
Work for me!

Teetering with a slight sway, and hovering above a cold stone floor, a single figure swayed beneath a ray of white light. This light lit only his form, one slouched and exhausted.

Each arm, suspended and bound to a limitless chain of metal. Each limb also punctured on a shimmering surface behind him. Such a wall was also tied to a chain, swinging with him.

He was covered and encompassed in chain.

He seemed to be beaten down. Though, an aura of absolute danger still shrouded this chained area. There was no single living creature near his proximity, only that lifeless chain...

It was as if he was a fallen War God; set out and thrown into an area beyond anything living. To die by the hands of time itself.


A tremor rocked the air around such a person, where a sudden dense collection of metallic boom ricocheted outwards. Tearing cracks seemed to form beneath him. Widening as an impenetrable collection of shockwaves thundered.


A glaring golden colour that seemed to replace all light blazed out of the figure as two eyes opened ever so slightly.


A deafening noise responded as those metallic booms formed numerous currents of fierce winds.

"Ah... Am I missing anything..?"

His eyes opened even further as that terrifying glare magnified.


"Wait... How am I still wearing the jacket..? I thought it broke. Huh..."

His voice rumbled as his aura soon began to materialise into a strange golden haze. This fogged aura seemed to be angered, annoyed...


"Good, I didn't lose it... Though by how the black figure described it, I probably wouldn't be able to anyway...."

A mysterious light shined in his frightening eyes as he gazed at a certain pocket on his body. Though, he didn't ponder for too long as those eyes were redirected forward.

"Hm, I feel like a monster in all these chains..."

A sensation that seemed to be edging toward a boundary shined out of the figures eyes as they fully opened. A collection of pops ensued, and in a gloomy expression, the figure's body trembled before tugging at one of the massive chains binding it!



A deafening boom that formed a fearsome force escaped out of him! This force was akin to a full out attack of a peak Martial Condensation, who in this world were overlords!

Anyone would die in front of such a power, yet the chains binding him only trembled for a while until fading back into the stillness from before!

This would be shocking to anyone and everyone with a little bit of knowledge. No normal metal would be able to withstand an attack capable of forming craters miles wide, and even then, who can with but a tug produce such power?

The only people that would come to mind would be the Overseers! Yet, this man was no such person...


Nevertheless, as the figure relaxed after tugging, a searing sound emerged from his chest...

It only lasted for a second, but a visible spasm shook his body in that time.

"This is bad..."

A tired and annoyed voice escaped from the figure as his glowing eyes stared into space for a while.



A sigh escaped out of him as his eyes dimmed till they no longer illuminated the area. His seething aura also dissipated, causing the chilling atmosphere to lighten a tad.

"I can't use my comprehensions too much right now, so ancient energy is a no go..."

This figure was Su Min!

"But it is clear that whoever did this is far more powerful than me... But I'm not dead, and they could have killed me in the time it took to lock me up like an animal."

His dim eyes narrowed as he tugged the chains once again. Though with less force than last time.

"Mhm... It seems that my strength has increased dramatically after that mishap, rivalling my complete power before the rise. But these chains still won't budge. Gah."

Gloominess enveloped his face as he attempted to scratch his head, but found himself incapable to do so.




"... Yes, you indeed are!"


Su Min's eyes trembled as he found a sudden voice reply to him!

Then, in a radiant white, a silhouette that emerged out of thin air materialised in front of Su Min! His beard swayed in the occasional breeze and his eyes flashed a bright blue, staring right at that shocked expression.

"Hahaha, caught you off guard, eh?"

Smugness was etched on his face as he laughed, though Su Min was doing anything but that.

'I didn't sense him!'

However, Su Min quickly disregarded this thought as a shiver plunged right through his soul!

'This... What on earth...?'

An emotion he hasn't encountered for a while swallowed him whole! It was one of something full, a terrorising feeling! Weakness!

'I'm still weak..?'

He didn't know why, or how, but whenever that blue gaze clashed with this, weakness filled him! It was so great that he felt like a beggar in front of this man; as if he were gazing up to a king!

He has renounced the feeling of weakness ever since that day where such weakness devoured him! Although it felt long ago, one that was separated in a literal life taken, he still couldn't forget!

All because he was weak, Yu Yan died! All because he was weak, the sword youth died! All because he was weak, he himself had died!

Even with his lost emotions of attachment, hate cannot be revoked. It's just that, as there is something missing within these memories, this hate will fill those gaps and cloud whatever sentiment of happiness he once felt.

No matter the reason, he had vowed to save someone, yet died due to his own weakness! These memories were painful, painful throughout. And weakness instigated such memories that were all too much for him.

He had responsibilities that he could no longer uphold, like that girl Yu Yan saved. What has happened to her now? Or Yi Zan? Wouldn't the Lin Family just kill them as well?

He was thus filled with hate ever since that day, and felt the subconsciousness need to mindlessly destroy! And just as this thought emerged, Su Min felt as if a bucket of cold-water was being drenched on him.

'Ah... I have forgotten the reason I even wanted to reincarnate. Hatred has plagued me...'

"Oh..? You can feel my power?"

Interested flashed through those blue eyes as the old man smiled. Su Min's expression, though, froze as a thought entered his head.

'What have I been doing all this time? I fight a sect to obtain information about humanities location, yet I haven't obtained anything of the sort. It devolved into madness, and I got sidetracked by my own bloodline!

I decided to ignore these thoughts subconsciously, revelling in my own power that has achieved nothing!

I have done nothing but kill, kill and kill!'

Su Min's frozen face distorted as he felt powerless.

'My bloodline isn't important right now! I have obtained two wisps, and the effects seem to not do anything that widespread, so I don't care! I can't go against my promise to protect the kid Yu Yan died for, and even then I left a mess for those who stayed near me to fix! Instead of pushing my hatred from the past onto all these here, I should rectify it at its source!'

The old man, unbeknownst to the sudden enlightenment that he had caused, rubbed his beard as he gazed at Su Min's expression.

"Hm... It seems that you have something urgent?"

Su Min's eyes lit up the second he heard that.

"Well, hehe, consider this proposition..."


The old man's eyes brightened up with hope as he cleared his throat.

"Work for me, and I'll grant you any wish you desire!"

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