
Rule the Business World

In his reminiscing and getting over his pain, he could not even care who the 2nd position holder was and when Arushi came back to her seat.

Now the whole auditorium was silent because it is the time to announce 1st gold medalist. Most of the reporters and family members were almost sure who it is because that outstanding boy has not yet received his degree.

Next moment the voice of director echoed and everyone is listening attentively.

"He has been an outstanding student from the start. He has always been clear about his goals. Every teacher and faculty has only praise for him. His friends have also got help and benefited from him" The smiles on the faces of Teachers and professors grew wider when they looked at him.

He was still sitting with his look of pride and confidence. Students around him looked at him with reverence and respectful gazes.

"He has helped about 5 startups and out of those 3 has crossed the employee count of 500. He was also involved in revising the business modal of 3 well-established businesses and received awards and commendations from them. He has provided more than 10 new business idea proposals and out of that 8 has received awards from different companies." Everyone concentrated on the announcement.

Some reporters even started aiming their cameras toward him. And his friends around him seem to be ready to clap and whistle. Everyone is eager to use the best moment.

"That was not the best part. His 3 business proposals were bought by different companies for the highest remuneration in the history of the institute. Of course, money is the best thing. Ha ha ha" Director laughed and even laughs could be heard from the audience.

"Now I will call our pride, the 1st position holder and a record breaker in the history of our institute, Akash Patel, to receive his degree and award from our chief guest." Clapping and cheers started from the students while he stood up and walked toward the stage with his self-confident look.

He received his degree and certificate amid clapping, cheers, and clicking of cameras. He bowed to his professors and then toward the audience. After a few minutes, the noises stopped and the voice of the director came again "Now I will ask Akash to say few words about what he feels. About his inspiration and aspirations."

He moved toward the director and received the mike and waited for cheers and clapping to subside. After sometime he started "I am really thankful to every teacher, faculty and professor for where I'm today. I also wish to thank my fellow students and juniors as well for their trust and faith in me. Thank you. It was really encouraging."

After he started, noises stopped and he continued "I won't take much time. I will also not talk about what to do and how to do. I will also not tell what is right and what is wrong. Everyone has their own personalities, understandings, and emotions."

He looked toward the audience and their attention is on him. "My grandfather and grandmother came to Pune from a village in MP about 40 years back. They only had one additional pair of cloth and around 50 rupees when they reached Pune. My grandfather started a food cart with the money which came when my grandmother sold her bangles and anklets."

"They ate one time and stayed in a tent initially. When they started earning they passed through many conflicts and humiliations from the other businesses around and also some locals. People of that village they came from still remember them because they have done too much for their village. Today they have a business which has many hotels and restaurants and many people who can lay their lives for them. They are my role models of business as well as humanity."

He felt proud while talking about his most beloved people in the family and said "I would like to be like them. Grow well, earn money for myself and others, earn respect and name for my grandfather and grandmother."

He lost his father in a car accident while he was traveling back home after winning a bid on a big hotel project. The accident happened about 8 years ago. He has doubt that this was a planned accident but he does not wish to mention it and gain the sympathy of people.

The remembrance of his father and the sad face of his mother brought a wave of emotions in his heart. He unknowingly looked toward her and found her not paying any attention to him. She is talking something in the ears of her friend. This is a complete disregard toward him and an insult while everyone is listening to him. Although it is painful he knows that she is engaged to someone else and his achievements and stories have nothing to do with her.

He hardened his heart and continued "I don't want to be liked by the people of the business world because they are too competitive and ruthless people." he looked around and smiled for the first time and said "I want to rule the business world. This is my confidence in myself and my upbringing." After saying this he put the mike on the podium and bowed again toward the teachers and faculty present.

I believe you liked the 1st Chapter. I promise, story to be interesting.

For the places in story. MP is a state in India. Bangalore is a famous city of India. Pune is also one of the fastest developing metro city in the state of MH in India.

Please provide you feedback and suggestions.

This chapter is 2nd of about 10 chapters of 1st week.

Kritdeocreators' thoughts
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