
A Friend?

(Written in Brian's perspective)

"Ahh…so cold, so hungry…mom, dad…why? Why did you have to leave me behind?..."

It was already bright when I got awoken by a pang of hunger. Well, it was the usual for me to be always this hungry but this time, I couldn't help but cry out this sentiment. I don't know whether to call myself lucky or unlucky. Lucky for I survived and lived. Unlucky because my parents are both dead and I'm an orphan with no home nor old enough to get a job for money. A beggar is what I am now… a real pathetic one at that. How so? Well, in the first place, I despise other people, especially the adults.

Ever since I was young, the adults I've seen were all selfish and arrogant. Just because they were older and bigger, they always bully the young and weak. It's a good thing that my parents are better people. They showed to me that not all adults were that way and I'm only seeing the smaller picture. After all, I was still so young back then and barely understood anything. My family was a bit well-off and we were a happy family of merchants. My relatives on the other hand, were a bunch of money-suckers who kept on bootlicking my parents' shoes as they asked my parents to pay for their living. I still remembered how they sneered in secret and laughed at my parents' naivety after collecting money. They also beat me that time when they spotted me, peeking at them. Forcing me to not tell my parents or they will beat me again. Come to think about it, I also wet my pants when they beat me because I was so scared and it hurt a lot. Waaahh...so embarrassing! My parents were both loving so they have never raised their hand on me. Feeling that much pain, of course it couldn't be helped. Ahem, back on point.

Time and time again, the adults were always taking advantage of my parents and bully me. It didn't stop until one night on winter season, both my parents came with a sickness. Since the village we were living in didn't have that many doctors, it was already too late to save them. My parents weren't fond of maids nor helpers so I was left alone with my parents' dead bodies for a few days, not knowing what to do. That was when my relatives finally showed up as they saw me sitting beside my parents' dead bodies, eyes still swollen with streaks of dried tears from crying overnight and body that was so thin, due to starvation. I was so stupid back then…thinking that maybe they will help me do something to wake my parents up, but reality was much crueler than that.

My parents' burial was taken care of by my relatives as they took me in for a few days before they kicked me out to the curb as they stole all my parents' money and belongings. None was left for me, not even food for the day. I still haven't recovered fully yet, so I have no other choice but to beg for food from adults walking on the street. The only thing I got was looks of disgust and scorn though, so it was mostly futile. Good thing, some rich people were too disgusted when I got near that they'd throw food at me for fun. I'm quite skillful at catching food thrown at me now, thanks to that.

Anyway, the days that passed by has been always like that for me. There were days I'd be starving and there were those days I'd be hauling a huge catch of rich people's leftovers. I wasn't so lucky these days though. The number of hunters in our village have been growing lately so the rich people were staying indoors to stay away. The hunters were brutes who cares for nothing but earning money. For me, they are the worst among the adults. They never fail to beat me up whenever they spot me, so I had to hide and run away. I sometimes get away but mostly, I get caught. I'd be beaten black and blue, just like I am right now.

I'm still lying down on the ground, weak and starving. *Siiiiggghh* The only good thing about being beaten up was I can now tolerate it without feeling like I'm dying. I also don't pee my pants anymore so don't give me that look. I'm 3 years older now, nothing strange about it. Hmpf…

"Ahhh…I'm really going crazy. Soo hungry… That dream I had just now about my parents was uncalled for. I really don't want to be sentimental now. I need food…Must get food."

I slowly got up and thought of something new. Yes! There was that. The forest!!! How could I be so stupid and haven't thought of it in the first place?! Then again, I wasn't desperate enough. Dangers lurk in the forest and I don't have any weapon. I could've stolen Mara's pan but some punk stole it before me. That pan was a really good weapon as Mara could beat her husband black and blue with it as she caught him flirting with their neighbor, who is a widow. He doesn't know that Mara was also playing with a certain hunter though. Tsk tsk tsk…

I want to sigh again but my ribs would hurt once more if I did. I will just wing it then and brave the forest. I need food so badly now. Walking carefully towards the forest, I went in and stifled my loudly beating heart. I can't help but be a little scared, but with a lot of willpower, I kept on going and grabbed a stick. This will do somehow… hopefully… maybe… but I've been walking for an hour, I'm really going to die without food. Suddenly, I heard rustling sounds and then a boar showed up, blocking my way. The moment I saw it, only one thing popped in my head. FOOD!!! With twinkling eyes, not even thinking, I hit the boar with the stick. Driven by my hunger, I tried my best to hit it hard. But then it dawned on me, boars were freaking stronger than me! I was able to hit it but its hide was so thick that it didn't budged at all as it kept on charging towards me.

