
Her Yearnings

In Patel family, another change is seen after a shopping trip of girls. Varsha has got another occasional follower Akshay who also joins Varsha and Ira for discussions sometimes. Ira gets the benefit of the joining of Akshay as she gets her duties done by him with the help of her beloved sister-in-law. And Akshay feels happy hearing the praises from his elder sister and sister-in-law.

The attitude of Akshay irked the eldest uncle of Akash who is also the father of Akshay. He also gets reprimanded by his elder brother Arpit for tailing the two girls and following their orders. Akshay knows where the most benefits in the family are. His father and brother are too busy in their own world to care for his interests. As per the promise of grandpa, he is also going to get a sports bike from grandpa on new year if he behaved like a good boy. So, he is too carefree to care about anything else other than being a good and obedient boy.

Eldest uncle maintained his indifferent attitude toward Aksha and Varsha. He did not wish to interrupt his own business plan due to unnecessary conflicts. Eldest aunt is also acting more reserved and tries to keep Arpit in check and not allow him to sneer or comment at Varsha or Akash. Eldest aunt is not a bad woman, she is just concerned toward her husband. She is also afraid of her husband failing again and does not wish to be a reason for his failure in any way. She has actually become a pitiful and cautious woman after knowing her husband's plan. Sometimes she thinks if it was better if she did not know anything.

Varsha remained the most adored person of Grandpa and grandma. Ira is the most beloved family member of Varsha. Of course after her indifferent beloved husband. Akash goes to office regularly at 9:00 AM in the morning and return around 6:00 PM. He is working on some of his dream projects and after he implements them, Patel family restaurants are going to get a boost in advertising and their brand name.

Sometime Varsha feels if Akash is so devoted to work so as to avoid her and she tries to spend more time with him. Even if he is not talking, he will definitely sense her presence around him. When he is reading, she will also sit and read something near to him. If he is working on the laptop, she will bring water or some snacks for him at regular intervals. She likes to do things for him. During day time she spends her time taking care of grandparents and mother-in-law or in gardening.

Yesterday it has rained almost the whole day and today is a beautiful sunny day. Akash has returned home earlier today and is reading something in his balcony. Varsha is working in the vegetable garden. She sees him reading in the balcony and looks lovingly to the person who is her husband. She sat beside the water stream and stares at his peaceful profile. Her admission is done in Commerce College of Pune University and this is the last week of the month of August. From the first week of September, her classes will also start and she will be going to college with Ira.

Her eyes turned misty looking toward Akash and she whispered "I won't be able to see you if you returned home early from next month because of my college. Why does it feel painful? Just this small thing is so heartbreaking. When will I get a chance to feel your warmth? I really do not wish to do anything but something which can make you look at me lovingly."

Suddenly Akash raised his head from the book and looked toward the garden and his eyes met with Varsha who is looking toward him. Varsha got startled and turned her head to the other side. "Even I can not look at you with this love-filled gaze of mine. I am afraid that you will hate me if you knew for how long I have already loved you." She thought and felt her tears flowing unknowingly and just kept looking toward the garden opposite to the balcony of their house. she allowed the tears to flow and felt her sadness vanish slowly while tears dried by the cool air of the rainy season.

After some time Varsha heard the shout of Ira ""Sister-in-law!" Looks like she has finished her duties assigned to do the trimming and cleaning in flower garden and is now free to enjoy her time with her beloved sister-in-law. Varsha hurriedly lowered her head toward the water in the stream and splashed it on her face with both hands to wash her tear stained face and red eyes. After washing her face she turned and welcome the bubbly Ira with her innocent smile which has won the hearts of many in the family.

Akash who is reading the book and also occasionally watching the playfulness of two girls in the vegetable garden and could not help smile sometime seeing Ira acting cute with her sister-in-law. He scoffs seeing Varsha also acting like a child sometimes. He also has to turn back suddenly sometimes toward book lest the girls saw him observing them. A ringtone of an incoming call on his phone suddenly interrupted him. Akash looked at the screen and smiled seeing who is calling.

Akash picked his phone and received the call and said: "Hello, finally I have been missed."

"Ha ha ha. Don't be conceited. It is me who calls everyone and you are complaining. If I was not in the group of us four friends, I believe no one will remember each other." Voice of his best friend Kripa came from the other side.

Akash turned silent and then said after a few moment "When I think of it, it really is true. Those two idiots Alok and Rishi have not called me after the marriage."

"Ha ha ha. They must be thinking that idiot Akash has not called them after his marriage." Kripa laughed and said from the other side.

Akash turned silent after the mention of marriage and looked toward the two girls who are sitting at one bank of the water stream side by side and their legs are dangling in the water. Seeing their friendly banters, he felt calm yet confused.

"How is your marriage life? I know you had felt dissatisfied but have you at least let her feel comfortable around you? A girl has left her family and she also has her own aspirations from the marriage." The calm voice of Kripa came.

Akash looked toward the girls from the balcony and said "She looks happy. My sister, mother, and grandparents adore her. To me, it seems she has gained more than me from our marriage."

Kripa sighed and said "You have said it wrong. If her husband does not care then there will be a day that she will feel unworthy of the love of all those people. Even those people will start thinking whether they should love her the same after some time if you do not give her proper place in your life. You should know that you can either make her life or destroy it. You should cherish her at least due to the feeling of responsibility. I like this sister-in-law based on the interactions I had with her. I totally am a fan of discerning eyes of your grandparents now."

