

Why is it so...dark?,I...died? who...was I?...oh I remember

My name is Mikage Nagisa, I was born in Japan, I'm 27 years old, I have long black hair that hasn't been cut for a while, I'm not too short or too tall at around 1.75m, and I have a delicate face, these are my best features. remarkable, I also have a younger brother, I was born into a stable family, I was always one of those prodigies who can do everything the first time, that seems good, right?

but that was my Achilles heel, I was bullied for being better than most, and that's why they got together to beat me, my name didn't help either, nor did my appearance, an effeminate name with a delicate face perfect for a bully.

I was bullied since elementary school but it got worse in high school, a pain in the ass, I started doing exercises to defend myself as well as martial arts classes like judo, karate, aikido, kung fu and boxing as I learned so many martial arts in such a short time. ? Like I said, I'm a one in a billion prodigy, I just had to see once and I'd learn

Martial arts helped me at the beginning, but when I defeated them one day, the next day the numbers multiplied and they started hitting me with iron clubs, I may be a martial artist but I'm still a human being, but That didn't last long

With the beatings I ended up becoming a paraplegic, of course that wouldn't hinder my promising future if I kept my head up, which was something that didn't happen, I stopped going to school for fear of something worse happening, I didn't get to the point of being reclusive but I ended up because I have a small social phobia and I was also almost inexpressible

I ended up having several hobbies or pastimes, for example, I was a professional at chess, I got addicted to solving puzzles, I even solved police cases as an anonymous detective, like L, but these hobbies were only until I got bored and moved on to the next one.

Over time I started to lose interest in looking for hobbies I started taking online courses and classes as a way of passing time to kill boredom I took several courses such as psychology, economics, physics, medicine, engineering but I lost interest, so I tried to learn languages I learned six languages: Japanese, English, Korean, German, Spanish and French, that is, I am a polyglot but I lost interest again

until I found the last hobby I was interested in before I died, animes, games, mangas, and novels, in other words, I became an otaku at the end of my life

but even though I spent my whole life at my parents' house, they never complained or evicted me because I was paraplegic and also because I ended up being the family's breadwinner, as I said, I took an economics course along with my natural intelligence and my analytical reasoning, investing in shares on the stock market I ended up tripling our income, enough to live a peaceful life for the rest of my life

Even my father died due to health problems, after his death my mother became depressed and committed suicide, this affected me, perhaps I had suffered a trauma, I started to think it was my fault for not knowing how to deal with this situation even though I had a doctorate in psychology, I started blaming myself until my younger brother consoled me

He asked me what I was going to do now that I was going to live alone, I had no plans for that but I left half of the income from the shares in the hands of my brother since he had a wife and a son

Unlike me, who had no one else, he asked me to live with him but I refused. He had a family and I felt like I would be a burden on them.

but how did I die? well my death wasn't heroic or I was run over or something, in fact I was burned to death, the neighbor's house started to catch fire because of a gas leak

and it ended up causing a fire that ended up reaching my house, I was in the kitchen when it happened, I couldn't escape in time because of my disability, the ceiling started to collapse and I started to feel dizzy because of smoke inhalation and I passed out

Now I'm in this dark void, will my brother be okay ? He will blame himself for not convincing me to live with him, our family fell apart in just a year, I really wasn't lucky

really ridiculous, even though I was born with a gift that people would die for, I completely wasted it, I could have had a better life if I hadn't been content with enough, if I had been more ambitious

If I had one more chance, if I hadn't wasted my talent, if I had tried harder, would it be different?

If I have one more chance, I would be the most ambitious, I will only aim for the top

I stopped rambling when I felt a light surround me, I closed my eyes out of reflex but after a while I started to hear voices and then I started to open my eyes out of curiosity but I saw a

Wooden ceiling nothing like Japanese architecture or a hospital that would be the most logical thing to think, so... where am I?