

After being done with draining blood from the bodies, killing them painlessly, Wuying was supposed to be happy, but her face was full of distaste. Ever since tasting Xuefeng's blood, Wuying wasn't satisfied with any other blood, finding the taste to be repulsive.

Xuefeng's blood was sweet, while the blood of the bandits tasted really bitter and couldn't even compare with Xuefeng's when it came to the amount of Blood Qi it provided her.

Looking at Xiao Wen who stayed behind, Wuying called out to her calmly, trying to not thinking about the taste, "Wen, you can take over." Wuying knew that she would get even more blood today, thinking that she will once again get used to the taste, but each time she thought about it, the memory of Xuefeng's sweet blood kept coming back to ruin her plans.

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