Akash pondered for a few seconds and then laughed "Looks like she has made fans outside the family as well." Then he turned serious and said calmly "But I feel a bit hurt. I respect and love my elders and they blackmailed me to marry without asking me beforehand. Should I also lower my pride to love that girl? I will feel totally defeated in life if I did not get any explanation from them. I at least want to hear them say that they should have asked for my opinion."

Kripa waited a bit and then said "You are an idiot. And what explanation you want from that girl who might be thinking that the love of the husband is not for her in this life or might be a bit afraid of what will happen to her in future? Technically you did not lose anything from this marriage. You only had a hope to fall in love and then marry but who can say that girl you would have found will not be some scheming woman acting to trap you or a pampered princess of some rich family who might ask you to stay separately from the annoying elders of the family after marriage. But I can see that your wife of today is the most innocent, kind, sincere and humble woman. If you find some fault with her and mention it, she will accept it and correct it whatever way you want it. About her being happy, I can say that all that is a facade to hide her pain. Why? Because no woman will be happy in a family if her husband doesn't love her."

Akash looked toward the garden and saw the girls still playing with water. They are laughing and talking. He wondered if she really is sad inside. Then he thought if he is acting irresponsibly toward her. He then said "If I start caring suddenly, I will feel strange. If others, even if someone in family commented on me caring for my unwanted wife, my pride might feel hurt. I will feel ashamed. Just thinking of caring feels like crushing my dignity."

"Okay. Okay. I will not say more. Just try it this way. When she is around you, try to look at what she is doing or ask her something related to that. If she asks something, respond to her with a smile at least. If she tells something, listen to it without being impatience. Praise her sometimes for cooking good food or doing something well. Just start from this. No one will notice these small things or comment on this because anyone would do that." Kripa said.

"Sure, Love guru Kripa! I will follow your teachings." Akash laughed and said. He looked toward the sky and sun has set and it is the time of dusk and soon it will be the start of the night.

Then Kripa said suddenly "Hey, I am getting a call from Alok. Looks like this idiot has some telepathic connection and knew that I'm calling you. Remember what I said. I will call later to check on the progress. Haha." And call got cut.

Akash looked at his phone speechless and shook his head. He thought about the things his friend said and found no fault with that. He loves and respects his family elders but they did not even give him basic respect of asking his opinion. He felt hurt and this pain is still there. But he knows that Varsha is not in fault in this. How can he show his care to her without lowering himself and without hurting his pride? He looked to the two cheery girls in the garden with a calm expression.

Varsha and Ira both are aware that Akash is on call in the balcony and they even commented at him and Ira talked about some event of past related with her brother. After sometime Varsha looked toward the balcony and found that the call has ended and Akash is watching toward them only. Their eyes met and she felt her heart beating fast. Should she break the eye contact? It will be too conspicuous to do so now. She remained like that not knowing what to do.

Akash was looking at Varsha when she turned and looked at him. He saw her staring at him and it seems she is waiting for some response from him. Suddenly he thought if what Kripa said is true. He sighed and thought 'Kripa! I will do this to respect your opinion' and he said loudly "What are you staring at? Both of you come inside. Mosquitos are going to start coming out now. Hurry up." After delivering his message in an annoying voice, he picked the book and stood up and entered the room and closed the door to balcony.

Ira got startled after hearing the voice full of annoyance from her brother and stood up to leave. When she looked at Varsha, she found her sitting there staring at the balcony and tears flowing from her eyes. She looked toward the balcony and found that her brother is already gone inside.

Seeing her sister-in-law crying silently, Ira felt angry and said "Elder brother is so annoying. Why does he have to shout at you?"

Varsha looked toward Ira and touched her face to feel the tears. She could only blame her eyes to tear up so easily. Looks like she can not hide anymore from Ira. Varsha laughed listening to her angry voice and said while wiping her tears "No. It is not that."

"Then, what is it?" Ira asked cautiously.

Varsha lowered her head and said in an emotional tone "Your brother talked to me and said such caring words. You know he did not know about marriage and was not happy. I was hoping to listen to such type of words from him and was afraid that I will not listen to them ever. Even if he scolds me or blames me, I will be happy to communicate with him." And then she looked into the eyes of Ira and her eyes started wailing again and she said in a hoarse voice "Don't tell this to anyone. Okay? It will be better slowly. I know I lack many things. I will keep trying sincerely. One day he will definitely love me."

While saying this Varsha also stood up. She smiled toward Ira while Ira looked toward her speechlessly. Then it seems Ira remembered something and asked "If this small thing made you so happy then what was that when Grandfather asked you on the next day of marriage? He asked how was brother treating you and you said 'Good enough'."

Varsha smiled remembering the promise of that night and then looked toward Ira and said: "Your brother gave me a promise."

"What was it? Tell me fast. I am dying of curiosity." Ira asked playfully.

Varsha laughed and said "This is enough secret sharing for today. I am not telling any more."

"If you don't tell me, I will tickle you." Ira pouted and moved toward Varsha.

Varsha ran toward the house and said "Only if you could catch me." Her laughter echoed. Ira shouted threatening to tickle her if she caught her and ran to follow her.

I personally don't like this when other people suggest ML and FL what to do when they should feel it themselves. Still I could not stop myself from doing the same. My tribute to friendship. He he.

Please tell me if this chapter made you emotional. I personally felt some feelings after I read it to review before posting.

Another big chapter of almost of the size of two chapters. End of release for today. 1 Day Break now.

Please provide your feedback and reviews.

Kritdeocreators' thoughts
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