

Arjun said, " That's right! Among all six of us, Jason, Logan and Adam didn't have the leadership qualities. To be more precise their leadership qualities are less than mine, Rick and Alwyn. Alwyn was a heaven's child. So he spent more time with his father in the courtyard than in training. His training in magic was quick and easy."

Arjun continued, " But Adam was different. He had Red Realm Magic Core. Even though his father was a leader for a district, he never attended his father's office. He spent more time in training. That's why Adam didn't have any leadership qualities. You three need to enhance and mature your leadership qualities. Jessica is also the same. But she is not going to participate in Magmeel's work. So I gave her less responsibilities compared to you. On top of that, we need to survive in the God Realm. So these responsibilities will help you. Do you understand?"

" Yes boss!" , replied Jason, Logan and Adam in unison.

Arjun said, " Adam! I'm going to give you another department. You need to look after the weapons, medicines, etc. You will also be the Minister of Supporting Occupation. Do you have any objection?"

Adam said, " No boss! I don't have any objection. I'll do it."

Arjun said, " Good! Jason! Jessica is going to manage Revenue Department. I'm going to assign you Finance Department. You are going to take charge as the Finance Minister."

Jason said, " Yes boss! I'll do it."

Arjun said, " Good! Logan! As someone who came from the village, you have experienced hunger, poverty, helplessness and hopeless situations. You know how other poor people are spending their days with these situations. That's why! I'm assigning you human welfare department. All you need to do is make sure that people are free from hunger, poverty, hopeless situations. Do you understand?"

Logan said confidently, " Yes boss! you can count on me."

Arjun said, " Good! Alwyn will be Prime Minister. Rick will be Military's Supreme General. Jessica will be Agriculture and Revenue Minister. Adam will be Minister of Supporting Occupation. Logan Will be Minister of Human Welfare. Jason will be Finance Minister. Take your responsibilities seriously."

" Yes!" , All six of them said in unison.

Arjun said, " As for other departments. I will look into it once we reached our empire. Uncle John! I asked you to send a message to all other district governors who came and fought in the battle against The Assassins Organisation which took place in the Weissan Town 12 years ago. I asked you to give them a message to come to the Royal Palace along with their families and luggage. Did you send them the message?"

John said, " Actually, there was no need for that. It's the matter related to the new emperor. They will obviously come. But still I sent them a message. They will come alone with their families."

Arjun said, " Good! I'm going to give them a department each to handle. That's why I asked them to come with luggage and families."

Gnan asked, " What about Aeron and Kiera? Are you not going to assign them any department?"

Arjun smiled and said, " No. They have even bigger responsibilities. They know what those responsibilities are."

Sitaram asked, " What do you mean?"

Arjun told everything about turning Aeron and Kiera into his Light and the Darkness. He even said how long it would take for them to become one.

Sitaram and others who heard this were stunned.

Gutherson said, " The Light and the Darkness? You mean both Aeron and Kiera will become your Light and the Darkness when you will create your own universe?"

Jessica said in amazement, " Wow! That's really something else. That's amazing actually."

Arjun smiled. Later he looked at Brooks. Brooks has very anxious face.

Arjun said, " Uncle Brooks! You need to wait for a very long time. Once we reach the empire, I'll change your Will along with grandfather's and others. Can you wait for more than a billion years to see big brother and big sis?"

Brooks hesitated for a moment. Waiting for one or two years is alright. But to wait more than a billion years is not something he could imagine. He was hesitating. He looked towards Sitaram. He wanted a suggestion.

Sitaram understood what Brooks want to ask. He said, " It's your decision Brooks. No matter what, think about Aeron's future. Then make your decision accordingly."

Arjun said, " It's all right uncle Brooks! Take your own time. You can tell me when you make your decision. I won't feel disappointed if you don't accept it. I can create my own Light and the Darkness, once I reach the Celestial Realm. It's just that I have to wait for another 1 billion years for them to reach the celestial realm."

Brooks said, " Thanks young master. I'll think and give you my answer very soon. But about your Will changing...this cultivation and stuff, can I really do it? I have no confidence."

Sitaram smiled loudly. He said, " When I was a kid, I was just a son of an ordinary farmer. I never dreamed about being a cultivator. When Master adopted us, he said that he will train us in magic. I who was a son of an ordinary farmer hesitated. I asked master the very same question. 'Can I do it?' But master said, don't come to a conclusion without trying. You will know if you try."

Sitaram smiled and continued, " I started to train in magic. But I had no confidence at the beginning. But as I started to advance in magic, I started to like training in magic. I started to gain confidence in myself. As I advanced in magic field, a thought to be strongest in the world took birth in my heart. That's how I became so strong and powerful."

Sitaram looked at Brooks and said, " If master left me alone when I hesitated, I couldn't have achieved what I have today. I, who was a son of an ordinary farmer, who never in my wildest dream ever imagined to be a magician, couldn't have become the strongest in the world. I Couldn't have founded the Star Moon Empire where we are heading right now. My journey began because of the opportunity master has given me. If I neglected that opportunity, then even I didn't know what my future would had been. Right now an opportunity is knocking your door. I'm going to tell you what master said to me in the past. You never know until unless you tried. If I can do it, then you can do it too. Never underestimate your own potential. I'm telling this to every one of you. Especially you six."

Everyone who heard Sitaram, their eyes glittered with respect for Sitaram and Magmeel. Sitaram has created his own legend because of Magmeel's one sentence.

'You never know until unless you tried.'

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