
A new life

On the small island Baterilla in South Blue

In a small room a mother was holding her two sons in her arms. The boys were just born not long ago as one of them was still crying. Together with them were 3 more people. The young mothers parents and a tall middle aged man.

„If it's a girl… Anne and if it's a boy… Ace. Those names… he picked them."

The mother narrated melancholically as a tear slowly streaked down her cheek.

„So his name… is Gol D. Ace."

Said the young mother and kissing the crying baby gently on the head.

„We never thought that we would get twins so we haven't prepared a name for a second boy."

Her parents just silently listened unable to say a word. They felt as if something was strangling them as breathing was painful and an unexplainable pressure was spreading in their chest at the same time. Both parents knew if they tried to talk they would start to cry just like Ace is doing

„I know how he thought of Ace as our sons name. So in memory of his father… his name is Gol D. Jackson"

She then gently kissed the calm, slightly bigger baby on the head, just as she did before. Bringing the two boys close to her face she lovingly cuddled with them, knowing that she doesn't has much time left. The baby, Jackson, who had stopped crying relatively fast after his birth, started to cry again as if he could feel her complicated emotions.