
Taking the Oni Down

Kana looked through the files received from the accountant designating this year's budget as she rubbed her temple with other hand and sighed lightly.

The position of being the Principal of the school really wasn't kind to her at all. She really missed being a language teacher in the school.

Dropping those documents on the table in front of her, she relaxed on her chair and enjoyed the cool air of the air conditioner flowing past the nape of her neck.

"If the salary wasn't so good, I really wouldn't go through all this!"

As a normal civilian, she could only find jobs other than being a Pro-hero. Though, she had a strong quirk, she didn't like being a hero.

Kana has always been true to her thoughts and she really didn't know if she could also create a sense of justice inside her heart.

Unlike others, she was slightly selfish.

Who isn't selfish in this world?

With such a high competition in every field, if you aren't slightly selfish, you will end up getting used and exploited.

But such selfishness cannot be shown in the Profession of Pro-Heroes. After all, there is a glaring section in the contract that actually defines the word 'Selfish' behaviour by stating that a Pro-hero cannot ignore the summons of Hero Association in face of threat above Demon-level.

In essence, all that section meant was that if the Hero Association wants you as cannon fodder in face of immeasurable threat, you cannot refuse it and have to go forward.

If not for various incentives and high salary, most people wouldn't have ended up as Pro-Heroes but simple civilians with extraordinary quirks, just like Kana.

Closing her eyes, she slowly pushed back on her chair, making it rise from the front as she played the balance with the chair.




She almost lost her balance. Slowly sitting back down, she sighed lightly and answered.

"Come in."


The door opened, revealing a young boy with spiky and unruly light brown hair.

"Ma'am, you wanted me to meet you?"

Rito came in and asked in confusion.

Due to all the paperwork, she actually forgot about Rito completely. Sighing and placing her hand on her temple, she took out the front page of a newspaper and showed it to Rito.

The Headline read:

"A Mid-schooler tried to commit suicide! Shocking Revelation!"

Seeing his own image on the newspaper, he almost coughed out blood.

Kana looked at his expression and sighed.

"You're not the only one. Look at this."

She placed another front page on top of his news.

"Strong Quirk in wrong hands! A student loses control once more!"

Seeing the image of a boy with a head belonging to a black bird, Rito frowned slightly.

"Isn't he one of the first years? I think he is in 1-C."

Rito spoke and looked at Kana, waiting for her to speak her piece of mind.

Kana nodded and looked at Rito.

"According to your statement to the police, you said that you weren't in control of your body and had also lost your consciousness before the accident occurred, correct?"

"Yes, but how do you know that, Ma'am. Police statements cannot be disclosed to third parties."

He looked at Kana strangely.

"I have my connections."

She replied plainly.

"The same thing happened to Tokoyami Fumikage as he fell unconscious while his sentient quirk started to rampage."

Kana spoke and placed a passport-sized photograph of a brown-haired girl with cyan green eyes.

"According to her, she also lost her consciousness just after getting out of the Grocery Store while you saved her, is that correct?"

"Yeah, but even with your connections, you shouldn't have been able to get Megumi's statement, after all, this happened last night."

Rito spoke and his looks turned even more strange.

"As I said, I have my ways."

She spoke and suppressed her headache. Not only did she have to go through all the paperwork, but the use of the quirk also put a tremendous pressure on her head.

After all, even though she has a strong quirk, she hasn't trained it because of her job as a teacher. It wasn't like she needed to use her quirk for a living like Pro-Heroes.

Taking a deep breath, she spoke once again.

"Yuuki Rito, you are not the only student I have called here. Amano Megumi was also brought here and I even paid Fumikage Tokoyami a visit to the hospital. The reason I have called you is to personally caution you and also apologise for not being able to fulfil my duty as a Principal."

She stood up and bowed lightly, greatly surprising Rito.

"As the head of the school, I couldn't even visit you when you were in the hospital. Even though I had my reasons, it is still inexcusable. My Apologies."

She spoke calmly but her head was already buzzing. She shouldn't have stood up so quickly!

"Ah, Please don't bow. Really, It wasn't much of a trouble and I also had a chance to relax in the hospital."

He quickly spoke and his respect for the Principal grew to another level.

Everyone in the school knew about Kojima Kana's history.

Being an exemplary language teacher, she not only taught well but also nurtured the students. Taking her job seriously and gaining respect from those around her, she was quickly promoted to the position of the Principal after the previous one retired.

Not only that, but her qualifications were also outstanding and if she wanted to, she would've been able to become a lecturer in one of the Top universities of the nation.

Of course, her name truly spread after she stated in one of her interviews:

"The reason I am a teacher in middle school is to guide the students when they need it the most. I know my limits and cannot teach Elementary School because of my impatience, but I have only one dream and that is to reduce the future possibilities of young and aspirant students from turning into villains or mysterious creatures."

"Alright, you can go—"

Before she could complete her sentence, she finally felt her consciousness turn hazy and the internal fluids of her brain turned chaotic. This was the side-effects of her quirks. Even though these side-effects can be minimised by various devices and training, Kana had neither of those.

"Ah, Principal!"

Being a kind-hearted boy, Rito immediately jumped past the table and caught her but all of this only created a base for his evil natured quirk.

Luck Fall!

The moment he caught Kana by her waist, her legs slipped slightly, making her weight shift and caused Rito to fall on top of her.

As if controlled by a mysterious energy, his hand immediately slipped through her shirt as they unbuttoned themselves and grabbed onto the soft mounds that could battle with Tearju's on equal grounds.

Meanwhile, his other hand slipped under her skirt and reached out for her lacy white panties and came into contact with soft petals that were covered by the thin fabric of her underwear.

But this time, the quirky luck fall topped all its previous uses as Rito found his face dangerously close to Kana's and felt a pair of soft lips touching against his causing his eyes to widen.

Meanwhile, Kana also came to be and her eyes widened in shock.

But the feeling of shock only lasted for a moment and panic emerged in her heart and a horn started to manifest on her forehead, causing her a terrible headache, making her expression pained.

Meanwhile, Rito slightly felt that he had really screwed up this time.


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