
Unexpected Avenues

[Material analyzed:

Name: 'The Reserve'

Type: Alcoholic beverage, Beer

Rating: Level 4

Description: You aren't really sure where your parents got this cask from. They keep it hidden away under lock and key. It's one of the finest beers you've ever tasted. Not only does it taste great, this particular brew never gets warm.]

This would be something that he wasn't expecting. If he could keep it hidden for few days, it would be a very welcome surprise for his parents. He was careful not to be too obvious when he checked the description information displayed.

Savoring the taste, one could understand why this beer was reserved for special occasions. It was a limited quantity. Once the cask ran out, that was it. With the system he'd be able to duplicate limited items. It was an interesting notion that could prove very valuable.

The system being able to handle liquor was unexpected but made sense. Fermentation was a large part of some people's culture. In colder regions it was a necessity. In regions where it wasn't necessary for life were plenty of people who would argue that fact.

The world was filled with plenty of powerful people who enjoyed fine wines and exclusive brews. Kings and Emperors would throw around seemingly endless amounts of money to obtain the best drinks. It was a matter of prestige and respect.

Consulting the system he discovered the related subroutine. It was the aptly named Fermentation subroutine. He would be able to brew countless varieties of beer, wine, and hard liquors. He just needed to grab enough different drink types to reactivate it.

Being able to catalog existing drinks was already an unfair advantage. The fact that he would be able to brew additional recipes and even blend drinks took that advantage even farther. He hadn't intended on becoming a master brewer. Sometimes the brew life chose you.

He needed a reason to try the some other drinks. Since he was curious it was best to try asking directly.

"What makes this ale so much better than the others?"

His father replied back to Zanir.

"I could try to explain it to you with words...but drinking is something you have to feel yourself to understand."

Already showing signs of being tipsy his father and mother brought out several more casks. They explained the differences between the various types of beers. One drink led to another. It wasn't long before he blacked out.

Waking up with a splitting headache the next day Zanir groaned out loud. Maybe the brew life wasn't as easy as it looked. Ugggh. He felt sore all over. It hurt to exist.

Cautiously, he took put some spatial water out and drank heartily. That seemed to help somewhat. It no longer felt like his head was tearing apart. Though he still felt sluggish and sore. He'd have to take things slower in the future.

The alcohol on Norantal was a lot stronger than what he was used to. Being hungover was no fun at all. Luckily the system was able to cleanse him. He was also young enough that it didn't put him totally out of commission.

Today he going to see what his new subroutine could do. He also wanted to see what Reed was up to. His help would be invaluable and was just what Zanir needed.

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