
Summon her soul and bring her back

He looked over at one of his tables and immediately stood up to look into it. He stares at another chess board made of red and black jade. Mo Yao Wang saw the black chess piece that almost split into two.

In an instant, Mo Yao Wang disappeared and appeared into a chamber where human sized chess pieces are arranged, like the ones in his bedroom, it was made of jade, black and red.

He walked towards the red rook chess piece with a big crack on its body. Mo Yao Wang turned his head and walk towards the red queen, his eyes fell on its body which also has a crack.

His eyes narrowed. Full of anger, a tremendous amount of spiritual power emerged, raging from his body, spreading through the whole chamber. "Find the one who caused this and kill it!" Mo Yao Wang screamed in anger.

Out of nowhere, several men appeared, kneeling on the floor with their heads down in respect before they disappeared from the Chamber while Mo Yao Wang mumbled. "He can't die!"


After few days..

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