
Fort Yano (11)

<Author's note: The things (racism, sexism, political views, etc.) depicted or mentioned in this story do not reflect the real world and are purely coincidences. If they do, please keep in mind that they are simply for world-building and are only works of fiction. Thank you for your understanding.>

Nathan and Vincent were walking within the compounds of Block B, heading to where Aena was supposedly at.

Nathan swept his gaze around the area.

'Earlier, when I passed by here, I didn't enter the compounds…'

'I've only seen it from the outside…'

'The store where I met those three was located at the side of the road…'

'Hmm… As far as I can remember, Block B is where the rich Muwinians are staying, right...?'

'There certainly are no refugee tents like a Block D…'

'The security is also better than Block D…'

'However, compared to Block A, although it's less secured, it's more lively I guess...'

'And isn't surrounded by walls…'

Nathan saw a guard patrolling and he squinted his eyes.

'There are also guards here, huh...'

'But they aren't soldiers -- well, at least based on the uniform they're wearing and their mannerisms or demeanor…'

'Perhaps new recruits...?'

Given that Nathan's father was a policeman and he also had an uncle who was a marine, he developed this sixth sense in identifying them.

And among those who were part of those organizations, he could even tell if they're a coward or not, like if they're only tough because of their guns or not or have their comrades to back them up.

After all, Muwin is a third-world country where it's survival of the fittest and Nathan didn't exactly come from a rich family.

There was also his father who was quite strict.

He raised his head to search for CCTV cameras.

'There aren't that many cameras compared to Block A…'

Nathan wore a friendly expression and approached the guard.

"Excuse me, chief. Can I ask for directions? I'm looking for Building #2."

"Building #2?" the guard said and raised an eyebrow as he stared at Nathan.

He was 100% sure he never saw Nathan before, thanks to his height, and was about to ask him why he wanted to know. But when he saw Vincent wearing a soldier's uniform, he quickly dismissed the idea.

"Go straight and then turn left. The second tallest building is Building #2."

"Thanks, chief."

They continued walking until they passed by an eye-catching group.

"What the fuck," Nathan accidentally said out loud.

Vincent stopped to look at Nathan and then turned to where he was looking.

There was a group of young people between the ages of 14 and 21 years old dressed in costumes from different genres -- anime, fantasy, computer and video games, etc.

Some of the costumes were of poor quality, while others were decent.

Most were of poor quality though.

Nathan glanced at the cosplayers as he and Vincent passed them by.

'They're wearing System items as well, huh…'

'Hmm… I think this is the first time I've seen people cosplaying ever since the zombie apocalypse began…'

'Even back when I was at Womania, I don't think I've encountered people like them…'

'Or maybe I just didn't notice them…'

He made a quick glance at the cosplayers.

'I don't know if they're brave or just shameless to be able to wear such a thing out in public…'

Although Muwin was an Asian country and much has changed especially in the last decade, it was still for the most part a conservative country that upholds old and traditional ideas, especially in the southern region.

Things like anime, games, etc. still have a heavy negative stigma in their society.

And in the case of Nathan, although he was a fan of anime, computer and video games, and etc., he was one of those people who would never admit it in public.

In his mind, maybe if he was a rich and handsome person, he wouldn't mind admitting it because chances are, people would most likely just label him as a "hot guy who likes to watch anime," "hot gamer guy," or "hot guy with unique or quirky hobbies."

Three descriptions that he knows for sure people would never, ever label him with.

Which is also quite funny because here in Muwin, people who drinks and does drugs are considered "cool" among the younger generation because of the danger involved.

'Hmm… Come to think of it, I guess it makes sense that these people would cosplay…'

'I mean, just comparing the drop items between Womania and Muwin, the equipment here is less restrictive -- the Earnings, the Tribal Sparrow Tattoo, the Arm Bracelet, Leg Bracelet, they're just easier to combine with other clothing...'

'Shit, now that I've mentioned that, I just realized that I will have a problem with the shoes once the Third Phase starts...!'

'The System equipment automatically adjusts itself to fit the wearer. However, you can't wear two items of the same class, except for the rings. The System will only recognize the first item worn....'

'Assuming that I will be entering a Divine Tower here in Muwin and that the design of drop items will be the same that's found here in Muwin, once I will have to change my Shoe-Class System item, I won't have any shoes to wear...'

'Where in the world here in Muwin would I find a pair of shoes that's of my size that I can easily repair...?!'

Given his explosive speed, normal quality shoes doesn't last long -- just with the running at full speed and changing directions while still moving takes a heavy toll on his shoes.

If not for the Repair Kits that allow him to fix his System Boots, he would have long been walking barefoot already or would only wear shoes when extremely needed.

'A height of 2.2m isn't common here...!'

'Ugh… There's also the [Artifact] Divine Blood…'

'I'm going to guess I'll be taller once I ingest another one…'

'Shit, shit, shit…'

'Either I find someone who will make me a pair of shoes or I go bare feet!'

'Fuck me sideways…'

Nathan and Vincent continued walking.

This time, Nathan saw something again that was eye-catching.


An image of the family he and Zita killed this afternoon flashed inside his head.

'So there's really an RV culture here in Muwin…?'

'I swear to God I seriously didn't expect this…'

'I've always thought there weren't any RVs here in Muwin…'

'And if there was one, it would be in the big cities…'

He swept his gaze at the RVs.

