
*Guide The Professionals* Book Launching Ceremony Of "ZOON" Held at A

Penulis: Mohsin_Altaf
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What is *Guide The Professionals* Book Launching Ceremony Of "ZOON" Held at A

Baca novel *Guide The Professionals* Book Launching Ceremony Of "ZOON" Held at A yang ditulis oleh penulis Mohsin_Altaf yang diterbitkan di WebNovel. ...


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Get Back to You

NOTE: Get Back To you is an LGBT novel series. Synopsis: She is back? Giselle is back! And she didn’t want me to know! Lillian Grey’s life went pretty wild without Giselle. She dated people to her wish and broke up with them to her comfort until a young model called Lucy came close to capturing her heart. Anna waited as Lillian stumped upon hearing the familiar name she had desperately searched for several years. And it came with a stab. “If you want, I can deliver a message,” Anna proposed after hearing Lillian become speechless in their phone call. Knowing well how she had come out to spend time with Lucy, Lillian refused to respond when confessed to such shocking news. Nevertheless, later to her own dismay, she delivered her message to her good friend, Anna, hoping that it would reach Giselle somehow. ******************** “Giselle, I’m glad to hear that you’re back. I hope you’re in good health. Well, I heard about your party and that you have invited Anna and not me, which is surprising news to learn. It’s alright. Things are different now for you, I guess. But here’s my message in case you even care: Don’t ever show yourself in front of me. Ever again. Why? Because I know I cannot stop myself from choosing you if I ever see your face again. What you gave me is irreplaceable. I still have it in my heart. It didn’t let me live my life in peace. However, I’ve decided to take a chance without your memories this one time. So, let me be. And congratulations on your marriage and your kid. I pray for your happiness. You know, I do. Take care. Love you, evermore.” - Lillian Grey ******************* Follow the incredible story of Lillian Grey and Giselle: Two souls bonded by love yet, pulled apart by the external forces. The two women meet years later to find out the subtle fire still tingling inside, allowing them to reconcile. But the question is: Will they accept it or not? A Message from the Author: Hey guys, 'Get Back To You' is very special because it is my first novel and a bold choice, I would say. The once short story showed a lot of potential for a perfect novel, and the characters had a depth to them and an unheard voice, for which I wanted to bring justice by exploring and writing. I hope that my efforts reap when the readers enjoy the tale as they travel through this journey. UPDATE!! I am so proud to announce that I will be self-publishing ‘Get Back To You’ as series. I plan to do an eBook series first before paperback. And right now, Volume 1: A Message to Her is available on Amazon Kindle Store. After four years of writing this series, I finally chose to publish it. The published eBook/paperback is going to be even better version and professionally edited for enhanced reading experience. So, grab a copy today and have fun reading! To follow my writing journey and learning updates about my books, do follow and subscribe to MY WEBSITE: https://www.ljackace.com/ I post blogs about writing updates, personal updates, reading lists, writing tips, etc. Newsletter is on the way, so stay tuned! **** Apart from reading my novel here, you can always extend your support through these mediums: You can buy me a coffee@: ko-fi.com/ljackace Read special chapters and short stories on: patreon.com/LjackAce **** Follow me on my Instagram! I share all the references and some cute moments of the characters from the story: instagram/ljackace Another great place to find my inspiration is on Pinterest: https://in.pinterest.com/ljackace/ **** I'm deeply grateful for having an opportunity to share the story here and for all the love I've received thus far and in the future. Thank you very much for enjoying 'Get Back to You!' And on that note, I have more stories to write for you guys, so follow me to get all the titbits. With love, L’Jack Ace

453 Chs

Please Don't Unrequited Love

Sesilia Goenawan (25), mulai mundur perlahan dari hubungan tanpa status yang dia jalani bersama pria plin-plan yang membelenggunya dalm posisi orang ketiga. Di tengah ketidakpastian itu, Sesil memilih melepaskan diri dengan berbagai cara hingga mengundurkan diri dari tempat bekerjanya. Walaupun Sesil tidak terlahir dalam keluarga kaya raya, dia adalah anak kedua dari Goenawan Biantoro, seorang psikolog klinis yang dihormati. Suatu hari, papanya menawarkan sebuah pekerjaan bagus di perusahaan milik salah satu klien regularnya, Hartanto Wibisono, mantan CEO Early Morning Group yang baru dua tahun ini pensiun. Perusahaan yang berbasis di bidang perhotelan dan konstruksi itu kini dipimpin anak sematawayangnya, Aldwinanta Anggara (27). Muda dan tampan. Namun sayang, sikapnya yang dingin, perfeksionis dan intoleran itu telah membuat satu-persatu pegawainya mengundurkan diri hanya karena kesalahan kecil–termasuk orang kepercayaan ayahnya yang telah bekerja selama puluhan tahun. Awalnya Sesil menolak tawaran itu karena merasa tidak cocok dengan jabatan pekerjaan itu. Namun, permintaan papanya akan sesuatu, Sesil pun bersedia. Minggu pertama bekerja, Sesil terkejut bukan main saat mengetahui bahwa bosnya adalah senior kejam yang pernah menolak cintanya mentah-mentah semasa SMA. Sementara Al sendiri nyaris saja tidak menyadari siapa gadis berparas cantik bak model terkenal yang kini menjadi sekretarisnya itu. Kemudian satu hal yang Aldwinanta tak ketahui, rahasia kelam dan titik kelemahannya kini ada dalam genggaman Sesil. Lantas apakah yang akan Sesil lakukan? Mampukah dia bersikap biasa saja? Atau malah membuat permainan balas dendam?

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