
Tokyo's Deadly Secret 2/4

(Chiaki's View)

When I arrived at the coffee shop via a taxi that Yuya and I frequently visit after school during our high school days, I already saw him fiddling with his phone on the bench placed outside the shop. After paying my fair and getting off, he immediately noticed me and stood up from his seat and approached.

"Done with the business you are attending earlier? No more appointments left?" he asked.

"Aside from the appointment with you, there is nothing else. I already resolved what I needed to do earlier," I answered. Of course, it was not resolved. I barely got the necessary info I wanted to give and I was almost caught by the soldiers patrolling the Yamanote Line. If I tell him those things, he will definitely scold me.

"Alright then, let's head inside. The usual room we always use is reserved by me in advance. I also paid for it so you can rest easy that you won't pay anything."

"Good. My budget's been tight lately so this can lessen to my problems."

"Haha, I know you are tight in budget. Those instant noodle cups on your sink when I visited last time is proof that you are not in a good budget lately. Anyways, that is enough of getting sidetracked. Let's go," Yuya said and head inside first.

Entering the room that we usually hang out during our high school days, I kind of remember those fun times where we only have to stress ourselves in tests and other class topics unlike now that we have to keep on working to earn money and to get in our jobs well.

Inside the room, nothing changed much except for the vibrant paint that was recently painted on the wall. The table is also full of paper with scribbles and notes. Yuya's trusty laptop is also there and the newest thing that I have seen from his possessions is a digital camera. 

"Did you bring along with you your trusty notebook, pen, and camera? We will be needing those things. This will be a lengthy process and it might take us till this afternoon or evening before we can stop our discussion," Yuya took the cup of coffee on the table and take a little sip on it while he was asking.

"As a journalist, I can't forget to bring those things. They are basically the items of my trade," I said to him and took them out of my backpack.

"Good. Now let's get started. We don't have a whole day here and our contact doesn't have all the time in the world to keep on chatting. He has to defend his base later."

"Defend his base? Is he about to play online games or something?"

"Ah, yes. I almost forgot that you still have no idea about it. This is the scoop I found out via this guy."

"Are you messing with me? I need an actual scoop! Not from an otaku who stays at home!"

"Wait, wait. Who said this guy is an otaku? He is not one and he is a former police officer. He lives in Nagoya right now but he said that he will be moving soon once it gets dangerous."

"I don't follow you at all, Yuya. What are you actually trying to say?"

"Here, let me show you the footage in my laptop since explaining it is not my forte and I think the video can do it."

Yuya then faces the laptop to me and played one video. In the video, a guy is currently in his balcony. He seems to be living in a high rise building. While he was in the balcony, he looks down from it and aims the camera below his balcony. On it, it shows many people currently gathering and raising their hands above their heads. I am not suspicious of the video one bit until he started zooming the video to the people.

Those people are bleeding and looking bad. Those facial features they have are clearly not the makeup. Then, some people exploded and their guts and flesh also explode along. The camera focused on the distance and focused on some people. These guys looked like they are local gangsters holding guns but then I noticed that they are not. One of them is still wearing a business suit while one is still wearing a uniform. They started attacking those people and started killing them using guns.

"What is this gory video?" I frowned to Yuya.

"Actually, this was a video from Nagoya's streets. It was taken yesterday and shows what is going on outside the walls of Tokyo."


"Don't you understand? The thing that the government is trying to hide is the apocalypse. It already started and since the beginning of the Tokyo Lockdown, the apocalypse is already raging. And the reason why we can't contact anyone outside the walls is that most of them are already dead and has been converted into an undead," Yuya said.

"This is a bad joke Yuya. I am not going to buy this. That might just be a video made by some sort of media!"

"No. Actually, we can talk with him right now. He has limited time but he is willing to talk."

Yuya then accessed his laptop and started typing vigorously. Then, before I knew it, he faced the screen to my face and a young man appeared on it.

"Hey... are you the one Yuya said that wanted to get info from me? Are you some sort of a journalist or something?" the guy asked.

"I am a journalist indeed and I am looking for a reason why Tokyo started doing isolation to the citizens around the Yamanote Line by building a big wall. We don't have any sort of idea about what is going on."

"Looks like Tokyo are still doing their best. But I doubt the JSDF can still handle defending Tokyo.

Sooner or later, Tokyo's walls will fall."

"Huh? What are you saying?"

"The apocalypse has started. The dead are coming back to life and the world is on the verge of collapse. If I were you, you all better start prepping up. If you want to know more, I am willing to tell you everything if you are willing to listen," he said.

"But I can't believe that those things are real. Can you show me that the video Yuya has shown me is real? Can you point the camera to your balcony right now?"

"Yes, please wait a bit," he said before he detached his webcam and headed to the balcony. And without further ado, he showed what is happening in the balcony which is the same as the video.

Then he returned to where he was before and put down the camera back.

"As I said earlier, the apocalypse has started. If you want to survive before the apocalypse break the normal days in Tokyo, then prepare yourself. And later this night, beware at night. Death is looming..."

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