

They left after John checked on her mother's lab results and brought her to Arch Lithe Villa.

He introduced her to Leonard's team. Jenna played the hostess and toured her up to basement three. Diane was astonished to see the whole setup of the building. Her journalist spirit came out and bombarded Jenna with questions.

While Diane was away from earshot, Leonard laughed at John's odd behavior, for giving in to Diane. Before, John had almost won against all debates but he deliberately chose to lose to his girlfriend.

Who would have thought, both John and Diane forgot to shut off their communication from her earrings and his earphone. Their argument was heard throughout basement two, including the kissing, of course. However, Diane did not know this and John made sure it would remain a secret. Of course, John could not imagine her embarrassment and annoyance if she knew.

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