." Helen said proudly.

They talked about their experience in the household and how they studied the patient and books related to autoimmune diseases. They were all excited and happy about the results.

"By the way guys, for our success, I will treat everyone to a grand celebration." Cheska declared.

"Really?" Helen asked.

"That's nice, where would you take us?"

"where else? To the most expensive restaurant in town." Cheska said.

"The Guhil restaurant?" Henry was surprised.

At the Gulhil clan, the elders where furious. The supplies of fruits and vegetables in their restaurant where at its limit. The rare herbs and spices which were delivered to them by Madel weekly was gone. They ordered a limited supply from the country of Vildari but it costed them millions, from the price of the herbs to its transport.

To get rare herbs and spices, a hunter which specializes in herbology are mobilized. The expedition of a hunter and their team are paid at a steep price. The herbs are also bought per their category and rarity.

The Guhil clan had recently soared to the top for serving exquisite dishes with rare herbs and spices. They attracted local costumers and tourists because of this. They were able to establish numerous restaurants all over the country and made a name for themselves. Another source of their income comes from selling fruits at the auction house. Each rare fruit costs from one hundred thousand Florin stones to thousands of Taskin stones. Some fruits could not be bought by money. It could only be exchanged with celestial artifacts of saint- tier treasures.

"Locate the delivery girl as soon as possible. Does she know what kind of irresponsibility she is doing?" Elder Han declared.

"We already know that she is a student of Gray academy. Because we could not go inside it unless were summoned or invited we could not talk approach the delivery girl." Elder Fumi said.

"Fumi, didn't you have a daughter in that academy, ask her to bring that stupid woman here. She will be responsible for all of our incurred losses" Elder Han replied.

The eyes of the elders glittered in excitement. The elder was right. Losing a million or two from ordering spices outside the country can be covered if they let the idiot delivery girl shoulder it. Besides she was the one who delayed her services.

"Elder Han, I already instructed Kyline to do just that but she said that the delivery girl dared to ignore her."

"What?!" the elders said with a furious look on their faces.

"A delivery girl dared to ignore her? How impudent!" Elder Nod declared.

"She only gets the money to support her education from us, now stepping in a prestigious university she started to act haughtily. Shameless." Some of the Elders commented.

"We will go to the university and file a complaint!"

Just as they were planning on how to make her compensate. A loud knock came from the main door of the hall. The elders frowned at their displeasure but when the head servant announced that Madel was in the Guhil restaurant with her friends they were surprised.

"let's give this girl a lesson so that she learns her place." Elder Nod said with a grin.

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