
Giving a hand

Haku and Kenta were talking for more than half an hour about what had happened to each one this week and ended with the promise that Haku would bring a snack to Kenta, because according to her she needed someone to tell her how good or bad it was her homemade food and Kenta agreed to help her to forgive him.

Obtaining his reward, Haku retired because she still had work that afternoon, leaving Kenta with his training.

Kenta let his clones train everything related to chakra while he went in search of the help of Master Chen which was easy, he only had to bring some onigiri so that he would come to eat them but of course he arrived very late, he wanted see Kenta's perseverance towards him, after some time he came out of hiding and showed himself before him.

"What do you want from this bag of bones?" A dwarf man appeared on Master Chen's grave.

"Until you showed up ... I came to ask for your teachings" Kenta said as he stood up straight and began to expel his abysmal chakra, which indicated that he was not someone like his previous student who could only do taijutsu.

Chen was surprised by the amount that Kenta showed was already more than he had, but seeing Kenta's clothes identified him as the almost extinct Uzumaki clan and this appeased his surprise for his amount of chakra, but there were still doubts to teach him to his techniques, but decided in the end whether to accept it because he would be the last to have his legacy of his taijutsu and his ability [Dragon of Konoha].

"I will accept you if you manage to keep my training because I do not see much physical strength in your body, surely you have only focused on your chakra thinking that with that you could fill your deficiencies, but let me tell you a sad truth, if your body can not to support your chakra or to keep up with it, in the end it will be your walking tomb. "Chen said in a very serious voice.

At first, he was annoyed by what Master Chen said, but it was true that lately, he could not fully use his chakra because of his weaker body that could easily get hurt.

"Let me show you that I can pass your test, Sensei" Kenta accepted the challenge and bowed to him as an Aryan student.



During the time spent for the battle in the Coliseum as the last part of the test, the population became more productive because people with a lot of money started arriving in Konoha to see the show where they can see who sent their missions and will keep their investments.

No matter what business it was, everyone got their best plates and seats because maybe they would have the luck that a fat man would enter his position and spend money, which had happened before, it is also when there are more missions of Rank C, in Konoha which are about security, like having at least 8 ninjas in each red sector of Konoha due to the lawsuits between the civilians for their festive state, although these missions are always handled by Chuunin or Jonin for obvious reasons, even if you are a ninja it is a symbol of being an adult, in Konoha they still have tolerance levels that would allow them to do missions to a young person in times of peace.

Then because of the festive state is how the ninja of the sound managed to enter Konoha, because their level of security had to go down to avoid problems with wealthy people but they also had to increase their personal security that is where the Anbu come in, they will watch over the people with the greater power in both concepts, political as financial to avoid problems.

The simplest missions are given to the Genin which is to be the Eyes of the Chuunin and Jonin and the reason is simple, the Genin do not have that essence that has a ninja made and right so it is easier for them to go unnoticed by the vigilantes of the 'VIP' because they are only on guard with the Jonin or Chuunin.

[N / A: Here with essence I mean the thirst for blood or the pressure they release for the death battles they have and this one is easy to distinguish by the similar people.]



Kenta as a practice and security he leave hidden many stamps of his [FTG] in Konoha to be able to get from one place to another for any emergency, also his clones are practicing with him to be able to relocate faster when moving from one place to another and to do instinctively, at the beginning it was annoying because he used to fall to the ground but with practice he learned to appear well standing in the place he wanted, then teleported more than 6 times in a small place as fast with different places with differences in height or inclination, but the fucker was the change of pressure in the environment when teleporting from a very low place almost at the same level of the sea to a very high place, the first times it caused nausea, but his body got used to that.

As for some special Kunai like Minato, Kenta only requested 20 ninja stars bigger than the average, 2 curved daggers and 60 kunais like those of Minato but without the spikes that it had, Kenta wanted it to be aerodynamic and why does he copy to Minato with the Kunais? although not entirely, it is because in them he planted the seal and were less prone to damage if they were in the handle of the kunai instead of the face of the edge where it could collide with other weapons.

As for the two daggers, the intention is to try to copy the style of a certain murderess from a game of his previous life, he not only wanted to use a Rasengan or chakra bullets to fight because he will not always be able to fight from a distance.

While Chen's training was based on growing or strengthening his pink muscles, which was a torture to achieve that, but the Uzumaki genes and Kenta's strong will to continue to go on in the infernal training, everything Chen did. He had been doing it to support the Kenta base, although Kenta had his ideas about taijutsu he never explored it and he only copied the style of the school but only that, he was still a blank sheet waiting for the master painter to perform his masterpiece on that was Chen.

While Kenta was tortured with his training, Chen sometimes showed him some sample of his taijutsu which is similar to capoeira but it was not that martial art because there were only similarities but they were not the same because some other attacks were the same as other martial arts but he kept saying that his strength is no longer the same and his movements are not even though he could send one of the reinforcement trees of Konoha flying, these trees are very hard, they were created by Hashirama to be training targets but over time their seeds spread throughout Konoha and sometimes you find them outside the training area like the one that Master Chen has just destroyed.

