

While Pei Nan and Gu Shao followed their mother out, his consorts were busy chatting with their father-in-law.

Just right outside the banquet hall was a little seating area. A small marble round table surrounded with four long benches. Enough room for at most eight people, spacious enough for the five of them.

After the emperor took a seat, Fei Ning proceeded to take the left side next to him. Consort Nuan followed suit, sitting on the right. Yu Mei and Ji Er had no choice but to sit across from the emperor. Not that they minded. They weren't as shameless as Fei Ning and Ming Yan who wanted to be close to their father-in-law. Hoping to get on his good side.

The emperor turned to Fei Ning. "Ning'er, how is your father doing?"

"Replying to your majesty, my father is doing well. He is currently in Siu and couldn't attend tonight's banquet. He has asked me to send his regards to you and her highness."

"It's alright. It is only one banquet. A man should always choose his duties to the country before anything. I respect your father's decision." He lightly commented back, reassuring her that it was fine.

"My father would be happy to hear that."

"That's right. I hear from Nan that you've been learning the guzheng (musical instrument). He tells me you are really good."

"Sister Fei Ning is indeed talented. She's only picked it up for a few days and can already play a song." Ming Yan added. Fei Ning smiled shyly. "Prince Nan and Ming Yan praises me too much. I am still learning. I'm afraid to disappoint everyone."

"Given your talent, I believe you can master it in a few more days' time. Come over sometimes so Ning Wan and I can listen." He encouraged her.

"Yes your majesty."

As the two continued their conversation, Yu Mei was just sitting there daydreaming. Just thinking back on how miserable her mother-in-law looked tonight was too good. Suddenly she giggled. This caught the attention of everyone at the table. Ji Er quickly nudged Yu Mei, snapping her back to reality. "Sister Yu Mei, what's so funny." Ji Er whispered lightly. Yu Mei tried her hardest to calm herself down. "Nothing, I just thought of…" she thought for a moment. Surely she couldn't say, "I thought of Empress Ping's unhappy face."

"Ducks!" she blurted out with her finger pointed up. [Ducks?] Yu Mei scolded herself. She could have said food or Pei Nan or traveling, why ducks?

"Ducks?" Ji Er asked confused.

"Right, I was picturing two ducks dancing. It got me hungry just thinking about it." Yu Mei rubbed her stomach. Seeing this, Ji Er laughed out loud. "Yu Mei, you've truly become strange lately." She joked around.

*Hahaha* the happy Ji Er and Yu Mei were caught by surprise as they stared at the laughing emperor. "Mei'er, the more I see you, the more surprised I get." His voice was filled with jolliness. His laidback personality did not match his physical features at all. Emperor Huang was very good looking for his age. Not to mention, tall and slim but his deep eyes...they could scare anyone away. If Pei Nan inherited anything from his father, it would be the thick brows and deep mysterious eyes. The two of them always looked angry but when Pei Nan opened his mouth, it was nothing but scolding compared to the emperor who sounded cheerful. The more Yu Mei thought about it, the more she liked the emperor.

*Hehehe* she couldn't help but laugh awkwardly. What else could she do?

Ming Yan quickly cut in. "Your majesty, I hear that you caught a snow leopard while hunting. Is that true?" with eyes wide opened, she asked. *Hahaha* another loud laughter came from his mouth. "Your father was there with me. Did he not tell you?"

"I wanted to hear from you. My father likes to joke around a lot." Ming Yan said truthfully. Her father General Wan was also a very laidback person. No wonder he was a good friend of the emperor. Whenever the emperor went hunting, General Wan was there accompanying him.

"You're right. With General Wan's personality, sometimes I can't tell myself if he is joking or not. Tell him to come over more often."

"I will." Ming Yan smiled.

As the night got darker, the conversation became brighter.

Back at the empress's court, the atmosphere wasn't as nice. The mother and two sons were sitting in the hall as they drank tea. Empress Ping slowly poured tea into Gu Shao's empty tea cup. "Shao, you are turning 19 in a few days. Is there a girl you you wish to marry?" she tried to get more information on this single son of hers. Gu Shao quickly grabbed the teacup from the table and sipped it before answering. "I have not found anyone to my liking yet. Mother shouldn't be too worried though." He reassured her.

"Not a single one? What about Princess Mu Yi. Surely you must have some sort of feelings for her. You spent a month in the Kingdom of Chu." Gu Shao knew what she was doing. She was clearly trying to match-make him.

