
(R-18) Sister Princess in Isekai like world.

I always had a wish to have a sister character like those from anime, acting cute and beautiful, loving their brother, and acting with different personalities. Even so, in my former world of Earth, it was difficult to fulfill such a wish, so it was only after my death that I encountered a god who gave me the opportunity to live such a life for his amusement. As a result, after that encounter, my new life began, one that was complicated and full of new twists. I was now the heir to a family that had been cursed by the straightforward curse of not having a boy. However, a happy turn of events resulted in the birth of a boy for their family. Unfortunately, that heir was killed or ought to have passed away from overwork, and I was left to share his fate. Having a system with me! That is!

Shubham_Gosai_0895 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs


Slash! Chop!

Sheath! Unsheathe!

Although Kai had initially underestimated the complexity of mastering the fundamentals of swordsmanship, he couldn't help but feel a surge of satisfaction as he gradually honed his skills.

Each new technique conquered brought a genuine smile to his face, reflecting his growing self-confidence. This feeling of excitement and accomplishment fueled his determination to continue working hard on strengthening his foundation.

As he practiced, Kai noticed that his once slow movements had transformed into controlled actions, executed with precision and subtlety by his well-trained muscles. The fluidity of his swordplay thrilled him, as he realized the progress he was making on his journey.

Kai had developed a keen awareness of his body and muscles during these training sessions, constantly seeking improvement in his understanding and control of his own physicality. "I am becoming faster and more flexible, but there is still an obstacle that eludes me. It must be related to mana projection, without a doubt."

The swordsmanship techniques he had been taught were divided into levels, with the first star level being the most fundamental. It encompassed the movement of the sword and the basic utilization and control of the muscles.

To ascend to the explosive speed and power of the second star tier, one had to master the art of focusing mana throughout their body. This phase of practice was known to be the true test of a magician's swordsmanship, challenging both their willpower and inherent talent.

"Kai!!!" Startled out of his concentration, Kai turned around to find Eliana eagerly waiting for him.

With his training concluded, Kai made his way towards the small gazebo located on the edge of the training center. It had become their daily meeting place, a spot where Eliana had insisted on seeing him each day.

"Thank you, Elli..." Kai's fatigue always seemed to dissipate as he gently patted her tiny head, his gaze filled with warmth and affection. There was something incredibly comforting about this ritual, as if it grounded him and renewed his sense of purpose every morning.

During those moments, Eliana would sport an adorable pout on her lips, but she never withdrew from Kai's gentle touch. Instead, he noticed that she had begun to display a growing reliance on him, becoming increasingly fond and attached.

"Brother, you've been working so diligently every day, and I can clearly see the progress you're making. But why do you seem so restless? I can't quite grasp the reason behind your haste."

Her innocent observation caught Kai off guard, making him pause and contemplate whether he had been rushing his training. After all, it had only been two weeks since he started, and the pace of his advancement was undeniably remarkable.

"You're right, Elli. I suppose I have been overly eager. My aspiration was to attain recognition and skill on par with that of a basic Level 1 Magician Swordsmanship."

They spent a considerable amount of time engaged in conversation before Kai returned to the training grounds.

This time, however, Eliana did not sense the same urgency she had before. She had become accustomed to Kai's composed and deliberate fighting style, finding solace in his calm demeanor.

Another week passed, and on a particular day, Kai found himself waking up earlier than usual due to an invitation from a noble family.

He was requested to visit the Elisteria household, as they were celebrating the 14th birthday of Elisteria Navelhime Rianis, his brother's fiancée and the newest member of the esteemed Silverfold family.

Among the children of noble lineage, Elisteria Navelhime was renowned for her exceptional beauty and talent. She held the second position in these accolades, with only Seraphina, who surpassed her in intelligence, claiming the top spot.

Initially, both Seraphina and Eliana were invited to the grand celebration. However, Seraphina regretfully declined the invitation as she had an important commitment at the institution that demanded her immediate attention.

It was in this context that Seraphina entrusted Kai with the responsibility of representing her, without consulting him beforehand or informing him of the situation. Thus, Kai found himself unexpectedly thrust into the role of Seraphina's proxy, tasked with handling the event on her behalf.

"Big brother, let's go..." Eliana was waiting for Kai when he came out of the mansion, smiling and tugging at his sleeve while standing next to him and giving him a small mischievous grin before hugging his arm.

Kai laughed at the maids and butler, but he was unaffected by it because he could never imagine feeling that way about a little loli like her. His laugh had many different connotations as he observed them. When she turned 15 and had become a wonderful adult, however, it was a different story.

As Kai stepped onto the teleportation circle, a surge of anticipation coursed through his veins.

He could hardly contain his excitement, tinged with a hint of nervousness, as he glanced at his sister, Eliana, her eyes brimming with pride and protectiveness.

Her unwavering support had given him the strength to break free from the confines of their opulent mansion and embark on this journey. It was a milestone, a momentous occasion for both of them.

The carriage whisked them away, its wheels thundering against the cobblestone streets.

Kai tightly held Eliana's hand, feeling a rush of warmth and security even though it was Eliana, who was stronger than him, but mentally wise he knew it was Eliana first time moving out..

After all, after reincarnation, he was not aware about this world custom, along with his previous self was just an odd headed idiot and nothing more. So, it was his sister that gave him the knowledge about this world and all.

As they arrived in front of the guild office, Kai's heart swelled with gratitude for his sister's unwavering love.

Inside the guild hall of Elisteria City, the atmosphere crackled with energy.

The cold winds and salty air mingled, invigorating Kai's senses. The room buzzed with anticipation of the forthcoming event, the party held in honor of Elisteria Navelhime Ria.

Kai marveled at the grandeur of the surroundings, the intricate architecture, and the vibrant tapestries adorning the walls. It was a testament to the prosperity and unity fostered by the connection between the five kingdoms of the Dead End Sea.

Kai's eyes wandered, taking in the grand display of pearl and ruby jewelry that adorned the attendees.

The Navelhime Ria family had earned the lion's share of the kingdom's market, yet it was said that Elisteria herself never adorned any of those exquisite pieces.

Her humility and grace captivated the hearts of the people, even at the most opulent social gatherings. Kai found himself intrigued by the enigma surrounding her, wondering what lay behind that elegant façade.

Lost in thought, Kai's attention was drawn back to Eliana, who gently guided him toward the teleportation circle.

As they vanished from that town, the world around them blurred into a kaleidoscope of colors and sensations. In the blink of an eye, they reappeared in Elisteria, the city that bore the name of the noble family ruling the region.

It was a place where history, elegance, and progress converged, the beacon that connected lands separated by the vast Dead End Sea.

For Kai, the transition was profound. As he inhaled the fresh air, untainted by the pollution of his previous world, a weight seemed to lift from his shoulders.

The clarity of the atmosphere mirrored the newfound clarity in his mind. It was as if the very essence of the city breathed life into his dreams, reminding him of the possibilities that lay ahead.

"It's breathtaking, isn't it?" Eliana whispered, her voice filled with a mix of admiration and satisfaction. "This is only the beginning, Kai. The world is vast, and it's yours to explore."

Kai nodded, a smile gracing his lips. "I couldn't have done it without you, Eliana. Thank you for believing in me."

Eliana's eyes sparkled with pride as she embraced her brother. "You have always been capable of great things, Kai. Today, the world will witness the brilliance that lies within you."

As they stepped into the bustling streets of Elisteria, the anticipation grew, mingling with a sense of wonder and determination.

Kai's journey had just begun, and with his sister by his side, he was ready to conquer whatever lay in his path, weaving his own tale of courage, discovery, and the power of human connection.