"Ugh!", it hurts…my leg… I looked down at my leg and it was bleeding. The boar knocked me down but I got up again. "You, stinking pig, are so dead…I'm gonna eat you whole!" That was what I was thinking but didn't have the time to say it as the boar charged at me again. Pointing my stick towards it, hoping that stabbing it might work. I grit my teeth and prepared for impact. But then a really fast shadow flew past and hit the boar, impaling it on the spot. "What the…" I was glad but I became alert right away. No way in hell am I going to give away my food.

"This is my boar! I saw it first!". I shouted out loud to ward off the one who killed his food.

Suddenly, the bush near me rustled and a kid popped out. He casually retrieved his spear like it was nothing. Uwaaah! How cool can this kid be! Wait a minute, I don't recognize him as a resident in our village. Doesn't look like a rich kid too, seeing that his clothes are crafted by hide like the hunters, plus he's kinda clean. Tsk…he's handsome to boot too. Ugh, so unfair… I don't want to get complacent though and lower my guard. I finally have food that will last me quite a bit, I will never hand this over my dead body!

The boy then started talking about giving me two choices, life or death. This punk! So, he's going to steal my food after all?! But then he explained that he meant my bleeding leg. Oh! That's what he meant! Guuuh... now that he mentioned it, the fatigue and pain came at me all at once, feeling faint headed, I tried my best to question the boy more. The boy was very cocky too, calling him boy even though we're pretty much the same age, hmpf. I won't lose to you just because you're more good looking than me. I gave up in the end though. He was right when he said that no one in the village would help me, so I couldn't hold on any longer and just followed the boy's instructions. Before I passed out, I saw the boy grab the boar and placed beside me. I was moved and really felt grateful for once.

After a long distance of walking, the boy carrying me doesn't look tired at all. Ahead of us seems to be a cave. I looked at the cave and thought of bad things like, is the kid going to eat me? But then I shook my thoughts away. I can't scare myself like that again, it's too horrifying. I looked around and saw the fire pit and the pot. Ooohhh… so this is his base. Wow… really cool. I didn't think of this at all. He's got everything too! How did he manage to do that in this forest?!

"Guruuuruuuug!" err… heheh… my stomach couldn't help making noises. It just did so when I smelled the boys' cooking. This reminded me that I was starving. Drooling, I looked at the boy, giving a pitiful face I always use when begging for food. It worked flawlessly! He gave me so much food I couldn't help but eat fast. I kind of heard the boy warning me to slow it down but it was already too late since the gagging feeling already attacked me. Nooo… can't be wasteful! I tried my best to swallow my puke again as I stopped my mouth from opening, with both of my hands. Phew… crisis averted, but it still irked him that the boy mocked him. He couldn't help but bark back but he didn't really mean anything bad by it. Plus, he also said that I will get more food so I can't be ungrateful. I'll behave and give him what he wants.

"My name is Brian. What about your name? Do you live here? Are you the one who stole the pan and pot from old Mara's house?"

"Brian, huh? Not too bad! My name is Beta and I indeed live here. And yes, I am also the one who stole them. Those are awesome items, I don't regret it." Answered the boy with a righteous face.

Tsk, this boy is so damn cool with whatever he does… Even the act of stealing sounds right just by looking at his face. So, his name is Beta huh… An odd name. He seemed to be a reliable and strong, surviving in this forest on his own. I have to pat his back for that. Well, since he took care of my wounds and cooked for me, I can't be stingy and not tell him about the village. What I know are normal things that Beta will know just by living in that place anyway. I also didn't forget to tell him my story. That way, he will sympathize with me and give me more food. Yes, yes, I'm just a poor boy, with no food or money. As I finished telling him everything I know, my body felt heavy, alarming me to rest up. So, I bid goodnight to Beta and laid down.

"Hmm… a full stomach. It has been awhile… As for Beta, he seems like an earnest kid. Maybe…for the first time ever I'll have a benefactor, an ally…or maybe…. a friend?".

Hey peeps, rottencorpse here. My editor helped me out and wrote a bonus chapter in Brian's point of view. Please let us know what you think in the comments. Anyways, thanks for reading my novel and have a good day o7

rottencorpsecreators' thoughts
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