
A Shocking Discovery!

Watching the Saiyan Chief engineer hurriedly scurry off down the corridor angrily muttering to himself he turned his attention to focus on his apparently new roommate who had a completely unique yet enthralling appearance.

Clad in an uniquely designed white Saiyan skintight combat jumpsuit that clung to every inch of her body and left little to the imagination in the form of a long-sleeved one-piece dress that started with a plunging neckline which revealed a generous amount of her uncharacteristically for a Saiyan Double D ample cleavage and stopped mid-thigh, halting a few inches shy of the top of a pair of sexy ivory high-heeled thigh-high combat boots.

On top of this alluring assemble she wore a black mid-calve lab coat with a big crimson plus on the back and a slit in the back near her rear from which a dazzling typical yet unusually colored half dark gold and half sparkling silver Saiyan tail extended from waving playfully to and fro as she sauntered around the room, her hips swaying hypnotically from side to side.

Unusually straight and long for a Saiyan black hair flowed down her back to her bottom with luminous gold and silver highlights running throughout it like thick strands of constant flowing energy. A sleek looking black scouter with a crystal clear display was attached to her left ear, covering a shimmering silver colored eye which was the leftmost half of a pair of entrancing heterochromia eyes, the other colored a dark gleaming gold. However it would be the height of foolishness to assess her by her frail entrancing appearance alone for she rather blatantly and foolishly exuded a vigorous Ki with a power level of roughly 500.

Despite her earlier voiced dismay for her new assignment she exuded a cheerful impression and was apparently quite diligent as she quickly began to assess her surrounds before proceeding to explore the large room filled with row upon row of the latest incubators. After she finished exploring the room she began to hum a playful yet soothing tune under her breath as she went from incubator to incubator making notes of her observations on a thin clipboard shaped holo-screen projected from a high-tech looking sleek black wristband computer on her left arm with a graceful wave of her right pointer finger.

Examining the inside of her coat carefully with his Ki Sense he slowly search her pockets and despite a variety of devices and hi-tech tools securely attached to the insides he eventually discovered a ID Card inside the inner left pocket of her black lab coat which had a picture of her winking flirtatiously and her basic information which read, Name: Jewel, Gender: Female, Date of Birth: 731, Potential: Low-class, Occupation: Engineer. Above the line which read Occupation there was a large SUPER handwritten in bright colors with a downward insert arrow before the word Engineer.

Saiyan engineer Jewel, her name truly suited her for despite being a part of the battle born Saiyan warrior race she had a heart pounding figure with unbelievable hourglass curves forming the ideal compact goddess-like body with a height around 4'7" (her 4" heels included) coupled with her youthful gorgeous face which exuded and incomparably soothing air of love and kindness tinged with a child's insatiable curiosity culminated in the miraculous creation of a uniquely precious and dazzling treasure.

Yet despite her earlier exuberant and buoyant start, after finishing with nearly half of the fifty latest incubators her enthusiasm seemed to have waned, her pace becoming sluggish as it continued to grow slower by the second until eventually she wore an indifferent expression upon her lovely face as she gazed at the young Saiyan infants quietly asleep in there incubators, her eyes having lost their brilliance now having grown clouded with complete and utter boredom for her newly assigned monotonous and simplistic duty which could easily be done by someone with far lesser qualifications then her own.

But this sudden loss of interest in her newly assigned duties was a trivial matter next to the mind-boggling issue he discovered after he did some simple math in his head for he had suddenly realized she was only 6 yrs old, SIX!!! Simply unbelievable, for she had the appearance of a overdeveloped 16 year old, that was nearly three times her real age, which then made him wonder what she would look like when she did in fact reached her Saiyan adulthood. This also explained why the Chief engineer had called her a Saiyan oddity because typically Saiyans go thru a few phases of growth instead of a continuous, slow growth until maturity like normal Earthlings.

Saiyan infants develop mentally at a much faster rate than Earthlings, as they're able to take care of themselves and even fight at a much earlier age than human babies, and tend to enjoy rough behavior that would be considered unsafe for a regular human infant. But unlike Earthlings Saiyans have a naturally much long childhood than humans, retaining a small childlike appearance for much of their early life, which is an natural defense mechanize designed to allow them to deceive others around them as they grow older. Growing tends to vary between Saiyans as much as it does with Earthlings, but in general most Saiyans tend to grow through 3 phases, infant, child and adult.

After being born a Saiyan infant will rapidly mature in a few years into young child who appears as though they were a 7 year old Earthling. At the age of 14 most Saiyans will appeared to have stopped growing still looking like an average 7 year old Earthling and even several years later they will still barely exhibit any signs of further growth at all, their limbs growing out only slightly, as well as a small increase in height and musculature.

However upon reaching physical maturity around the age of 20 a Saiyans body will undergo a massive growth spurt that causes the Saiyan to grow into a size suited for battle. Beyond superficial changes from this point on, the Saiyan will hardly age at all, remaining in the prime of their life and ready for battle for the rest of their life unlike Earthlings. Logically she should be in the young child phase yet she looked like a sexy teenager with a pair of perky Double D's which meant there was either something really wrong with her body or she was a really special type of Saiyan and this was in fact her child phase. This shocking thought caused his imagination to overload as he realized if this was so then she would definitely grow up into a peerless beauty with a perfect knockout body.

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