

While Alfonso and company were busy on the third circle of hell.

Near Sky City.

Someone opened his eyes.

"Ahh… my head… I haven't had this feeling since I drunk fifty jars of wine back in the days" Said a young man with black hair and a patch.

"Hey kid, why do you wake me up, I haven't recovered all my powers yet" Said the man.

"Hey, kid!"


After some seconds without an answer, the young man scratched his head.

"What the hell…?" Though Chrono.

He sat in the bed and took some deeps breaths.

"His soul isn't here… but he can't die because I am here, which means…"

"He must be in the Underworld"

"So many hardships"

"So much sadness"

"So much pain"

"Poor, poor, Alfonso"

"Let's take some seconds of respect" Though Chrono

He closed his eyes for a few seconds…

"Okay, that's enough of that poor bastard~"

Chrono smiled from ear to ear.

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