

Slightly before dawn, Davis, Fiora, and Mingzhi finished their nightly activities and slept for a few hours while cuddling together before waking up in the morning. They washed and wore their attires, walking out hand in hand while being stuck together with him, still unable to forget the pleasure they were imbued with in these few days.

"There's no one here..."


Fiora and Mingzhi exchanged glances as their blush left their cheeks.

Fortunately, there was no one outside to ambush and tease the living soul out of them, so the two of them left to practice after giving Davis a shy kiss on his cheeks while giggling.

Davis rubbed his cheeks with fondness as he recalled being sandwiched by them all day before he left the palace, choosing to deal with the others later. But at the exit, he saw a familiar silhouette of a woman he hadn't seen for a while.

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