
Chapter One Hundred And Seventy Three - I am an audacious small alchemist

It had all been about trial and error in the end.

Leon had purchased a small set of scales in order to measure out the amount of herbs he was using, in order to create more uniform pills for the experiments; his first Burning Blood Pill even took a step increase in quality, considered good, rather than average. This additional fortune was duly noted with each measurement and tested to see if this more precise recipe continued to produce good quality pills. Six out of ten were of good quality, leading Leon to believe that something was not so good with some of the ingredients he'd used.

Regardless, this happy coincidence gave him a good base to work with as he tried to create his first variant. However, after producing five marbled orange pills when trying to produce the first Smouldering Blood Pills, he came to realise that he was still missing some point. Each of these five pills had differing amounts of the Cloud Fern herb, so perhaps it was not dimming the effect of the green Mothtail leaves like he'd previously thought.

He'd felt a bit depressed after that and in some desperate measure, tried to compare again the marbled orange variant attempt with one of the marbled orange Burning Blood Pills from earlier and found no difference in the look of them... however there was a slight difference in how they'd smelled. With a bit of hope, he'd once more descended the mountain, this time rushing straight to Ursam's shop, where he'd explained his difficulties and his suspicions.

Ursam had then brought out the small golden evaluation device to help him test the pills he'd made so far. They had been astonished to find that there were differences amongst the five pills, that the three with the lowest amount of Cloud Fern herb were not so good as the after effects were just too strong, but the fifth pill had the worst effect in terms of improving ability. After that, while his beloved Wife prepared the guest room and cooked a delicious meal to help sustain them, the pair had worked together to create a pill with the best ability with the least after effects, however it was still a marbled orange pill.

Ursam had looked at the vivid colour of the pill and off handedly mentioned that it was the same colour as the Salamander's breath poppy petals.

"They c-come in d-different c-colours you know," Leon had mentioned, before the epiphany hit and the men had rushed out to try and purchase some. After a little testing, Leon managed to produce a good quality, burgundy-marbled pill that was of course named the Smouldering Blood Pill.

Having already taken three days to finally create this pill, they only had one left in order to produce a Bursting Blood Pill that could be a worthy counterpart to the other. They used vivid red poppy petals to complete the product and allow it to look a little different to the principal product. For the auction, Ursam had decided that it was best to just sell one of each pill, to spark interest.

"20 silver!" Before the auctioneer could even suggest a price, a bid was put forward. This was already way above the value of an average Burning Blood Pill, which usually sold for 3 silver, thus 6 silver for two.

"30 silver!" Leon's eyes widened. The enthusiasm for these two final products was obviously much greater than their weaker versions.

"45 silver!"

"Excellent, excellent!" Ursam rubbed his hands together. Leon and he had agreed to split the money earned by these two pills and despite the amount of purchased ingredients they had used, their costs already were more than covered.

"You made these?" Jin Li's eyes widened in realisation, whispering these words to his small lover. Leon gave a slight nod, his eyes curved like half-moons as he smiled and leaned closer to reply in soft murmur;

"I saved a c-c-couple of each p-pill for you." He watched as the martial artist's expression became proud and smug. Ursam noticed their interactions from the corner of his eye, quietly amused.

While they were talking, the price of the two small pills had sky-rocketed to 70 silver, Leon's heart beat rapidly and loudly in his chest as he heard the price. That was probably more than he'd made on all of the sales of his Improved Blood Pills to Pharmacist Clawse. It seemed like an impossible amount and still the price was rising.

"80 silver!"

"85 silver!"

"100 silver!" Even Ursam's jaw dropped at this point. Naturally, he was assuming these pills would bring in a higher return than the ten lesser pills, but still, there was only two of them. He rubbed his jaw thinking that it would likely be best to sell the next batch of these new pills at auction as well, although the variant Energy Pills would be best sold from his shop. Hee hee hee, he'd like to see how the Heavenly Pill Pavilion could compete with him on that score.

Just to mention; Ursam had already memorised the recipe of the Varient Blood Pills and could easily work out from them how to create the lesser pills, but he would be the first to admit that he was far too lazy to bother making them. The lesser pills were too much of a hassle for the price they would eventually command and the better pills required a meticulous nature in order to produce them, like Leon's. So while he would be happy to sell these variant pills, he'd rather rely on Leon to resupply them.

As for getting them from others, well, he believed strongly that the alchemists who tried reverse engineer the pills would struggle to figure out just exactly how they were made. After all, it was not as if the herbs within each pill were any different from the principal versions. So unless Leon was willing to sell or share his secrets, the boy would be his only supplier of the new pills. Ursam wouldn't sell out this immense potential source of profit... but he would purchase a bottle of quality Medicinal Wine to share with old Clawse once this auction was done and dusted.

"110 silver!"

"Any more bids?" The auctioneer finally yelled. "Then going once..."

"150 silver!" That voice belonged to the same individual as who had purchased the Smouldering and Bursting Energy Pills. And again, no one dared raise the bid... though this time it may have been the rather large jump in price that caused the silence.

"Sold! For 150 silver, to the gentleman in Box 1! Congratulations!" Indeed, Congratulations, but that was less for the savvy purchaser and more reserved for the clever little alchemist who had the audacity to create new pills.

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