
She Prepares For a Fight

Finally, Christian uttered the first thing he could think of. "Would you prefer that I said it to your face?" He asked, remembering the day he met Robin.

Robin slowly walked up to Christian and heavily patted him on the shoulder. Then she took off her mask.

"Yes." She answered seriously. This, in turn, only managed to baffle Christian even more, as he had an utterly lost look on his face that wouldn't lose to Martin Freeman. As things were, Robin was finding it hard to keep from laughing as she watched Christian trying to process her answer.

"And don't any of you forget it." She announced. "If you're saying something about me, say it to my face. If it's not important, then save it for later, 'cuz we're on a time crunch here. We don't have time to waste on side quests and chatter."

With that opening phrase, everyone stood a little straighter, and felt a little bit more pressure was being placed on them.

Robin addressed her companions.

"As you have probably realized, my current situation is rather....not normal, at least by my standards. Thus, I am only leaving with key people whom I believe can help me out. Knights, Ponzu, the carriage driver, and Gerard: please stay here. I cannot guarantee your well being on this trip. And I cannot allow the trader to have the opportunity to prey upon you."

"Chelsea, I trust your brother's divination magic can keep you safe?" She turned to Chelsea.

"It can. But it can only cover five feet in all directions. I've never tested the duration before." Chelsea replied.

"Good." She turned towards the remaining four.

"Keith?" She asked.

"I go wherever Christian goes." He said.

Christian snorted. "Well I go wherever Robin goes!"

Jasmine tilted her head imperially. "I'm already going. You can't change my mind." She dared Robin.

"Liam?" She asked.

"Do you perhaps have need of a dragon in your little troop?" He asked, stepping up next to Chelsea.

Robin turned her eyes back to Christian.

"You should know that there is a chance that you will die." She said gravely.

"What? Me?" Christian was about to snort, but he looked at the team going along. There was a dragon, a semi-diviner, a magi, an expert swordsman, and the king of the slimes.

"...Right. It seems I AM the weakest link here, aren't I?" He smiled. "That's why you should still take me along."

Robin's heart sank, as she could see what he was about to say.

"In order to shake you up, in order to make you lose your mettle, he's going to try and use me. So, take me along. I'll be the bait." He said calmly. "I told you to rely on us more, right?"

Robin's heart faltered for a moment. There was no need for Christian to walk straight into the jaws of death. He was a prince, for goodness sake!

She almost had half a mind to have Keith tie him up and send him back to Ekkinshire. Because...he was right. Robin would be very disheartened should Christian fall prey to the Trader's assaults. Robin could only hope that she could defeat the Trader with the help of her friends.

"I said I would rely on you. I never said that I would allow you to go somewhere where you will most definitely be killed." Robin said sternly. "What makes you think I'll allow it?"

"You won't. I trust you." He replied peacefully.

"...As you wish." was all Robin could say. She looked around. Now that the players were established, a course of action needed to be decided upon.

She closed her eyes, and let out a slow breath. With that breath, flowed out all distractions and inner noise as her mind went into overdrive, considering all their options. Five seconds later, she snapped her eyes open.

"All right. Here's the plan." She told them.

"Wait, we have a plan?" Keith muttered.

"Focus, here!" Robin scolded.


While the old butler was taking care of an errand he had been sent away on, the young man walked down the secret passageway. He turned aside to a door, the entrance of the dark merchants guild that was his domain. As usual, he was here to inspect his 'new shipment'.

Inside, everything was orderly and welcoming. There was even a professional reception crew. But everyone wore masks over their faces. The golden-masked youth silently headed towards a back room.

He opened the door. Hundreds of young children who were affirmed to have magic were lying in the room, sleeping soundly. He smiled, pleased.

Then something made him pause. He turned his head away from the room, hesitating. Then with a somewhat reluctant expression, he closed the door, and left the dark merchant's guild.


"We're here. Just like I said, see?" Quinn said, as everyone stared at the perfect round lake that was in front of them.

"This seems so surreal, just looking at it." Robin chuckled.

"There goes that buzzing feeling again. It sounds like it's coming closer!" Skye flicked his ear in annoyance.

"Buzzing?" Robin asked.

"Mmmn!" Skye nodded. "There was this annoying presence that felt like how a fly buzzes around food. I've felt it twice before."

"When?" Robin asked.

"When you were asleep earlier, but I couldn't sense it as clearly as I can now." Skye said.

"Presence, huh." Robin frowned. Could it be that the buzzing presence Skye could sense be the Trader?

"It's getting nearer, you say?" Robin asked.

"Yup! Heading straight here." Skye nodded.

"Headsup!" She told the others. "Someone, most likely the trader, is headed this way. Everyone stick around Chelsea. If anything goes wrong, I'm entrusting Quinn to get you all to safety."

Jasmine murmured something to the crowd around Chelsea, while Robin glanced down at Skye.

"How long until you think it'll arrive?" She asked.

"Not long. You'll probably be able to hear it too in about five minutes." Skye licked a paw.

"Do you think you can help us fight him off?" Robin asked.

"I'm not sure." Skye tilted its head. "I mean, I am,a spirit beast, so technically, this should be my area of expertise, but...it depends."

"Depends on what?" Robin asked.

"It depends on how strong his spirit is, and who among us has a stronger will." Skye replied. "Spirit Masters Don't rank the same as ordinary magicians because they work on strengthening and growing the soul. But, this trader fellow may have cheated in that regard."

"Cheated?" Robin frowned.

"It's easy enough to do, although it's considered a forbidden technique." Skye explained. "You just need to absorb the soul strength of others. But, usually, you can't obtain much, even if you try. A soul is naturally resilient to outside influences like that, so it'd take a long time to get a worthwhile amount."

"Have you done this?" Robin asked.

Skye sniffed disdainfully. "I didn't need to. I have never met a creature that could contend with my will. That is why I am alive, and the others are not. Growing through conflict is much faster, anyways."

"Then why did you form a contract with me?" Robin asked.

Skye blinked. "... Intuition. We flying cats can sense our masters. It's something similar to the feeling that you humans call...-er- 'Love at first sight' was it? One look and we just know it. You are my master, and no one else has that privilege."

"Have you ever thought of becoming your own master?" Robin asked.

"That's not how it works." Skye's tail thrashed impatiently. "It's a beneficial relationship wherein we help each other accomplish what cannot be done individually."

"Then, I hope you can go stand with Chelsea as well." Robin replied.

"We're stronger together, though?" Skye was confused.

"We're still together. I know that you can do everything just as well within fifty feet." Robin chuckled. Skye looked at her sourly. When had she measured his range? But, the flying cat obediently hopped off Robin's shoulder, and glided back to land in front of Chelsea.

"Happy?" Skye asked.

"Yes. Very!" Robin smiled.

"Well headsup, then. It's almost here." Skye pointed out. "You should be able to see it soon."

"We'll soon have visuals. Chelsea, ready that barrier." Robin said. She placed her mask back on her face. Glancing up, she saw an approaching figure, seated on a horse.

"Chelsea, get that barrier up!" Robin hurried.

"It's been up ever since you said visuals. Calm down, Robin. Haste makes waste, after all."

Robin drew in a long breath, and slowly let it out. 'All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well.' she quoted to herself. This phrase had never failed to help her regain her inner calm.

She drew out her sword, and planted it firmly in the ground in front of her. Her sword hummed, and seemed to glow for a moment before settling down. It was time.

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