
chapter 19

Within the Rosen kingdom imperial palace, home of the Rosen royal family.

The mood was tense, news of their failed invasion of the Evergreen quickly traveled to their domain, that news was two days old, they began to felt anxious- even with their backer, the holy church, they still failed in their invasion.

"What are we going to do now?" one of the generals said worriedly to the king.

The king, an aged old man wearing luxurious cloth, and a jeweled crown, his name is Cromwell Rosen, the king of the Rosen kingdom

"First we shall request the church for help since they also have a hand in this mess as well," Cromwell ordered.

"But will they help us, your majesty?" the general asked Cromwell.

"They will have to, I have a feeling that the church has a goal for the Evergreen kingdom." the old king told him.

Then a servant rushed into the throne room.

"Your majesty, an envoy of the Holy church requested an audience with you." the servant told him.

"Hmm? Invite the envoy in." the old king ordered.

"Yes, your majesty." the servant bowed and left to invite the envoy in.

After a while, the servant brought a man in a white robe to the throne room.

"Greeting, your majesty, king of the Rosen kingdom." the envoy of the church greeted him with a bow.

"You came in at the right time, sir envoy, I was about to send a messenger to the Holy church to inform his holiness of an important issue," Cromwell told the envoy.

"Perhaps the issue that you wish to mention to his holiness and the Cardinals be related to the recent defeat of the Rosen kingdom against the Evergreen kingdom?" the envoy asked him.

"Indeed, it is that issue, I wish to seek aid from the Holy church in this matter," Cromwell told him.

"Please, do not worry your majesty, the pope and cardinals have sent me over to inform you of a good new." the envoy told him.

"And what might it be?" Cromwell asked him.

"The church has sent a message to you. "Continued the invasion."- that is his holiness and the Cardinals wish, your majesty." the envoy replied.

"But with just us alone, we could not defeat the Evergreen kingdom! We need at least a legion of crusader for this task." the general whom has remained silent all these time spoked up.

(I'm going by the Roman legion number- 5,000 men per legion)

"The church cannot help you openly because of our old enemies, however, it doesn't mean that we couldn't help you from the shadow, the pope has made a request for the inquisitor to be sent out and get rid of the "important" target." the envoy told him

"Is that so? But can we depend on the inquisitor to do their job? We can't have another "Stone Punisher" scenario...can we?" the general sneered at the envoy.

"Please have some faith on the Holy Church inquisitor, every single one of them could be said to be the best assassin the organization could offer, all of them is at least a rank sixth warrior, and the one we sent out is a rank seventh." the envoy reassured him.

The old king who was sitting on his throne nodded as he heard the envoy answer.

"Alright, we shall send another 10,000 men to start another invasion." Cromwell gave his order.

"But your majesty! That is at least a third of our strength! If we failed this- I can't guarantee that the Evergreen won't start a counter-invasion!" the general told Cromwell.

"Then you have to not fail this one...take charge of it Gilbert," Cromwell told the general- whom name was Gilbert.

Gilbert gritted his teeth and responded.

"By your will, your majesty…" then he headed off.

After General Gilbert left the throne room.

"I expect that our deal still hold?" Cromwell asked the envoy.

"Yes your majesty, if you successfully invaded the Evergreen kingdom, the church promised to hand you some pieces of the secret knowledge written by our great saint Rikudo Sato, on how to create these "Ancient weaponeries" just like the "Stone Punisher", " the envoy replied.

Near the border between the Rosen kingdom and the Evergreen kingdom.

Luminous was currently spying on the Evergreen camp from afar, she- one of the Inquisitor of the holy church was tasked to "removed" the one who was responsible for obstructing the Rosen army advancement, at first she thought it would be quick and easy, however, she was dead wrong.

The Evergreen army camp took their perimeter security pretty seriously, every time she got close enough, the strange knights in black painted armor seen to notice her presence pretty quickly and constantly raising the alarm.

These blackguard seen really strange to her, their movements are stiff and they all had the smell of death lingering all around their body.

Because of these guards obstructing her from successfully infiltrating the camp, she was forced to keep an eye on them from the outside and hope that one of the important targets left the camp just for whatever reason, but that chance would likely never to come.

"Like why the hell would anyone important just randomly walked outside of the camp for no apparent reason! And what the hell is with these knights! Are they specifically trained to be the bane of all assassin?!" she curses.

She was indeed correct, the undead does not use their eyes to "see" other creatures, they are a creature that is made to sense and seek out the living, but unfortunately, Leonard did not know of this secret yet.

However Luminous does not plan on giving up just yet, she has a duty to fulfill.

She planned to try and quietly sneaked in once again when nightfall.

She waited on top of a tree inside the forest, waiting.

Then suddenly something caught her attention, the chance that she has been waiting for, a cub has strayed from the pack.

"Looks like my chance has arrived."

Today Leonard decide to go outside of the camp for a walk and some fresh air, since being stuck inside the army all the time and surrounded by many men and corpses...could be frustrating for a healthy young man like himself.

please comments and reviews :D...and yeah...that is...

Oniichan_Thickskincreators' thoughts
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