
Family Dinner

Kyera turned around, and Clovis followed suit, a little nervously. He wasn't quite sure why he felt like a rake who had ruined the purity of a perfect priestess. Then again, Kyera had been untouched when she married him… perhaps that was why? Then again, it might be because her Godfather was a good foot and half taller than he was and to be honest, scary as hell.

Mordakai stood behind them, dressed in his full royal garb, including his black armour set that he wore to court, the leather armour making his form even more imposing that it was naturally. This was a feat since, even in his older age he looked like a god, carved of stone. His arms were folded across his chest and his expression was a touch more severe than either have them had really expected.

"Well? What baby are we discussing, and why does the Second Prince Of this kingdom look as though he defiled the virgin of the hunt?" Mordakai asked and Kyera couldn't help but laugh as her Godfather made that comment. It was annoyingly close to what Clovis himself had been feeling, and he sighed.

"Mordakai, I am pregnant." Kyera replied with a humble smile, her hands gently resting on her tummy, which was barely starting to show. The old Man's eyes lit up as he picked her up and twirled her around.

"I thought I was lucky to get two grand babies in a year! Now you gift me with a third beauty to spoil! Congratulations, Princess." Mordakai spoke with fire and pride as he looked at his Goddaughter. However, before he could spin a second time, a hand grabbed his and stopped him. In surprise Mordakai looked down at the offending hand. He followed it up to see Clovis looking at him seriously. There was no sense of fear or nervousness in his eyes now.

"Spinning could make Kyera sick right now. Also, they are hungry and we haven't told Raina yet." Clovis pointed out motioning to the door behind them where their daughter most likely sat waiting for dinner to begin. Mordakai nodded and set Kyera back on the ground.

"True enough, My apologies. I was excited. Let us get you settled in to eat, and I won't say anything about the child till you do, but I would very much like to throw a blessings party for the baby." the old man offered, seeming a bit more like a excited grandfather rather than his normally chilly and aloof self. Kyera smiled and hugged him before stepping back to her husband's side.

"We would be honored, Emperor Mordekai." Kyera replies a bit more formally than required but he seemed to appreciate it, nodding at her.

"Good. Now, shall we?" He motioned to the open doors of the dining room. Inside, the rest of the family sat at the table waiting for the final three to join them. Vella and Raina seemed to be deep in conversation about something for the little boy on her lap. Mordrin sat next to his wife, watching the pair with doting eyes. Across the table by two empty seats sat Eve, sipping on her medicinal tea. Everyone seemed content to wait as the maids set the table with foods and drinks for them to enjoy.

"Ahh, there they are, come now join us you three." Mordrin called out, his words were filled with the authority of a ruler, but at the same time it wasn't a demand. There was a understanding of personalities at the table that kept anyone from being offended by another's words.

"Thank you, sorry we are late. I lost track of time at the Cradle of the Fallen." Kyera explained, resulting in a nod from both Vella and Mordrin.

"That often happens. That tree has a tendency to make it feel like no time has passed. I spent a lot of time in the cradle when I was first pregnant. No worries, dinner just got ready but someone instead on waiting on Mommy and Daddy to arrive." Vella offered as Clovis pulled out the chair between his own and his mother for Kyera. Mordakai took his seat beside Eve and clapped his hands to signal the maids to begin serving the meal.

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