'However, compared to the RVs I've seen in Womania, these look cheaper…'

He thought about the RV inside his [Artifact] Gold Spatial Finger.

'Hmm… I guess just average compared to the ones here…'

He then saw a large RV.

'Wow… So big… It's basically a large bus…'

A sense of wanting to claim it suddenly welled up inside of him.

He shook his head.

'Nah… Too much space...!'

He and Vincent continued walking until they finally reached Building #2.

'A two-story building, huh…'

'It has a balcony…'

Unlike the building in Block A where Nathan met Karen, this one was designed with large open windows along its hallways.

They both entered the lobby.

There wasn't a guard waiting in the lobby for them to inquire about the tenants like the one back in Block A.

Nathan didn't bother discussing things with Vincent and just went to the closest room.

There were two men in their mid to late 20s sitting on the balcony in the hallway and talking.

One of the men was missing an arm.

The man missing one arm received a couple of Ration Tickets.

"Bro, thank you so much for this. I promise to pay you next week," the one-arm man said. "Goddammit… If only I didn't lose my fucking arm two days ago."

"It's okay. What's important is that you were smart enough to cut off your arm when the zombie bit you. As a matter of fact, I would even say that you're one extremely lucky motherfucker that it was just your arm that the zombie bit. If it was your head, neck or anywhere around your torso, you'd be a goner already."

"Yeah, but still, now that I'm lacking a fucking arm, I can't even work as Hawker, Miner, Security. No one would even want to invite me to their party to go out hunting, only weak and shady groups. My only choice is to do business for now so that I can buy the System item set that's suitable for me. And once I have that, I'm going out."

Although the 30-point threshold was a known topic already, the information about human being able to regenerate lost limbs once they have at least 51 VIT was still unknown.

They were also not aware of the [Divine Tears] which can only be purchased inside the Divine Tower.

"Haha~ But being a businessman is quite good. And from what I heard, one of the most lucrative businesses is selling drugs. Just be sure not to sell to minors though or at least in public, because the soldiers won't turn a blind eye to that."

"Yeah, but nothing still beats going outside fighting and being able to level up. Because once shit hits the fan, all the money in the world won't matter."

The man thought about when the zombie apocalypse first happened.

"Well, if you put it that way, I guess you're pretty fucked then. Hahaha~!"

"Excuse me, sirs," someone suddenly said.

When the two men turned their heads to see who it was, they were surprised to see a very tall man flashing a friendly smile.

"What the fuck you want?" the one-arm man said.

But when they saw Vincent and the uniform he was wearing, they immediately changed their demeanor.

"Please forgive my friend, he just lost his arm not too long ago. How may we help you?" said the other man.

Nathan continued wearing a friendly expression and he said, "I'm looking for a man named Tyler. I was told he and his group lives here."

"Tyler?" both of the men said in surprise and they gave Nathan and Vincent another look.

This time, they were deciding whether it was a good or bad idea to tell them about Tyler's whereabouts or not.

They, of course, heard some things about Tyler, especially the one about him murdering at least 3 people outside of the camp because of some dispute.

The man with the complete set of arms then noticed the insignia on Vincent's uniform.

"He's on the second floor. The third room on the left."

One-arm looked at him in surprise and gave him a what-the-fuck-are-you-doing look.

He shot him with a just-shut-up-and-I-will-explain-it-to-you-later look.

"I see. Thanks," Nathan said and then immediately went for the stairs.

When they reached the second floor, Nathan went straight to the third room on the left.

There he saw two "bouncers" wearing both System items and non-System items talking in front of the door.

Given Nathan's experience in Womania, his definition of a "bouncer" has changed.

No matter what anyone says, as far as he was concerned, bouncers in first-world Caucasian countries were HUGE, especially if it's an African.

The bouncers here in Asia? They were like kids compared to them!

Even Nathan himself who has been exercising for years, before he ingested the [Artifact] Divine Blood, if he were to stand next to the bouncers in Womania, even at his prime when he was still so dedicated, he was like a beanpole.

The only thing he could brag about was his abs.

As for the two bouncers that Nathan was looking at right now, he decided to coin them as Fatty and Tubby.

Fatty noticed Nathan and Vincent heading in their direction so he made a gesture to alert his companion.

As Nathan and Vincent got closer to the location of the bouncers, Nathan couldn't help but notice the sound of a faint muffled loud music and also vibration coming from the door of the room that the two bouncers were guarding and it only got louder and stronger as they got closer.

When they finally got to the bouncers, although the door was closed, based on the sound and vibration, he could tell that the music was so loud inside and mostly likely set-up a soundproof system.

"I'm looking a woman named Aena. She's my cousin and I heard she's with Tyler."

Fatty looked at Nathan and said, "You don't say."

Nathan suddenly grabbed Fatty by the neck and threw him out off the balcony.




Hello, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Thank you for reading!

By the way, this former Grandmaster Immortal who failed twice has returned once again.

To view the Immortal Drafts at P-a-t-r-e-o-n, you can read them at…

• https://www.patreon.com/Immortal_Shades

There, you will have access to this Lowly Shameless Immortal's Immortal Chapter Drafts for $5 a month.

Please note that the chapters posted there are only drafts. So when this Lowly Shameless Immortal will publish them here in the First Immortal Book, there will be some edits.

And at the moment Immortal Chapter Drafts 146-158 (I reposted 146-148) are posted there.

Thank you once again and this Lowly Shameless Immortal will see you in the next chapter... *Kowtows 300 times*

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