
New Plan

"Really!? Are you sure?" I ask jumping up. He smiles and says "Of course." I lean over and hug him saying "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I feel him stiffen so I freeze, pull back and say "Oh, sorry. Vampires aren't really the hugging type huh?" He gives me a small smile before saying "This Vampire is."

My smile grows and I lean over again to hug him and this time he returns it. Someone clears their voice behind us. I pull away to find Rune glaring at us. "This is Dee and she will show you to the room we've set up for you. If you need ANYTHING come find ME." Rune says in a tight voice.

Leon smiles and nods his head as he follows Dee back into the castle leaving Rune and I alone in the garden. He turns to me asking "What was that?" Confused I ask "What was what?" Irritated, Rune runs a hand through his hair as he fights to control the storm I see brewing in his golden eyes.

"Why were the two of you hugging?" He ask through his gritted teeth and I say " I was just thanking him, nothing else." Confused Rune ask "Thanking him for what?" His dark eyebrows come together looking almost like one. "I asked him to teach me how to fight while he's staying here and he agreed." I say in victory.

Rune's eyebrows shoot up to his hair line nearly disappearing "Teach you how to fight!? Hah! No, not happening." Rune laughs but it lacks humor. He's nearly exploding but I stand my ground "You won't teach me and you even have your men turning me down or avoiding me completely so you can't blame me. I'm not asking you Rune, I'm telling you." I say staring him down.

He works his jaw and ask "And if I say no.." I refuse to budge saying "It doesn't matter what you say. I'm doing this one way or the other Rune, with or without your "permission". I'm not a child Rune." I glare at him and I see his mind working before he says "You two will not be alone while this takes place."

Suprised I quickly agree "Of course! You can come and watch if you want." Rune barks out in laughter but again it lacks humor as he says "Come watch another man put his hands on my woman? Come watch you two rolling around on a mat all hot and sweaty? I think I'll pass." He gives me one more look before he turns around and storms off. Why does he make it sound so wrong...

Wow.. okay I don't know if it was the site or my computer but I somehow managed to delete this chapter twice! And both times I had not saved my work causing me to rewrite this chapter a total of three times!!! T^T Send help... It's my fault for not saving it... I'm calling it a night lol I will pick back up tomorrow and finish releasing the extra chapters! Thanks again guys!

Blissfullragecreators' thoughts
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