
100 days with my boss

Lilith_Barbora · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

Day fourth

I woke up at 6 am. My work starts at 8 am, so I had a lot of time to get ready. All of my things were ready from evening, I had a lot of free time on my hands, in that free time I did my makeup. I looked so good. I ate breakfast and drank some coffee, even made my lunch to take with me.

I left my house around 7:30 am and went to get in my car to drive to work. I got there 5 minutes before 8 am, and he seemed already mad.

I went into his office and asked:

"Hello sir, do you need me to do anything?"

"No, but don't forget that today is the conference that I told you about and you will be accompanying me,"

"Okay, sir,"

"It will be at 2 pm,"

"I will be ready by then,''

I went out of his office, got myself a coffee and did some work. I didn't even notice when it was almost 1 pm and I got ready for the meeting, took my computer and my planner, fixed my makeup and came into the office around 1:30 pm and sad:

"It is 1:30 pm is there anything that I need to do?"

"No. Are you ready for the conference?"


"Okay then, let's go into the conference room,"

He was polite and let me out of his office first. The conference was only 1 hour long and I met more important people. I didn't know how they knew about my resigning but all they asked me why, why I was resigning and my answer was that I worked 9 years and I want time for myself.

I left work early and went home after the conference and I was exhausted. All of the time we were there he was super nice and talked to me and even said I was a good secretary, I didn't know how to respond to it so I just smiled.

I thought he had feelings for me but I wasn't quite sure. My friends left work at 6 pm and we went out for a drink at 7 pm. We drank soju, talked and ate. I knew I had too much to drink so I wanted to sober up a but Mr Park came up to us and got me. My friends weren't that drunk but I know I was. He took me home and made sure that I didn't fell while walking back. It was around 11 pm when I was a bit soberer that I realised that I was home and went straight to bed.