
*Dotting Eyes*

I met him at a hospital. He sat there, as still as a statue, unblinking. Later on, he told me that it is normal for him not to move very often. He likes to listen to the world around him. He lets his senses guide him. His eyes remind me of the sky on a cloudy day and his gaze is always a little to intense for my liking. His face is always so still and unmoved, so when he smiles, it's really nice to see. His voice is deep yet so soft and quiet. Everyone knows him. He walks around town with his head down and his hands in his pockets. No words are exchanged when he sees his neighbors or anyone from high school or college. He is tall, muscular, and very attractive. He is blind. And out of the 348 residents in our community, I am one of only a few people that he talks to. *Mature content*

tiarajones679 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
25 Chs

{Chapter 10}

"Hey, pretty girl. How's it going?"

I can't help but grin when I turn and see Brandon.

I feel like I haven't seen him in weeks.

He walks up with Ruby, waving.

He's so hot.

Like literally, he's one of the best looking guys I've ever seen. With his curly black hair and sparkling blue eyes.

Though Ruby claims that he's 'not her type', they look really good together.

She's bold.

He's not.

They are both gorgeous.

I wish I found someone compatible with me.

Someone who would actually stand the idea of being with me, that is.

Ollie kicks his feet absentmindedly next to me, enjoying his blueberry muffin.

"Hey, girl. Where the hell have you been at?"

Ruby greets, sliding into the booth.

I just sip my coffee and shrug.

"Just around. Here and there."

I mutter.

"Hi, cutie pie. Where on earth have you been?"

I watch as she leans forward and pinching Ollie's cheek.

She absolutely adores him.

He loves her too, he's always asking about her.

"Hi, Ruby. You look so pretty today."

He compliments politely.

She beams at him.

"Oh my God, you're just the sweetest boy I've ever met."

She gushes.

"Hey, little man. It has been a while."

Brandon high fives him.

Ollie's eyes immediately get all big with excitement.

He loves Ruby but he absolutely adores Brandon.

He told me once that he wants to be just like him when he gets older.

Hell I do too.

He's living his best life.

He's an artist and he has the nicest apartment studio.

He's always got a paintbrush sticking out of one of his pockets and a paint stain on his jackets.

I look at him and wonder how it feels to have a profession that you actually enjoy with all your heart.

Makes me think about the bakery shop Quincy asked about.

Maybe one day.

"Ooh, they have muffins today?"

Brandon mutters, turning to look at the menu.

This is my favorite coffee shop.

The very same that I met Ruby in.

She ignores him, grinning at me.

"So. How's everything with your new boo?"

She prompts.

I groan immediately.

I was dreading that question.

I should have never mentioned my little crush on Quincy to her.

Now every time I see her, she asks about it.

"He's not my boo."

I grumble.

"Yes he is."

Ollie coughs.

I glare at him.

"Stay out of this, you little snake."

I whisper.

He just snickers, hiding behind a menu.

Brandon gets up to go order.

"Bummer. When are you going to stop hiding him from us, I want to meet him."

She demands.

I roll my eyes.

"You might scare him away."

I complain.

She scoffs.

"If I haven't scared you away by now, what makes you think I'd scare him away?"

She folds her arms.

She does have a point.

"Quin is the nicest man in the whole world, aunt Ruby. He takes me to the park sometimes to play with his monkey and we get to go eat ice cream."

Ollie sighs, grinning.

"Wait a minute. You let James and Liv meet him but not me? James hates men."

She complains.

I roll my eyes.

"Apparently not, they both love him. Liv never shuts up about him."

I grumble.

She gives me a look.

"Oh trust me, I know.  She told me that he's finer than most of the men in town. Very respectful too."

She wiggles her eyebrows.

I sigh.

He is.

"Call him. I bet he's not busy."

Ruby shrugs.

My throat is suddenly dry.

Yesterday was absolutely perfect.

I fell asleep in his arms but he was gone by the time I woke up.

It disappointed me greatly.

"I want to talk to him, can I do it?"

Ollie begs.

I grin.

What a lifesaver.

"Hello? Hi, Quincy."

I hold my breath.

"What? No! This is Ollie."

He laughs.

Ruby beams at him.

"Oh my goodness."

I roll my eyes as Ruby acts like she's going to faint.

"Stop it, baby. You'll embarrass us."

Brandon hisses as Quincy comes walking down the street, whistling quietly.

"Quincy, Quincy, Quincy!"

Ollie sings, running up.

"Liv was not lying."

Ruby nudges me as he runs into his legs.

"He doesn't look that good."

Brandon grumbles.

"Hi, buddy. How have you been?"

His voice will forever be my weakness.

Especially when he whispers in my ear.

"Hi, lovie."

I sigh as he wraps his arms around me.

"Hi, sweetie."

I grin, hugging him back.

"I apologize for this morning, I had an errand to run."

He mutters, running his fingers through my hair.

Someone clears their throat dramatically.

I pull away and try not to blush.

They are both smirking.

"Quincy, these are my friends Ruby and Brandon. Guys, this is Quincy."

