
Tea Time

Looking at Jayde, Elder Ryunzo was surprised at how young she was, but seeing the Ebonywolf at her side, he knew she must be a powerful individual. He had written countless pleas for help to his warlord as well as to the Mage's Guild, he had even contacted the Mercenary Guild, but after years of being ignored, he had resigned himself to never receiving any help.

Even after the villages had scrounged everything of value they had to come up with the reward of five aura stones, but still to no avail had anyone come to rescue them. Elder Ryunzo had been filled with helplessness, watching the people under his care live every day filled with fear and dread — he had been contemplating asking them to leave the village.

Filled with gratitude, his eyes filled with tears.

"Bless you, bless you, young mistress," he said brokenly.

Jayde had no idea how to handle Elder Ryunzo excessive emotional outburst.

"Please Elder Ryunzo, call me Jayde, and this is my battle pet Reiko," Jayde said indicating Reiko sitting quietly by her side.

"Ah no .. I couldn't the disrespect...."

"Elder Ryunzo please I insist," Jayde said firmly.

Elder Ryunzo was really amazed at how approachable this young mage was, he had the unfortunate experience of meeting a mage when he was younger, that man had been arrogant and terribly cruel.

To this day Elder Ryunzo still had nightmares of how that man had set a young mother and her young child alight with his magic, just because they didn't move out of his way fast enough. Their pain-filled screams still woke him up to this day. If they hadn't lost so many young children to the Direwolves he would never have dared to contacted the Mages Guild, he was terrified of what a mage would do to his people and his village, but at the end of the day the Direwolves had posed a greater threat to his people, and he was willing to do anything to save them, even if it meant selling his dignity, although still very cautious about Jayde, he nevertheless was feeling relieved that she seemed so nice.

Just then Mrs. Ryunzo entered the living room, with a tray filled with small dessert cakes and delicate sandwiches as well as tea.

Jayde seeing Mrs. Ryunzo struggling with the weight of the tray got up to help. Which put the poor Mrs. Ryunzo in quite a dither. Looking wide-eyed at her husband for help, Elder Ryunzo just shook his head slightly, he was as flustered as his wife. Never in his life would he have believed that he would see the day when a powerful mage would stoop to help out a common person like his wife.

Jayde took the tray from Mrs. Ryunzo and put in on the nearby table, but seeing how flustered the old couple were, she quietly returned to her seat, while Mrs. Ryunzo served tea and cake. Reiko, of course, smelled the delicious cake and let out a whine and gave Mrs. Ryunzo a pleading look.

By now the poor woman was about to pass out, she really had no clue what the Ebonywolf wanted, looking at Jayde, she hesitatingly asked: "Um, Young Mistress, your battle pet?"

Letting out a small laugh Jayde replied: "Mrs. Ryunzo, please call me Jayde, and as for Reiko, he says that your cakes smell delicious, so he was asking for a piece."

Mrs. Ryunzo wasn't quite sure if she should be proud or not about an Ebonywolf thinking her cakes smelled delicious, but as long as he wanted cake and not her for a snack, she didn't mind giving him the whole tray.

Dishing up most of the cakes left, she hesitantly walked over to Reiko and placed the plate in front of him. Reiko, of course, was delighted and being dense, gave Mrs. Ryunzo hand a small lick as a thank you.

Stupefied Mrs. Ryunzo let out a small whimper. Jayde sensing that Mrs. Ryunzo was frozen stiff in either shock or fear, she honestly couldn't tell said faintly.

"Oh, that is his way of saying thank you."

Mrs. Ryunzo staggered slightly to her seat, and sat down, her knees were shaking so badly that she doubted she would be able to stand up for a while, but she was really relieved to hear Jayde saying that her battle pet was saying thank you, and not I want to eat you.


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