
A Note To Say Goodbye

" Inki,

É com o coração pesado que escrevo esta carta. Eu encontrei esta aldeia para ser mais uma casa para mim, então onde eu tinha viajado. Você e seu pessoal sempre serão como uma família para mim e espero que, quando tiver concluído as tarefas que preciso, possa voltar a esse lugar que eu chamo de lar.

Thank you for giving Kibbles, my mother and brothers a place to stay.

I will forever be grateful.

Goodbye and thank you for everything.

Yours truly,

Yuki Akiyo

Ps. Please take care of my mother for a little while longer. I hope father and I can return to pick her up."

I looked down at the letter I wrote that basically explained that I would be leaving the village and how grateful I was that the Tulk had taken us in. I was not very good at goodbyes for obvious reasons so I decided I would write a letter.

Inki the head of the tribe, the one who had taken us in without many questions would be the best person to receive it. I coughed a few times as I signed the postscript.

As I waited for the ink to dry I stood and looked through my inventory of Items from my storage ring. After a few moments, I nodded in approval as I willed the items that I had selected to give as gifts. They were all objects that my grandfather had added to the ring for me to use should I need to make quick money as well as some potions that I had concocted during my time here.

I labeled them all in the native tongue and wrapped them all up in a parcel. I hoped they would all come in useful for the people here.

When everything was wrapped and secured I covered myself in some warm clothes and made my way downstairs.

Clink Clink!



The sounds of the weavers loom were in full force. I looked over to see my mother sweating slightly with small dark rings under her eyes. I couldn't help but smile knowing that inside that loom was Kibble's clothing.

It seemed mother had been up since dawn making sure that everything would be perfect for our special day tomorrow.

" Mother," I said quietly before sniffling.

" Darling you are awake. How is your cold?" Mother said as she walked towards me. I was slightly larger than her now so I came in from the side to hug her as I place my head on her shoulder.

She gently placed her hand over my head before moving it away.

" It seems your fever has gone down slightly, you should probably go back to bed and rest up. Are you hungry?" Mother said in a calming voice.

" No mother you should rest, I will make some tea," I said as I released myself from her embraced.

Mother pulled some sweat off her forehead with her sleeve before sitting down on a nearby chair and watched as I made a fresh brew.

" It was only just yesterday I felt like I was watching you crawl. You have gotten so big." Mother said with a complicated tone.

" I am sorry for growing up too quickly," I replied in a mirthful tone to the women behind me as I brewed tea.

"I guess that is the curse of children. You think that they will never grow up and then you blink and they are going through an adult ceremony. You know Yu Yu, we don't have this sort of thing in Tama but I am glad we are here now. I came here unsure about my one son and now I will leave with three." My mother said with a giggle.

I had finished pouring the tea at this point and sat down next to her before pouring some for both her and I. The tea was made from a plant that was common here called the Muflin. Loki had given it to us. Not only did the Muflin have a delicious tart taste but it was also excellent for colds.

I took a sip as I let the warm bitterness slide down my throat. I couldn't taste much now but the warmth was soothing my throat.

" About that.. Mother I would like you to stay here for a little while" I said as I put down my tea and grabbed my mother's hand.

Mother was already well aware that I had planned to leave. She and everyone else knew that as soon as my sentence was up I would be trying to figure out how to get my family out of the trouble they were in.

No matter the cost.

" Do you mean to tell me that you want me to stay here and worry about you all over again?" My mother said angrily.

I looked into her eyes and she looked back into mine without even blinking. I could see that the stress and worry had begun to build on her face again. I couldn't help but look away for a moment as I tried to reason with her.

" No I.. I mean it is not safe, I plan to find father and Ren. I just don't want to see you hurt or worse.." I said squeezing her hand.

" How.. how long?" Mother said after a moment.

" Give me one year at most, then you can track me down to the ends of the earth if you must" I said looking back up at her.

She shocked me by wrapping her arms around me refusing to let me go. By the time we had unlocked the tea had become cold. I didn't care as I just allowed myself to be taken by the moment.