I introduce awkwardly.

"Hi hi hi."

Ruby almost runs over me trying to shake his hand.

Brandon folds his arms.

"Ah the officially unofficial couple. Tiara talks about you guys all the time."

Quincy grins.


Brandon shakes his hand reluctantly.

"Yes. She says you have a nice face."

He whisper shouts.

Everybody laughs.

I roll my eyes.

What a snitch.

"Nice monkey, man."

Brandon whistles, watching Quin click his teeth.

Puck scrabbles down his leg.

"Oh, look at his little face."

Ruby groans.

"He's my bestest friend."

Ollie says, dancing around the monkey.

I smile as I watch him.

It isn't until Ruby nudges me again that I notice Quincy staring right at me.

"You want some coffee or something?"

I ask.

He bites his lip.

"I'm fine."

He assures me.

"We were about to take the kid to the park if you want to tag along."

Ruby says, her eyes glued to him.

"Of course! The park is Puck's favorite place in the whole wide world."

Quincy winks in my direction.

I sigh.

He's going to be the death of me, I swear.




Ruby gives me a knowing look.

I sigh, plopping down on my bed.

"Don't start with me."

I warn.

"Your Quincy is so damn attractive, Tia. I swear. How long did he say he's lived here? I never seen him a day in my life."

She groans.

"All his life. And stop calling him my Quincy."

I hiss.

She giggles.

"Every time you spoke he smiled. Oh my God, he's so cute."

That's the truth.

I grab a pillow and hold it to my chest.

"He is perfect to me."

I whisper.

She stares.

"Go for it then!"

I hesitate.

"We're just friends."

I insist.

She rolls her eyes.

"Okay? So what, you guys can still be friends and be together."

I don't say anything, I just think.

She doesn't think I know that?

He's the one who only wants to be friends.

"Damn, girl. His muscles..."

She goes back to swooning.

I bite my lip and smile to myself.

I love being in his arms.

The boys are on the couch watching transformers and talking quietly.

Brandon and Quincy have really hit it off, I honestly didn't expect them to.

Brandon loves Puck, I expected that.

"Boys, we're going out for drinks. Ollie, there's fruit punch in the fridge for you."

I call out, ruffling his hair as I pass by.

"Wait a minute, what?"

Brandon shoots up.

I roll my eyes as he glares.

"Come talk in the kitchen, Brandy."

Ruby sighs, turning on her heels.

This is a regular occurrence every time she wants to go somewhere with him.

I frown when Quincy stands up too.

I watch as he just rocks on his heels awkwardly.

"When are you coming back?"

He asks softly.

I shrug, trying not to stare too hard.

"I don't know. Most of the time we only stick around the bar for about an hour."

He hesitates.

"Can I go?"

"Are you a girl?"

I mutter, checking my watch.

"Sure, you can treat me like one if I can go. I like hanging out with you."

"You're so sweet, Quincy. Come here."

I soothe.

He shuffles forward.

"We can hug and cuddle as much as you'd like as soon as we get back, alright?"

I grin a little as he wraps his arms around me.


He mutters.

"Your hugs are my favorite."

I sigh absentmindedly, rubbing his back.


He groans.

Someone snickers behind me.

"Aww, he's like a big baby."

Ruby teases.

"Don't leave, you hear me? Stay."

I sigh.

He freezes for some odd reason.

"As long as you stay as close as you are, I will never leave."

He mutters.

I sigh.

"He totally wants you."

I roll my eyes, trying to ignore Ruby as I swallow down my 5th shot.

I rarely take shots but I'm feeling a little spontaneous tonight.

"Seriously. The dude may be blind he's a total angel. He's such a gentleman."

She sighs.

"I told you."

I mutter, playing with a random straw.

She stares at me.

"I know that you said he wants to just be friends but I honestly think you guys have more chemistry than most of the couples I see."

I roll my eyes.

"He's too attractive for me."

She groans.

"What did I tell you about talking down on yourself? T, you're a very beautiful and sophisticated woman. You work your butt off just to make ends meet, if that's not irresistible then I don't know what is."

Before I can say anything, she nods over my shoulder.

"That group of men seem to agree with me. They keep looking over here."

She smirks.

I don't even look.

"Yeah, they're looking at you."

I mutter.

She rolls her eyes, guzzling down the rest of her beer.

"Listen, I know what will get your spirits up. The main reason why we wanted to meet Quincy today is because Brandon's been trying to find more things for us to do. You know how boring this town gets."

She says.

I pick at my nails.

She isn't lying.

Our next carnival isn't all the way until April.

"Anyway, Brandon's boss owns a villa in Corpus Hunt and he rents it out to couples. Maybe you and Quincy can help chip in and we can pay the rent. He offered to only charge one fair per couple so it's only like 300 bucks."

"We're not a couple."

I say immediately, my cheeks heating up.

"Judging from what I saw earlier, you guys already look like a couple. You might as well go for it."

She shrugs.

I bite my lip.

Well, a vacation is well needed.

"I'll ask him and see what he says."