
Macau (IV): Something Evil's Lurking In The Dark

"So this is Macau? Do at of you have any money, it would be nice to go wild in one of those casinos!" Louis yelled out as he spun himself around a street light, drawing attention to himself as people from all works of life looked at him. Alex on was drawn to the bright lights, and just how much more relaxed this city seemed. The Wudang sect had at least 20 thousand people living within it's mountains, so life was quite bustling there, however Macau had hundreds of thousands of residents, not to mention the tourists, this was a really lively place.

"We're too far south! We're close to the city of Hong Kong in the north east, but the Wudang mountains are to the far north, right in the central area of the empire of heaven, we'll need to get back home on a transport airship or a bus or car. But there in lies the problem, who has any money?" Yun Fao asked as he looked back at the city gates they just walked through.

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