"Princess Mu Yi is kind and virtuous but I do not like her like that." He quickly shut his mother's attempt down. "What about the Duke of Er's daughter Er Ting Ting. You haven't seen her in six years. She is coming back and I heard she has bloomed into a beauty. Why don't we have a meal together?" Gu Shao was getting uncomfortable. His mother had a habit of trying to match-make any chance she got.

"Mother, give Shao some time. When he finds a girl, he will surely tell us." Pei Nan interrupted, saving Gu Shao. He knew that Gu Shao was still recovering from a heartache seven months ago. It hasn't even been a year since Fei Ning chose him over Gu Shao. The deep scar definitely was still there for Gu Shao.

Empress Ping quickly shifted her target to Pei Nan. If he knew it, he would have never said anything. "And you…" she pointed at him. "It's been over six months and yet I haven't heard any good news."

"What good news?" Pei Nan dared to play ignorant.

"When will I have a grandchild? I am not getting any younger. I want to see my grandchildren grow up."

"Yes, I know mother." Now it was his turn to get lectured. Gu Shao who was off the hook could finally

relax and have tea in peace.


The consort's conversation lasted a good half hour before it came to an end. Yu Mei had to stay behind upon the emperor's request. Yu Mei sat there fidgeting her fingers. Her heart was beating. What did she do wrong this time? So many things were going through her mind. But then anyone who was facing a stern looking emperor would be just as nervous.

The silent minute felt like hours for Yu Mei. He made a move. He leaned over and stared at her. "Was that play about Ning Wan?"

Yu Mei blinked a few times. [Ju Ming, this is terrible. Is he going to kill you on the spot for making fun of his wife?] All she could do was bite her lips and look at him innocently. She was not prepared for the emperor to find out. If it was anyone else, she wouldn't have had a problem lying to them but this was the emperor. A lie was enough to put her to her death.

*HAHAHA* the emperor slapped his thigh as another burst of laughter came out of his mouth. This left Yu Mei even more confused.

He took her silence as a yes just now. "Mei'er, you are too bold. If Ning Wan finds out, just picture how angry she would be." He didn't sound mad, or so Yu Mei thought.

"Your majesty won't say anything right?"

"I won't but you must answer one question truthfully. Did you know about the chicken incident?" he arched his brow curiously. His wife didn't need to tell him, he had ways to find out. But Yu Mei knew too? He had to hand it to her.

*Hehehe* "Your majesty caught me again." Yu Mei said awkwardly. Why wasn't he getting mad at her? Everything was getting too weird for her.

"Aiya," he sighed. "I know you don't get along with Ning Wan and I don't blame you...but Ning Wan isn't so bad. She may be a little bit biased towards Fei Ning but give her some time." He was not blind when it came to his daughter-in-laws and wife's situation. In the past, the mother and daughter-in-law would always fight but for Yu Mei to start a conversation with his wife without throwing a fit tonight was a first. He could see the change in her.

At first when Pei Nan told him about Yu Mei's memory loss, he didn't believe it but seeing her today, he couldn't help but believe it. That would describe her strange behaviors tonight.

"En. I'll remember your majesty's words." Yu Mei smiled at him.

After their little talk, the emperor had one of the palace maid lead Yu Mei back to her quarter. Yu Mei stopped at the second door to the right and was about to open it when the palace maid stopped her. "Consort Pan, your room has been changed."


"I don't know why either but Consort Ning suddenly said she wanted this room." Yu Mei didn't make a big fuss over it. She simply followed the palace maid down the hall. She thought it was strange, shouldn't she be in the room next to Consort Ning's. So why were they heading to the next hall. As she was following the palace maid, she had come to a conclusion. The empress was clearly being biased. Since Fei Ning was her favorite daughter-in-law, of course she would get special privileges. Thinking this, she didn't mind as she entered the room. It was Fei Ning's loss, the room was beautiful. A large bed with silk drapes big enough to fit three people was on the far right side with a redwood round table on the left. Each corner of the room had a candle holder where a red candle was lit.

Yu Mei quickly shooed the maid away before taking off her shoes and jumping into bed to examine it. It was much more soft and comfortable than the one she currently owned. She wanted to take this bed with her. Thinking about how good her sleep was going to be, her eyes started fluttering and closed.

*Creak* the opening of the door quickly alarmed her. Who the heck was bothering her this late at night. Yu Mei sat up and stared at that direction, ready to scold them. "Pei Nan?"

Sorry guys/girls, another cliff hanger. It was getting too long and I didn't know where to end it. Wanted to introduce the chill emperor. Next chapter will be uploaded tonight (U.S. time)

***How do you guys feel about the new cover? Like or dislike? I like both the original and new one. Can't decide so I'll let you guys decide ^_^***

Lotuspalmcreators' thoughts
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