
Natalya's Thoughts

Suddenly, Fiora jumped on Natalya and whispered, "Elder Sister, are you sure that staying with this person is safe!?"

Natalya rolled her eyes, "It's safe, he's harmless..."

She didn't dare to reveal his identity afraid that he would kill both of them now. Although the other party was nice to them, she knew that it was only because they didn't inconvenience him much.

Fiora laughed, thinking that her sister was joking.

If Davis had heard this, it would more or less hurt his pride, provoking him into teasing her till she pleads for mercy but he didn't use his Soul Sense on them, so he had no way of knowing.

"Although he had saved you and treats you nicely, it still isn't safe to stay with him, after all, didn't father say that a harmless man is a wolf in sheep's clothing..." Fiora causally said, inducing fear in Natalya's heart.

Natalya's heart skipped a beat. If it were really the case, wouldn't she fall victim to that young boy's claws one day?

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