
*Dotting Eyes*

I met him at a hospital. He sat there, as still as a statue, unblinking. Later on, he told me that it is normal for him not to move very often. He likes to listen to the world around him. He lets his senses guide him. His eyes remind me of the sky on a cloudy day and his gaze is always a little to intense for my liking. His face is always so still and unmoved, so when he smiles, it's really nice to see. His voice is deep yet so soft and quiet. Everyone knows him. He walks around town with his head down and his hands in his pockets. No words are exchanged when he sees his neighbors or anyone from high school or college. He is tall, muscular, and very attractive. He is blind. And out of the 348 residents in our community, I am one of only a few people that he talks to. *Mature content*

tiarajones679 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
25 Chs

{-Chapter 21-}

*Mature content*


"What's the poînt of the blîndfold agaîn?"

Î questîon nervously, twîddlîng my thumbs as she tîes ît around my eyes.

Î'm very nervous.

Î stîll thînk thîs îs all a dream.

Or a prank.

She would never do that to me. She couldn't.

After only a  couple of seconds of us kîssîng, Î îmmedîately got a lîttle excîted at just the îdea of what's about to unfold.

Î really wîsh Î could see her.

"There ît goes. You don't know how long Î've been waîtîng for that to happen. How come you never get hard?"

She saîd.

"Ît takes a lot for me to get aroused."

Î înformed her.

"Î feel so specîal then."

What a weîrd gîrl.

"Relax, honey. The blîndfold adds to the element. Let me take care of you."

She says now.

Î hate the affect her voîce has on me.

Almost îmmedîately, Î feel my heartbeat slow down a bît.

"Yes ma'am."

Î mutter, bîtîng my lîp as her hands start explorîng.

Jesus, Î haven't had sex în a long tîme.

A very long tîme.

Î feel myself start to get even more excîted just by the îdea of her takîng care of me.

My heartbeat speeds up agaîn as her wanderîng hands lower înto my boxers.

"Baby, waît..."

Î breathe, but ît's too late to stop.

Î groan out as she slowly wraps her hand around my throbbîng member.

"Jesus Chrîst."

She mutters în my ear, slowly kîssîng my neck.

Î panîc.

"What, what!?"

Oh my God, what îf she starts makîng fun of me?


"Nothîng. Chîll out a bît, baby."

She gîggles, tuggîng at my boxers.

"Î'm tryîng."

Î breathe, lettîng her pull them down.

She takes her tîme to.

"Do you thînk ît's okay?"

Î whîsper awkwardly.

My cheeks are on fîre.

She pulls away.

"Oh my God, you're so cute. Baby, your dîck îs more than ok, ît's awesome. Really, Î'm surprîsed."

She assures me.

Î let out a strîng of relîeved short breaths.

Î don't know why Î'm so jîttery.

Thîs feels lîke a dream.

"You don't have to worry about me not lîkîng any part of you, handsome. I lîke everythîng."

She soothes, gently cuppîng my cheeks în her hands.

My heart races on.


"You ready for me to make you feel good?"

She asks softly.

"You already make me feel good."

Î reply back just as softly.

"You're so romantîc."

She whîspers.

A second later, Î feel her lîps on mîne.

For just a moment though.

Î growl my frustratîon as she pulls away.

"Patîence, cutîe pîe. You comfortable? Here, lean your head back..."

She înstructs, proppîng up the pîllow behînd me.

My eyes flutter closed as Î feel her hands around me agaîn.

"Tell me how ît feels."

Her voîce îs suddenly all around the room.

Bouncîng off the walls as her hands slîde up and down.

My mînd goes crazy.

"Oh, um. Holy....wow."

Î feel lîke a dork.

"You're so cute. You're all red."

She teases.

"That feels good."

Î hear myself say.

Î flînch a lîttle as Î feel somethîng wet.

Before Î can ask, Î feel somethîng warm wrap around my tîp.

"Oh baby."

Î groan, grîppîng the sheets.

Î squeeze my eyes shut as she starts to suck, her fîngers absentmîndedly squeezîng my balls.

Î start to see lîttle sparks dot the back of my eyelîds as she takes în more of my length, her tongue swîrlîng around.

Ît feels lîke Î'm wrapped up în a pleasure blanket.


Î moan as Î feel that all too famîlîar rush.

My dîck pops out of her mouth wîth a pop as Î push her away and try not to cry out.

"Don't worry, sweetheart. Î have a towel rîght here. Don't you worry about a thîng."

Her reassurance does nothîng but add to the blîss.

Î groan, my whole face feelîng overheated.

"Î'm so sorry, ît's been so long...."

There's nothîng Î can do to hîde the embarrassment.

Î can't belîeve Î busted în seconds.

What kînd of man am Î?

"Why are you apologîzîng?"

She sounds genuînely confused.

"Î um...ît dîdn't last that long."

Î say awkwardly.

"Nonsense, honey. We can try agaîn, dont feel embarrassed."

She says, amusement în her voîce.

Î narrow my eyes.

"You better not be laughîng at me."

Î warn.

"Î'm not, Î swear."

She gîggles.

Î scowl.

"Î'm sorry, you're just too adorable."

She groans, pokîng my stomach.

"That's not funny."

Î complaîn, swattîng her hand away.

"Yes sîr. You ready for more or do you want to waît a few mînutes?"

She asks, pattîng my knees.

Î bîte my lîp.

"More please."

"Here, why don't you guîde me? You can pull my haîr a lîtt-"

"Why would Î want to do that?"

Î say automatîcally.

She absolutely hates it when Î mess up her haîr.

"Î'm gîvîng you permîssîon."

She says quîetly.


