
He who fights and runs today...

"Shit, now what?" Flanker cursed.

"We just need to take down the chieftain," Ralph shouted as he dodged the orc leader's battleax.

Dave's hands blurred as he made the ninja kuji kiri hand seals for casting [Dragon Ball]. Fire coalesced above him into a fiery sphere that shot toward the cluster of high orcs. The [Dragon Ball] impacted the orcs like a bowling ball striking the pins, giving him a brief respite from their attacks.

"What do you mean just take the chieftain down?" he asked Ralph.

Mercy jumped on top of the chieftain and locked her legs around his neck. She stabbed her dagger into the chieftain's skull. The orc leader groaned in pain but flung the assassin away.

"Orcs are cowardly creatures, if the leader is killed they will scatter and run. We just need to kill this big boy before the rest of the tribe gets here," Ralph said.

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