
Ki Marbles

Ultimately one of his main goals was to defeat Goku and the rest of the Z-Fighters in front of all the universes at the Tournament Of Power, proving he was the strongest in the entire Dragon Ball multiverse.

However that was not for another 41 years and more importantly this was a competition between universes which meant that even if he wanted to compete against Goku he would be stuck being on the same team. Therefore the only way he could avoid this and several other disturbances of universe 7's timeline was to leave universe 7 altogether and migrate to a different universe were he would set up shop and blend with the locals.

This of course was perfectly fine with him since he actually realized he could now achieve one of his more romantic Dragon Ball obsessions, the union of Broly and Kale, who was the Legendary Super Saiyan from universe 6. However at the present moment she wasn't even born yet and wouldn't be for at least 20 years hence he estimated, which meant that he had plenty of time to train before they met.

So currently his primary goal was to perfect his basic combat skills and master his unique Ki Barrier technique, Powered Shell so he would be able to escape the Planet when Frieza destroys it in 2 years, then he would find a place to lay low and train for another year.

After that he would try to locate a space ship or at the very least an attack ball and head to earth were he would start his journey of universe 7's and stock up on various provisions and items as well as pay a visit to a few famous Dragon Ball character to learn several useful and powerful techniques.

With his currently plans made he felt his mind and heart become free of any and all unnecessary thoughts and worries which was the optimum state to enter meditation and begin his Ki training, however he would have to be careful to control his Ki to maintain his low-class Saiyan facade and remain low-key.

And so Broly began to meditate, practicing the secret breathing technique of the Long school causing his Ki to flow throughout his body along a certain path as he slowly refined the Ki entering his body from the nutrient solution, purifying it with every breath he took as he laid down a solid foundation for his future.

After several days had past he began to train his Ki Control using the Ki Marble Technique he had invented to train his Ki Control which was divided into tiers of mastery which were basic control 25, intermediate control 50, advanced control 75, mastery 100.

First he would create a small ball of Ki to appear on his finger-tip which he would then slowly control to roll along the exterior of his hand like a remote-control car. Several hours later he added a second one, then another hour after he added a third one.

Every hour after he would increased the of Ki Marbles by one causing the difficult to rise but also enabling him to swiftly promote his mastery of Ki Control. A week later he could smoothly control 25 Ki Marbles and could manipulate them as if they were his own hands and feet.

The next week he managed to double that number raising the total number he could control to 50 Ki Marbles. Two weeks later he reached advanced control and a month after that he finally achieved mastery. With his Ki Control training finished for now he moved on to training his Ki Sense.

Unlike the other Saiyan infants who were either suspended loosely or in a fetal position in their incubators Broly had crossed his legs assuming a lotus stance with his palms firmly pressed together in front of the center of his body and his eyes closed as he peacefully meditated, extending his Ki sense around him like a field of invisible energy which enabled him to observe everything in his entire surroundings so clearly and precisely that not even the slightest movement of a single speck of dust could escape his notice.

As the days passed on so too did his range continue to swiftly grow gaining hundreds of feet by the day. by the end of the first week of his training he could observe the entire base around him, and incidentally discovered that the incubator room he was currently in was in a secluded part of the base deep underground. This of course was currently advantageous to him and he blessed his good fortune to be located in such a remote area.

Now he would be lying if he denied observing the Saiyan women's bath for long hours as he watched them cover their lovely toned bodies in mounds of foaming soapy suds or touching each other's various shapely assets playfully in comparison, however he had only done so a few times out of purely scientific curiosity of the female Saiyans anatomy and not out of any baser perverted desires,....honestly, after all he was still just a child.

True he was a child inhabited by the soul of a mature 30ish year old who was used to spending long vigorous nights of giving limitless bliss to multiple ladies simultaneously, but still in essence, at least physically he was a child so there was no problem...right?

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