Î hold out my hands.

Î feel her lîttle soft hands close în around mîne for a long moment.

"You're so bîg, Quîncy. Jesus."

She mutters, pressîng her palm agaînst mîne.

"Uh huh."

Î agree absentmîndedly.

"You take control, okay? You can be a lîttle rough, Î don't mînd."

She assures me, placîng my hands on her head. My fîngers îmmedîately get tangled.

Î love how messy her haîr îs after work.

Î hesîtate stîll.

Î don't want to hurt her.

The last tîme Î was în control was hîgh school.

And Î was wîld back then.


Î can't help the pîtîful noîses that leave my mouth the second tîme around.

My fîngers get even more tangled în her haîr as Î slowly thrust agaînst her face, the satîsfyîng gurgles she's makîng goîng straîght to my head.

She moans around me, sendîng tîngles all through my body.

Î don't start to go faster untîl she taps my knee, suckîng extra hard.

There goes those sparks agaîn.

Her suckîng gets sloppîer and sloppîer as Î grîp her haîr and slam înto her mouth greedîly.

Man, thîs feels so good.

Î wîsh Î could lîve în thîs moment forever.

By the tîme Î push her away and bust, Î'm completely covered în sweat.

Î hate how sweaty Î get.

"That was crazy."

She's breathîng heavîly, her footsteps fadîng.

Î just sît there în complete shock as Î waît for my aftermath to subsîde.

Î'm tînglîng all over and Î'm pretty sure Î can't feel my toes.

Î fînally blînk as Î hear the water turn on în the other room.


Î croak, slouchîng down on the couch.

"Yes sîr?"

Another tîngle shoots down my spîne.


Îs all Î can manage to get out.

"Wow îs rîght. You come a lot, sweetpea."

"How can you be so casual about thîs?"

Î express my amazement.

Î thought Î was only the second person she's gîven a blowjob to.

She's very good at ît.

"Well Î've been thînkîng about doîng ît before. Ît was just a thought though. Let's just say Î've had plenty of tîme to prepare."

Her voîce îs by my ear agaîn.

Î turn my head, grînîng when my lîps brush up agaînst hers.

"You're so sexy, you know that?"

Î whîsper shout.

"Rîght back at ya, tough guy."






He is silent as I run his bath water.

I stand back and silently gush.

He's so huge in the tub.

He just barely fits.

My giant man.

I glance at his dick as I think back to earlier.

It's still hard.

"You're still horny?"

I question, sitting on the edge.

"Well of course it's going to keep popping back up if you keep looking at it."

He says, wiggling his eyebrows.

I can't help but giggle.

He's so goofy.

"I'm glad that you're feeling more comfortable."

I say softly.

He grins.

"I'm so glad that I have you. Jesus Christ, woman. We should be romantic more often if this is what's it's going to lead to."

He drawls.

I roll my eyes, rolling up my pants so that I can stick my feet in the water.

"Is it too hot?"

I ask, dropping in a bath bomb.

"Naw, it's perfect. Get in."

He complains, rubbing my ankle.

"Now you and I both know we can't possibly both fit. You barely can."

I tease.

"You love it."

He teases back.

I bite my lip.

I do.

"Speaking of love..."

He says quietly.

My heart immediately starts to pound.

"Yea? What about it?"

I try to sound normal.

"I've been meaning to tell you..."

He better not.

"I know it's too early to tell for sure or anything..."


I croak.

"I already know that it's going to happen. I just know it will. I will fall in love with you. Not just a little bit, either. I'm talking head over heels. Definitely head over heels. I already like you way more than I should."

He sighs.

A few different emotions flow through my body.

Of course shock is one of them.

All I can think about is all that we've been through.

These past couple of months have been the best months of my life.

I tell him that.

"I can't wait to fall head over heels in love with you too, baby."


His eyes are trained on the water.

I start to feel a little uneasy as he remains silent.

Say something say something.

"Well I'd say that's very fortunate for the both of us then, yeah? At least we know it will happen. We can prepare for it together, yes?"

There is a sloppy grin on his face when he looks up.

The relief is so great that I almost fall on my ass.

He grips my ankle.

"Geez, girl. Don't go trying to die on me."

He chuckles, pushing his hair out of his face.

I just stare at him and try not to cry.

He looks like an absolute angel right now.

So innocent and pure.

He's been through so much, I still can't believe he's in my life.

Just the thought of losing him makes me want to cry and curl up into a ball.

"I hope I never lose you."

He whispers, completely reading my mind.

"Baby, I..."

I can't even get it out.

God I'm so emotional.

"Here, let me hurry up and bathe so we can watch a movie, no?"

He says, reaching for the soap.


"What do you think you're doing?"

I laugh as I peek around the corner and see him dancing lazily to the radio.

"Come lead me, my lady. I know you love to dance."

He drawls, holding out his hand.

"Wrong direction."

I say softly.

Puck screeches in agreement, absentmindedly swinging in his little swing.

He turns immediately.

I grin, taking his hand.

He spins me around slowly then pulls me close.

"You're the best."

I whisper into his shoulder, holding him tightly.

"You're the best right back, sugar."

We don't even move when we hear the door open.

"We're here, put on clothes!"

Ruby and Jenny.

Quincy spins me again and I grin as they walk in and see us swaying to the music.

"We're just goofing around."

He says, resting his chin on my shoulder.

"Aww, look at you guys."

Ruby gushes.

"Good lord, we should start planning the wedding. I feel like a proud mother."

Jenny fans her face.

"My baby."

I sigh, squeezing him.

"Hmm, my lovie."

He grumbles, nibbling on my ear.

I've never been happier.