
Fate Twisted

Aurelius became increasingly tempted at the thought of becoming the world's best Mystic Diviner. Perhaps, he could even eventually reach the top in the Heaven Gazing Sect and reign over the masses in the future!

However, the problem is, the Fate Discarnate Soul appeared on his martial niece, who now became his niece as his sworn brother had accepted her as his own daughter. 

He began to feel conflicted. 

If it were any other person, he would've robbed the other person's soul by now with his unorthodox methods and used it in his divination activities in the future, making him reign the profession of Mystic Diviner in the end.

Aurelius's thoughts rapidly churned in his 'sleep'!

By the time he came out of his reverie, he 'woke' up. When he opened his eyes as if he had just become conscious, he looked around and saw that he was sleeping on a bed in his room. Furthermore, a woman was taking care of him, gently wiping his forehead.

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