After some time Kenta managed to master the instant teleportation continued with the help of his clones and he was left with nothing more than to train for the rest of the month with Master Chen.

In order to learn the fighting style Kenta had to make muscle memory which is stored mostly in the brain which was good he could use his clones to learn more than twice as fast which surprised Master Chen and left him happy because he did not take much time to learn everything he had to learn and the only thing missing from Kenta was to continue training and improving his physique which would be easier for him than a normal person or a normal ninja because his body will balance his physical energy and mental this caused that the handling that had Kenta on his chakra out of control a lot but it was not much problem to regain his control, now if we compare the amount of chakra that Kenta has, he has more chakra than the Ichibi but less than the Nibi.

Although Kenta could be ready for the test he also made preparations for the Orochimaru assault, Kenta had to create a seal that redirected the chakra to another direction without damaging the source, he created a set of 4 diamond-shaped seals, too He could do it in a triangular way but he liked the diamond more than Kenta.

The intention of this seal is to open the barrier that Orochimaru planted to block the departure of Sarutobi forcing him to a fight to the death.

I had also left a stamp up on the roof where the battle would take place and I paste some prints under some seats of the stadium just as a precaution and if someone tried to move the stamp to a larger parchment with Fuuinjutsu technique for the investigation this self -destroy so they can not see your secret like their other seals.



Kenta also did not forget to copy the Juken style, but Kenta had to adapt it to him because it was suitable for earth-like people while he was Fire and Wind something very different, the Fire always follows the current while incinerating everything in its path and the air is free of all restrictions which influenced the movements of Kenta without him noticing.

As soon as Master Chen saw Kenta as a person, he looked at him like a born killer, he was always becoming one with the environment but there was always a trace of him which meant that he was not perfect, another was his silent steps, it is as if it were natural, Kenta lets out a little chakra with which he muffles his steps and become silent and when he has no chakra his steps will still continue to emit the least possible sound and he does not show his intention easily is a complicated opponent because you can not read something that has nothing to read like him and does not usually repeat the same attack pattern which is only adapted to counteract that of his opponent and his instincts are too alert to everything that is around him, only the first time Kenta could not identify where he was hiding but it was only his imagination when he remembered the tic or custom of Kenta for pointing his left leg to his Location to be able to be ready in a defensive or aggressive position depending on what happened, this worries you a little to why it is as if Kenta was preparing for a war instead of an exam.

Kenta stopped going with Master Chen to learn because there was nothing to teach what he needed was experience and continue to strengthen his body and that's why I started using weights like Rock Lee in his body, the seals of gravity increase not yet I could create them because I could not increase the weight of something with chakra for now, he needs to see what kind of energy Pain emits when he uses his ability to copy it on stamps.

One day while giving his night race he could feel the conflict of a fight and when he arrived he found Hayate bleeding on a roof, Kenta quickly gave him a blood pill and a soldier pill so he could stay alive longer, Kenta quickly used [FTG] to one of the seals inside the hospital so the 2 appeared in the middle of the waiting room and without talking Kenta took him to a room where the necessary equipment is while he left a clone and gave instructions of what happened.

When he left Hayate on the stretcher a Ninja Medica arrived and began to heal him, Kenta being a little worried about Hayate's life, maybe he did not know him but nobody wants a partner or a neighbor to die in front of one and more if can help save him

Then Kenta activated his Reigan and watched as the technique influenced Hayate, Kenta could not help raising an eyebrow when he noticed how the chakra was dispersed in unnecessary areas for the healing of Hayate's wounds, also Kenta could see how the tumor looked Hayate's lung.

Kenta had a crazy idea but even trying to carry it out, he approached the Doctor and placed a hand on top of hers hands and with his chakra forced the healing to the right areas, the Doctor became annoyed by the intrusion of Kenta and She was about to chase him away but stopped when she noticed the healing was faster than after and with the other hand Kenta started using fire chakra and began to cool around Hayate's wounds so that the blood moved less and so he would not run out blood so fast, Kenta also took advantage of and freeze the tumor of Hayate while little by little the seal of the [FTG] was placed in the tumor, the clone that had given the instructions had not exploded and had been watching and looking at what was The original was made by a flask where he teleported a red yellow bundle that looked like a nervous system inside it and filled it with water and closed it with a lid while he wrote some words in the jar and placed it next to the bed of hayate to later explode.

When he finished healing most of the injuries that could cause Hayate's death, Kenta retired for 3 reasons.

He should not be there and they were already asking him to retire for hygiene to Hayate's injuries.

He had already helped heal most of Hayate's wounds and finally, the Doctor had the look of someone who would give him a sermon for his madness with the tumor and his meddling with the passion treatment and Kenta wanted to avoid that talk and for that withdrew even faster.

Hi, how you feel the chapter?

Renji_Namelcreators' thoughts
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