
A Break

In a rushed way, Huan Meirong turned to the pill furnace and placed her sight on the complex lines; however, it was already too late as she could only see how the dim red light blended within the dark colour of the pill furnace.

'Ughh, those formations were worth looking into,' she closed her eyes disheartened, parting her eyes from the pill furnace. Though she couldn't understand them at all, who knows, she might be able to learn something from them.

*Pat* She lightly patted her forehead with her right hand.

"Stop that, Meirong," she said before reprimanding herself in her heart, 'You don't have the time to be learning other things.

Stay focused, you first need to see what went wrong with the refinement.'

"Right! Talking about that refinement, where did the dregs go?" She raised both brows and looked back at the inside part of the pill furnace. Before she had closed her eyes earlier, she hadn't seen any burned dregs. It was strange, even if an explosion had occurred, there should be some; though the absence of them answered why there was no charred smell.

"…" She frowned, she hadn't found anything inside. 'But how can that be? Did the pill furnace eat them?' she kept on thinking. She had no knowledge of something like that but that didn't mean it wasn't possible; many incredible things existed in this place, after all.

"Uh?" Her gaze blurred, making her think that it might be because of it. If her sight was like that, her soul sense was no better as it was what allowed her to see. That explanation was within her logic; moreover, it was the only one available for her to test. Hence, with that in mind, she retrieved her soul sense that covered all within the pavilion and just focused on the inside part of the pill furnace. She hadn't done this before as she liked the sensation of seeing normally; she could only see what was within the range of her soul force, behind that, there was a space of pitch-black darkness for her.

Her eyes blinked with what she saw, 'So the dregs weren't swallowed but turned into fine white specks?' she thought with doubt. She reached one of her hands to touch them but there was no much she could feel as the specks were so small and little in quantity.

'Perhaps, there is a formation to… maintain the pill furnace clean?' Her brows pumped with that thought; she thought it was absurd. What formation master would take the time in devising such formation and she didn't think that a pill furnace of such grade could hold onto many intertwined or superposed formations, 'It's only a rank two pill furnace, right?' She couldn't help but expand his soul force to encompass the entire pill furnace and look at it up and down, right and left.

"It looks like one to me," she muttered before suddenly squatting down with her hands on her head, "Ughh, I'm so stupid. I must have a minuscule brain in my head.

No wonder that happened to me in the past, urghh…" She was lacking knowledge in many areas, making her felt utterly stupid.

Even so, after a couple of minutes, she somewhat came back to reason.


"Oh, well. It's not like I was a blacksmith or a formation master in the past.

I wasn't even close to being an apprentice in those arts despite have been trained as an assassin.

Now, I feel worst.

Ughh…" She rubbed her head and unbound her long black hair before jumping to her feet as she threw the bluish twin hairpin back to her golden qiankun bag, saying, "It's never too late learn. Moreover, it seems I will need to know more to understand at least a bit of this place and its things but… not yet; I have my priorities, after all."

Then, she blew away the little white specks inside the pill furnace; she only needed to do that in order to clean it. She took back the soft gold ribbon and put the lid back to its corresponding place.

'Now, I have to take a break to recover my soul force,' she pursed her lips and placed her hands on her hips, adding to her thoughts, 'I got so drained with just the failed attempt of the third part of a powder that is made with one herb. This is…'

"Just how much time and strength will take me to refine other things?" she voiced out.


"Anyway, I better rest first." She vanished after her last sentence was said.



"Aah… did the black stone take pity on me?" She had fallen right on her bed and it hadn't been abruptly despite of the sound that was made.

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