
Alone Time

"I'm waiting…"

Finally, Jack started to wade through the water. He took his time until he could almost reach Eliza's back.

"Go on, you know how to use soap, right?"

"Of course I do!" Out of reflex, Jack grabbed the soap after to her taunt. His hands shook as he rubbed the bar and gathered suds around his hands. Just before he touched a bare skin he hesitated.

"Hurry up already." Eliza then stepped back into Jack's soapy hands, letting them rub against her. "Is it really so hard?"

Jack said nothing but he finally let his hands move across her back. With the rigid movements, he slowly lathered her shoulders.

"Gently, Jack."

Her soft voice brought a rush of blood to Jack's face, and he was very glad that she couldn't see him. He did as he was told and loosened his fingers, gliding over her skin until Jack eventually finish washing her back. "I'm… I'm done."

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