" I have a package upstairs for Inki. Please make sure it is delivered to her after the ceremony. I will be packing today to leave tonight." I said with a nod.

" You come back now.. And if you see father.." Mother said before pausing. She took the necklace from around her neck and gave it to me.

" Please tell him I miss him" She said before standing.

" Right...Kibbles best look his best since he will be accompanying you" Mother said before walking back to the loom. It seemed like she wiped a tear from her eye before she began to work on Kibble's clothing again.

[ This is why I hate goodbyes. ]

I walked back upstairs slowly and began to pack a bag to leave. I really didn't need to put much in it since my ring would be carrying everything. I figured however if someone tried to rob me on the way back to Tama having something like a bag would be useful so they don't try and inspect too much of my body.

[ Kibbles can you hear me?]

There was silence in my brain for a moment before Kibble's voice rung through my head.

"How are you feeling Yuki?" Kibbles replied.

[ Still sick I am afraid. Make sure you pack we are leaving tomorrow. Please tell Loki too. It seems Ren has run into some trouble. I will explain later.]

" Ren!? Wait did you use the Lubu system to check up on him?! Don't worry we will make sure he is okay! Alright, leave it to me Yuki! You telling everyone else?" Kibble's voice said as it rang through my brain.

[ I am not sure if they will follow me ]

" Well you should ask, They will be super angry if you leave without even saying goodbye. Anyway, I have a few more ingots to melt so I will pack afterward." Kibbles replied in a cheery tone.

[ Thanks Kibbles. You really are the best! ]

I nodded to myself after the conversation was over and clenched my fist. My head felt dizzy from overworking myself but I stood up anyway. I staggered to my clothing and picked some comfy gear. At least if I had to go and see everyone I would do it in something that would allow me to move freely.

The last thing I grabbed was a handmade handkerchief that I had received from some of the townsfolk a few months ago.

[ I feel like I am forgetting something... ]

I stood there in thought trying to figure out what I had missed and then I remembered that I had forgotten something very important. The fields…

Sitting back down at my desk I wrote out a care guild for each plant and my eyes began to become very heavy. I tried my best to trudge through but as I wrote my head became lower and lower before finally my head gently landed on the table quill still in my hand.

" Hey sleepy head wake up" Said a voice ringing in my ears.

I opened my eyelids to see a set of green eyes and a finger that was poking my face.

" Did you really think you were going to leave without us tomorrow?" said a cool and calm voice.

"Sora… Heyu?"..." I said drowsily.

" I was told by Loki you were planning something. I am glad we came" Said a third voice.

" Nathan?" I said as I picked my head up.

" I was going to tell you all but then I had to write a guide to the fields and must have dozed off." I responded as I wiped the sleep from my eyes.

All of a sudden laughter had come through every corner of the room. Not even Loki had a straight face and I turned around.

" What's so.." I responded dazed.

" Did you fight with the Ink in your sleep?" Nathan said as he walked up to me with a cloth. Very gently he wiped my face.

As he took the cloth away I noticed that the cloth had become slightly back. My face went bright red with embarrassment. I looked over at my desk and noticed that the ink had tipped slightly and not even my clothing was spared.

" Yuki.. trying to save Tama and Vance and gets defeated by ink.. Typical" Heyu said with a smile.

I snapped out of my sleepiness after hearing the words " Tama" and "Vance" and straighten up.

"I know you may not believe me but I have reason to believe Ren is in trouble. I know some of you are unsure of my further plans.. But.. For Ren .. Could you all help me? Afterward, you can all pretend you don't know me if you wish." I said troubled.

I looked at how Nathan, Heyu and Sora's faces all changed. Their minds all seemed to race as Loki came to me and applied light magic to my body.

A sense of calm washed over me as my sinuses cleared as I waited for their answer.

[ I hope.. They will come with me ]

Note Says:

It is with a heavy heart that I write this letter. I have found this village to be more of a home to me then where I had traveled from. You and your people will always be like family to me and I hope when I have completed the tasks that I need to do I can return to this place that I call home.

Transparencycreators' thoughts
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