
chapter 24

"Not a bad strike there, Luminous." Sirius compliment Luminous in a mocking tone.

"However it is not good enough!" Sirius then gave her a lightning-quick kick on her abdomen which sent her crashing into the ground a few meters backward.

*Cough *cough Luminous coughed out a mouthful of blood as she struggled on the ground.

"Tell me Luminous, why did you betray the Church?" Sirius looked down on Luminous who was struggling to get up from the ground.

"You- you have broken through the gate of death!" Luminous struggle as she spoke those words.

"You finally noticed it? The pain...there is nothing in this world that could compare to the pain of passing through the last gate." Sirius told her.

"Give up, and follow me back to the church." he then added.

*whoosh suddenly a fast flying bolt came straight toward him, Sirius manage to stop the sneak attack by catching the bolt when it reached him.

"Hmm? What is this?" he inspects the crossbow bolt.

Suddenly a few more bolts flew toward his direction, these bolts were different, however- because they're all on fire! These bolts did not hit him, however, it hit the supplies wagons that was tipped over on the side during his clashes with Luminous.


A blaze immediately exploded out when the arrow hit its target.

*boooooooooom! Then more explosion sound ranged out from across the camp, at the direction of the Trebuchets.

"So that's your plan! To burn our supplies and destroy our weapons!" Sirius shouted at the direction where the bolt came from.

"Congratulation, you found the answer...but too bad you won't get a cookie though," Leonard spoke up and walked out from the shadow, holding two crossbows, one in each hand.

"Who could you be?" Sirius asked Leonard.

"Not someone too important," Leonard replied and aimed his crossbows at Sirius.

"Oh ho? Look like you have some neat toys there." Sirius complimented him.

"However, those toys cannot harm this body of mine." he then sneered.

"Oh really? Cannot harm you?" Leonard asked out of curiosity.

"Simple, they are too slow!" Sirius mock Leonard and then crushed the crossbow bolt he held within his palm.

"Leonard! RUN! You cannot beat him!" Luminous shouted out to him.

Immediately Leonard shot the bolts from his crossbows at Sirius, naturally, Sirius manage to once again catch the bolts.

"You fool! Do you not understand that I am above all of you "mortal" now?! I am a rank, eight warriors!" Sirius roared at him.

"We will see about that!" Leonard quickly stored his crossbows back into the inventory and immediately called out a spell. "Dark binding!" shadow tendrils shoot up from the ground and began wrapping themselves on Sirius.

"Luminous toss IT AT HIM!" Leonard shouted out to her, Luminous quickly tossed her backpack at the now wrapped up Sirius.

"Fireball!" Leonard cast the fireball spell.

*BOOOM! The backpack exploded.

"Ahhhhh!!!!" Sirius scream of agony could then be heard within the blazing infernal.

"Run for it!" Luminous then rushed out to grab Leonard by the hand and carried him off in a bridal style out of the camp.

While being carried in an embarrassed way, Leonard quickly pulled out a horn and blew hard on it, the horn sounded throughout the entire area, signally the retreat.

Out in the forest, Leonard immediately hopped out of Luminous embrace.

"Who the hell was that?!" Leonard asked her.

"He's my former superior….the last time I check, we were of equal rank, but now…" her voice quickly trailed off.

"Now he has surpassed you?" Leonard asked her.

She just nodded.

"How the hell could he be that strong? What kind of sick joke is this, compared to the time I jumped Luminous..." Leonard curses under his breath.

"Please don't compare your average rank seventh and below to a rank eight warrior, anything below seventh can still somewhat be comprehensible, but above that...anything below is just a joke." Luminous reminded him.

"Let just hope that this is the last time we meet him." Leonard wished.


Back in the Rosen army camp, which is now set ablaze by Leonard.

Sirius who had all of his clothes burned off by the fire and explosion caused by Leonard and Luminous casually walked out of the camp, he had suffered from minor burns and his hairs is now a mess.

"Just you wait Luminous, shitty brat, when I got my hand on you, you'll be begging for a quick death!" he roared as the camp was burning than just walked off into the distant.

The whole of the Rosen army camp was set ablaze, the knights and troops of the army were quickly mobilized to help put out the fire and save as much supply as they could under the command of their general, Gilbert, however by dawn, there was nothing left but ashes and piles upon piles of dead body of the knights that were caught within the infernal.


Evergreen army camp.

"What did you say?" Vandal looked at his subordinate in shock, just a moment ago he has received news of his little brother Leonard, who had led a small company of knights and invaded the Rosen kingdom territory, they brought with them no plate armors, they only brought along leather armors, the new crossbows, and ammunition, along with a large number of flammable liquids, and some rations, however, the news he received said that they successfully sabotaged the entire Rosen army invasion force by burning their supplies- not just supplies, they literally torched the entire camp on fire, killing hundreds of their knights while suffering no casualty among their ranks.

"You sure that this new is real?" Vandal asked the man again.

"The new is indeed true my lord, one of the men that lord Leonard brought along came back to personally reported it, he also brought news that lord Leonard will soon return as well," he replied.

Vandal dropped back down to his seat in order to process the entire news.

At first, when he heard that the Rosen sent another invasion force, he was prepared for the worse, now after he heard the news about his brother success, he was brought up to cloud nine.

Back to normal releasing of 3 chapters a day until the 29th! hooray!!!!

Oniichan_Thickskincreators' thoughts
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