
Eastern Waves

"Hmm good, what do you want to do now?"

All things aside Xan hasn't been in this city for over ten years so without a doubt It was best to step back and ask Darius since the city was basically his territory.

Darius didn't even think for a second before responding, looking a the once beautiful city he was resolved to get it back.

"We have to retake the city"

Hearing the reply a broad smile blossomed on Xan's face, his eyes turned into slits and started to look more sinister as his smile grew broader.

"Hahahahahahahaha, let's take the city then"

Xan and Darius weren't speaking in a hushed tone so when the soldiers Xan brought along with him all heard what was going to happen next they all stood at attention while speaking in unison.

"Awaiting your command sir!"

None of them even bothered trying to hide the excitement that looked like it would erupt from their eyes at any moment.

Looking at the well-trained soldiers all standing attention in front of them Darius couldn't help but feel a little jealous.

He would never trade his brothers for anything in the world but the capital had been too peaceful for too long so they had gotten soft so having soldiers you know will never back down had a certain appeal to him.

Even when they all knew they might die

every single one of them looks excited, they were all obviously crazy but he still felt jealous.

"Your dogs really are well trained"

"Hahaha yes they are and the best part is they'll never 'betray' me..."

Saying that Xan walked towards his soldiers.

Xan knew what Darius was trying to do, he was jealous but didn't want to show it so he'll try to knock him down, despite not seeing him for a few years he wouldn't forget such simple quirks.

Placing emphasis on the word 'betray' when he saw the change in Darius' expression he knew he'd achieved the desired results.

Once he arrived in front of the soldiers her turned around and looked at Darius


When the soldiers heard the order they all sat down without a moment's hesitation, although they weren't sitting down like dogs they were still sitting.

Seeing this Darius turned his head to look at Xan only to see him looking back at him.

"A good dog will never betray its master but 'brothers' have been 'betraying brothers' since before people began recording history"

After proving a point he smiled and spoke in a casual tone.

"How to you plan on taking the city?"

While speaking he used his hands to signal to his men that they should stand up.

"If it were any other soldiers in front of me I'd try to come up with a plan but since it's your men, let's just go straight there"

Xan didn't say anything to Darius but instead spoke to him, men

"You heard the city boss we're heading straight for the palace...hahaha burn it all to the ground!"

Scanning his eyes over all the fire and listening to all the scream Xan seemed like he was in heaven.

With that, all the soldiers turned around an marched towards the palace, anything that came in front of them was slaughtered it didn't matter if they were soldiers, man, woman, child or animal.

They didn't differentiate between them they were all targets.

They didn't stop for anything, nor did they hesitate in their actions. When they attacked they didn't waste time going directly for the kill.

'An army without any sense of guilt truly is powe—....it disgusting'

Although these were Darius' thoughts he didn't dare say them aloud because he knew Xan's character all too well, he was incredibly fickle and without the help of Xan's 'immortals,' he could kiss every chance of retaking the capital in the short term goodbye.

No matter how great of a warrior he was, he didn't have unlimited stamina so he'd eventually get tired and once that happens his life would be over.

As his mind drifted to Xan he started to realize he had no idea how he ended up hating him, or maybe it just because it been so long that he's already forgotten why.

Not seeing someone for ten years you'd forget a lot of things.



"Huh? what is it?"

Due to the fact that he and Xan were walking in the middle of the group of soldier's, he allowed himself to get lost in thought

"I never asked before but where's the princess?"

"That's why you were calling me? I sent her away with some of my men before the real fighting started, she should be pretty far away by now"

Shaking his head Xan flashed him a look of pity.

"If someone can directly strike the capital without setting off any alarms in the north, south, east or west, that means that someone built a force strong enough to crush you right under your nose, not only that if they can build a force like that and no one reported it that means that they're either very powerful or their friends are, whichever one it is that little girl gonna die, if they had the power to crush you so thoroughly in one night then you can bet they know the city's ins and outs like the back of their hand so since she was sent away for a few hours now she's probably dead"

The entire time Xan was talking he had a very gentle smile on his face as if he was talking about some random person and not the princess of the royal family he had sworn an oath to protect…

It's not like Darius hadn't thought of this possibility before but he had faith in his men so he pushed it out of his mind as for how the capital ended up this way he hasn't had the time to think about it yet or rather he didn't want to and his excuse is all he's been doing was fighting.

"I haven't really thought about how they got into the city as yet, I left that for once we take back control of the city in the name of the king we could fortify defenses and so forth and as for the princess my brothers aren't that weak they've long since left the city with her"

It was only after he stopped talking that he realize that they had all stopped moving the soldiers were all standing in front of them

"Why d-"

Before he could finish speaking he saw Xan throw him something he couldn't really tell what it was because it was spinning in the air

"She's dead haha"

When he finally caught the item and took a look at it the shock rooted him in place.

It was the insignia of the royal family with words 'Aria Scarlet' written on it, this item was one of a kind, replicating it was an offense punishable by death there would never be anything else like it in the entire kingdom.

"Ahahhah you should see your face right now"

After laughing for a little bit at Darius' expense Xan was ready to move again because he honestly didn't know who the princess was nor did he care.


As the army moved forward they killed in the most brutal manner possible to ensure that the ground would be little with dismantled corpses.

Even going as far as to use the dead bodies to fight.

"What kind of fucking monsters are these?"

"Why does their armor look so ominous"

"Oh fuck! Everyone run!"

Everyone was confused sure they were on the defending side and were being pushed back but it wasn't bad enough for them to want to retreat.

"Get back here you fucking coward!"

"You guys can fight to your death if you want am leaving"

"Like hell you are! Stop him"

"What are you doing we have to run now!... That's Xan's immortal fucking army we are all going to die! If we don't run!"

When Xan's name was dropped everyone was stunned beyond belief.

Who hasn't heard on that psycho, and his army was even worse but what were they doing in the capital, Xan never leaves the Eastern border.

Plus it was already common knowledge in the capital that Xan was forbidden from entering.

They didn't even bother to put up much of a fight some ran back to the palace to report it while majority scattered.

Quite a distance in front of the soldiers Xan saw the figure of a man running for his life with a little girl under his arm, even though he had a faint idea of who she was based on her features all he did was laugh.


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