
A tale of Ice-Trolls and...bridges.

The group of trolls led the way to the end of the long cavern. There weren't any more trolls imprisoned in the cavern. Most of the blocks of ice were empty. But there was frozen blood inside the ice.

The trolls stopped and put the three adventurers down. They approached the frozen blood and sniffed. The red-maned troll howled mournfully and the others joined him, then they drummed their chests in a display of rage. The trolls huddled together, grunting and barking in conference, then they rushed ahead.

"Why are the fluffies leaving us behind?" Lone sounded crestfallen.

"That blood must be from a troll. A troll tinkle has a strong kinship and camaraderie bond. Judging from their behaviour and this amount of blood here, the cell occupant must have died, now they went to investigate the cause of death," Jura noted impassively.

"Troll tinkle? That's so cute! But I thought groups of trolls were called flames..."

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