
A Crystalline Idea

"I don't believe you," Erela's shrill voice stood out as Hestia came back to her senses.

"Well I don't really care if you believe me," Ezra said nonchalantly as Aerwyna chuckled in the distance.

"You won't even demonstrate this claim in front of the princess?" Erela's tone was livid.

"Why should I? Was she the one asking me for a demonstration? Besides, it's a perfectly good waste of crystal in my opinion." Ezra stated in a straightforward manner.

"You think my son a pet that can dance at your wishes, Actrix?" Aerwyna was now a flushed.

"Lady Blackfyre, you overstep your bounds, I am just expressing what the princess wishes," Erela replied with her nose held high.

"I don't need a demonstration, I believe Ezra, besides he is correct it would be a waste of crystals," Hestia said in all honesty.

Erela's face changed in colour immediately from a rouge it turned into a bluish shade.

"Bu-but it is such an audacious claim princess, I think we need proof more than the imaginings of a child."

"I need no proof." Hestia restated.

Now Erela's skin was green it was as if she wanted to say something but couldn't.

Aerwyna chuckled at the predicament of Erela. She was getting on her nerves.

"So, Ezra what happened when you tried to infuse magic to the crystal dust?" Asked Hestia curiously.

Ezra involuntarily shook as if he was struck by lightning. Of all the things he forgot to test about the dust. He forgot to test what happens when you infuse the crystalline debris with magic. He was so engrossed to find out about what they were made up of that he forgot to test the most obvious.

He was both ashamed and elated.

"Thank you!! Thank you, Hestia!" Ezra was grateful.

"That is Princess to you," mumbled a grumpy Erela.

"I'm sorry your highness, for my informal address," Ezra bowed to Hestia.

Hestia blushed a bit. "Don't worry, you are my betrothed after all."

"But I am certainly confused why are you thanking me?" asked Hestia.

"I've never actually tested infusing the dust with magic," Ezra answered bashfully," so when you asked me what happened you gave me a way to test it." Ezra's face lit up at Hestia. She turned so red she became self-conscious.

'It's the same smile he gave Hygeia,' Hestia thought.

"Come princes lets test in now!" Ezra beckoned, "Aegeus, prepare the apparatus."

"Yes, Lord Ezra."

Aerwyna stared at her son, she admitted that when doing these "experiments" as he called them, it was as if he was in a kingdom of his own. With him being the absolute monarch.

Ezra commanded his aides as if a general commanding his troops. Hestia marvelled at this site.

"Since we don't know what exactly will happen, all precautionary measures are taken. If there is a fire that is out of the bounds of this experiment, I trust that mother can handle any such unforeseeable circumstances?" Ezra asked.

Aerwyna nodded and smiled. She wanted to pinch her son's cheeks.

"Everyone who is not wearing a lab gown, please back away around 10 meters," Ezra's voice commanded with an authoritative tone.

Erela rolled her eyes but did as he required, he already set up a perimeter beforehand.

The apparatus was complete, they used tongs to put a magic core in a glass cube which could withstand 500 degrees Celsius of heat. There was also a thermometer inside so that Aegeus could measure the temperature of the heat discharged from the magic dust since their primary assumption was that since the crystal dust came from a fire crystal, it would discharge fire.

They placed dust into a funnel.

"Aegeus, record everything according to regular procedure, okay?"

"Yes, Lord Ezra."

Ezra activated AMP so that he could see exactly what was happening.

"Okay now ladies and gentlemen, we will now load the crystalline dust into the magic core."

Erela rolled her eyes again, 'Such theatrics for such a mundanity. They are trying their best to keep the engagement I see, Hmph, '

Aegeus loaded the magic crystal dust carefully using the funnel. As they loaded the crystalline dust into the cube. It looked like each particle glowed and discharged fire. Each particle that hit emitted different lines and colour of light.

"Woah! Pretty." Hestia exclaimed. True enough it was a wonderous site. It was like a contained firework display in a glass box.

Ezra's retinue along with Hestia and his mother clapped at the site.

"That should be proof enough that dust was once a magic crystal," Aerwyna said loudly.

Erela snorted at this statement.

"Did you get all of that Aegeus? Let's do this test again with other crystals next time. For now, we conclude this experiment. Let's wrap up everything. Prepare a template of this procedure and I want it recorded in the format I prescribed."

"Yes, your lordship."

Ezra became entrenched in thought, 'Interesting, very interesting indeed. Aegeus may not have caught on immediately but I had AMP. Each crystalline dust emitted different temperature and flame length. It was variable, even some colours were different but that was obvious enough.

Or does it take into account where the specific dust particle hit the magic core? Is that a variable in itself? Or does the size of each grain affect the discharge in any way?

But what does that mean? A crystal's output is certainly uniform, but when it turns into crystal dust that somehow disappears and becomes variable? Does the application of my infusion of magic disrupt its uniformity? There are so many things to test and these could lead to further breakthroughs.'

"Ezra," Aerwyna called her son who looking intensely at a spot on the floor.

"Yes, mother?" Ezra looked up to face his mother.

"You were lost in thought for a moment, remember you have guests," Aerwyna said sweetly. Ezra shook inadvertently again.

Hestia chuckled at this.

"Is there somewhere else we have to go?" Hestia asked.

"No, I guess that concludes our tour."

"Thank you, Ezra, I enjoyed today thoroughly. Oh, I would like to join you during Helio for the lectures you have been talking about,"

"Sure, no problem."

"Would you prefer dinner here or in the castle? There is a dining area in this building I specifically designed to accommodate nobles," Aerwyna asked sweetly.

"I wouldn't mind eating here milady," replied Hestia.

"Very well, we will serve a budding new delicacy in Bren which actually Ezra thought of," Aerwyna's face filled with pride.

"Oh, what is it? Is it like fries?" Hestia's eyes were gleeful she couldn't wait to savour some more of the of the mouth-watering goodness of the fries.

"It's better, a bread flattened and topped with tomato sauce, with garlic onions and a variety of meat and cheese on top," Aerwyna replied, "and the other is a dessert that in all of Fulmen only I can create, well partly because it was Ezra's idea and partly because of my freezing magic."

"Wow, I can't wait, milady."

Ezra chuckled inwardly at the grandiose description because they were all just going to have pizza and ice cream.

Finally, we reached the hundredth chapter! Thank you for your patience and support! If you like the novel please drop a power stone! Thanks again everyone

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