
First Impression

Kai pressed the button on the buzzer and waited for somebody to reply. A second later he heard an intercom switch on and a man's voice was heard on the line, Kai assumed that he was a secretary or a security guard.

"Hello, what are you doing here?" He asked Kai in English. Kai was surprised at the fact that the man was speaking English because he had thought that he would be speaking Romanian. He had prepared a spell for speaking and talking to foreign human and magical being, he had invented it when he was thinking of spells that could help him with business and communication- related work. He had simply named the spell [Translate].

[Translate] was a 1st grade spell. It allowed him to speak to people in his own native language and they would understand his words in their own native language and vice-versa.

But now the man on the intercom surprisingly spoke in English. Kai reacted quickly and said in a confident and clear tone using English "my assistant called the Dean to make an appointment under the Surname Natasa. Can you check the appointment with him?"

"Please wait for a few moments sir, I'll check with the Dean right now." The man disconnected from the intercom. Kai waited a few moments and glanced at Bob who was sitting in the car with an amused expression, or at least Kai assumed that he had an amused expression, after all, it was hard to read a cat's expression.

Kai was getting bored and decided to study the gate and its surroundings. He saw that in a minuscule crack there was a small camera that was watching his every movement. He continued to examine the surrounding area and saw more and more hidden cameras hidden in tiny cracks in the walls.

They kept on rotating and zooming in on Kai's figure, Kai figured that since they were observing him they should have finished confirming his identity. He became slightly annoyed but reigned in his emotions with his best poker face, he currently looked like a cold emperor that was in control of his surroundings. He succeeded and due to the fact that he was a vampire he looked like a corpse, so he started to move his body so that it would appear like his body was getting numb from standing in the same pose.

Kai knew that as an academy that taught many rich corporate heirs they had to have exceptional security. He started to focus on his hearing and started to expand his hearing's domain through the academy. He eventually covered the whole academy and sensed many different heartbeats coming from different areas on the academy grounds. He assumed that they were bodyguards assigned to protect the students residing in the academy.

In addition, he smelt various metallic and plastic smells coming off the locations of the bodyguards. Guns he thought, at least they're well prepared. He could sense at least 1000 bodyguards merely on the school grounds from his location, but due to him just casually sweeping the area with his senses he wasn't sure how many bodyguards there were hiding in the grounds.

In addition to the school grounds, Kai sensed many more heartbeats throughout the academy residences and buildings. There were many that beat steadily, and Kai could sense that they seemed to beat at only a certain number of beats per minute.

These heartbeats seemed to be those of highly trained professionals as they were beating to a certain "rhythm." This meant that they were trained in a certain martial arts style that increased their bodies to an extremely high level. The breathing technique would allow their bodies to explode with strength rivalling the strongest known muggle professional fighters in the world.

These bodyguards were apparently trained by the academy, however, Kai didn't want to jump to conclusions. What he could know for sure was that these heart signatures were definitely in the academy to protect at least one student. He continued to scour the buildings and discovered many heart signatures that were beating at merely one beat per few minutes.

Such a heartbeat was abnormal and breached the human standards. It was supernatural as a normal muggle athlete in peak condition could only have his heartbeat at the upper 30 beats per minute in a relaxed condition. But these heartbeats were clearly non-human. Kai narrowed his eyes and thought to himself that he hadn't even entered the academy, but he had discovered so much information.

He considered using his runic eyes to sense if there were any magic signatures but due to the blood energy that clearly changed his eyes visibly, he resisted using them after looking at the hidden cameras on the walls. Although he could use them with an illusion, he didn't know how well it would appear on camera. Because he had only tried to use illusions with direct eye contact.

Just as he was getting impatient from waiting, he heard the intercom switch on and the man's voice said to him "Alright it's been confirmed, welcome to White Rose Academy sir Natasa."

In the intercom's background, Kai could hear at least 5 other female voices say quietly "He's so handsome." Or "Look at his dreamy face, it's so cold and imperial like an emperor…"

The intercom switched off and Kai returned back to his Lamborghini Veneno and started to drive slowly through the slowly opening gates. The car drove smoothly through the concrete road and lead him to a roundabout. There were four big white luxurious metal signs with golden patterns engraved into them, one next to each exit. The first sign read in bold cursive letters Administrative Offices. The next one read Dormitories, the third read Study Halls and the final sign read Sports Fields.

Kai naturally exited through the first road that read administrative offices. The road lead him to an old castle-like building with what appeared to have 3 floors or at least according to the number of windows on each layer of the building.

Kai said to himself "okay this perfectly fits the stereotype so far. But hey maybe it will be different when I meet the Dean." Kai drove into an elegant parking lot with many various statues depicting many mythological creatures in front of each parking space.

Entered one parking space with a statue depicting of a dragon, Kai looked at the dragon and thought to himself. 'Meh, I've seen much better.' He then looked at Bob and said to him "You coming with me or are you staying in the car?"

Bob looked at Kai and said to him telepathically "Naturally I'm coming with you, I'm also curious to see the dean of this well renown academy with my own eyes." "No, you don't, you just want to see if he's a vampire."

"That's true, I won't deny it," Bob told Kai. They both left the car and Kai then locked the car with his keys and gently put them in his suit pocket. Before heading towards the building.

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