
C10 - Uneasy Union

Feya and the rest had taken time to scale down the cliff, and almost five minutes had passed before they even started to move towards the group. Each of them was full of courage, and they began to form groups as they approached, distinctly a militia compared to the army they faced.

Feya slowed down, as she felt her eyes bulging from their sockets. The entire foe was kneeling before the man that had just saved them, and the enemy general was nearly crying with happiness. What had happened while she was not around? This scene almost made her feel like coughing out blood. Just how many miracles could this man perform?

"Ahh, this is the General Lee Shee. He is surrendering to us to help us all out. I see no ill wishes from him, so I assume he and his men will be fine." Nathan said, pursing his lips.

In truth, he had forgotten the name of the woman who stood before him. Had he even been told her name?

He smiled lightly as the general and his daughter both looked unsure, each of them looking to the other as both armies gazed mistrustfully at one another. All those present seemed worried that things would escalate.

"They just tried to kill us, now you want us to work together?!" One of the guards from Feya's side argued, upset at the sudden turnaround. Many of the others agreed, but Feya herself remained quiet. Kai moved forward quickly and bowed her head, kneeling soon after, leaving everyone else stunned. War-dancers never submitted to anyone. They were free spirits that could never be tamed. This was truly a fantastic sight.

Nathan shook his head, looking to both sides as he let out a deep sigh.

"Nothing is black and white. Clearly, this man was not in charge, but he came here without a single wounded member in his party, which means he pulled out of the battle during that whole incident. Not a single arrow would have been from his group. So it can be assumed that he has made no aggressive move." He looked to Lee Shee, who nodded his head at that statement, impressed by the man's level of insight.

"They are now outlaws as well as you, so why not open your arms and give them a chance. We are stronger united than apart." He paused to look towards the general's side once more. "Though please, make note that if you do betray us, I will kill you. Naturally, if the other side starts anything due to the past, I will also dole out punishment."

He gave fair warning to both sides, and the corresponding representatives nodding in recognition. They understood that this man could truly back up his claims.

Feya shook her head as the guards had become silent. She was the de facto leader of her group, so she acquiesced as she responded to Nathan.

"Sure, that is a fine idea. I agree with it and hope that the other group do not betray this union. I would hate to see more blood flow," she said.

Nathan nodded as he looked at the general. Lee Shee nodded his head as he replied in turn.

"We are looking for freedom from religious oppression, as well. The current Dusk Mistress has fallen to hate and depravity."

Nathan bit his lip as he heard the last statement, the Mistress of Dusk was Saleh, his daughter and one of his first creations. She was always a happy child, and this news made his heart ache. What had changed her?

This turn of events had also proven his theory again. He was no longer in a game. This had turned into reality, which gave him cause to worry. Many things had changed, and he more knowledge to be able to combat this new era.

Feya turned to her guards.

"Let me go gather the group together. I'll send one of my men back once we have gathered everyone. It's too risky for everyone to come separately, as they might flee in different directions if they see a massive army."

Nathan nodded his head as he watched the group of guards heading off, a few of them looking worried at leaving the man who saved them with this group of strangers. Kai remained behind with Nathan as the two groups stood uneasily.

"Why are we all standing around so uneasily? Sit down and have a rest!" Nathan broke the silence, sitting onto the ground.

He looked up at the War-Dancer who still stood, looking slightly confused.

"Oi, Bothanical, you may as well sit down as well. I bet you have some serious dryness up as well."

Lee Shee, Ameria, and the others looked to each other, confused.

"Do you mean the War-Dancer?" Lee Shee asked, confused.

"War-Dancer? Is that the name you gave them? They are called Bothanicals, pronounced Both - Ann - Ick - Alls."

They all looked confused as they watched the plant-like woman who seemed to let out a small rustle before sitting down obediently.

"I've never seen one so obedient. Normally they rampage and kill so easily! it's like she's a pet..." Ameria said, with a small giggle escaping her lips.

Nathan motioned to one of the soldiers who was resting, holding his hand out.

"Can I have that bottle?"

The soldier slowly handed it over after getting a nod from his general. They all watched as Nathan moved back towards Kai, beginning to empty the water on her leaves, making sure to drain specific amounts onto each part. None of the water poured onto the sands, but was instead absorbed completely into the creature.

"I'm surprised you managed to last that long..." Nathan muttered as Kai shook around, her leaves growing slightly due to the water she had taken.

Her mouth pulled closer as she looked up to him with an almost childlike expression, her nature different to the typical cold attitude she usually bore.

"Thank you, o' great one!" she said. All the soldiers heard her echoing voice, and couldn't help but blush slightly.

Everyone could only think one thing, just one word that stuck into their minds.

"Cute!" Ameria muttered, as everyone nodded in agreement.

Lee Shee stared strangely as he wondered in his head:

How can a plant be cute!

So, I posted the Ninth chapter as a bonus due to us reaching a goal a few hours ago.

I made the challenge super hard, thinkings.

'No way they are going to get this done.'

Came back to 76 stones.

You guys are amazing and I feel like crying with joy!

Enjoy the second bonus chapter!

But in all seriousness. I doubt you will get my next challenge.

If we hit 100 Power Stones! I will release another chapter! Thanks all!

Also please join the discord below! <3


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